I Find NY Post Cartoon Insensitive, If Not Downright Offensive

by snowbird 45 Replies latest social current

  • snowbird

    I'm going to join in the mass e-mailing campaign.


  • SixofNine

    me too.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Nowhere in the cartoon does it identify the chimp as Obama.

    Why do liberals see chimps and think "Obama"?

  • Nellie

    Nathan - Are you serious? No where in the cartoon does it identify the man holding the gun as a police officer, but that has been widely reported too! On the off chance that you're not just looking for a reaction and in case you haven't been following the news (and you're from Washington no less), President Obama has been working on and just signed the stimulus bill. The inference is clear!

  • BurnTheShips

    Sauce for the goose?

  • BurnTheShips
  • ex-nj-jw


    Just in case you live in a cave let me enlighten you! There is a long history in America of African Americans being called and compared to monkeys, as stated above President Obama just signed the stimulus bill so you put the two together.

    The "cartoon" is insensitive and down right disrepectful of President Obama as well as all African Americans. This it they type of crap that keeps racisism alive and well in USofA.


  • tenyearsafter

    Maybe I am not racist enough to connect the dots to Obama...

    My first impression of that cartoon is the satiric connection between the chimp that went crazy in Connecticut and a Congress that went crazy writing and rushing the stimulus (spending) package.

    Now, whether the cartoon is on the tasteless side is another subject all together...

  • ex-nj-jw

    Hey burns,

    Didn't your mother ever tell you that two wrongs don't make a right? But then again I don't expect anything different from you, you are still sucking on those sour grapes.

    Even if the President was able, by some miracle to turn the US around (in the few short weeks he's been in office) you still would find fault.


  • JimmyPage

    Holy crap I can't believe this ever got printed! Even if it wasn't intentionally racist, which I find impossible to believe, the mere idea that people could possibly take it that way should be enough for an editor to say, "No way are we printing this!" Comparing George W to a monkey never risked racial inferences, only questions of his intelligence. This cartoon obviously makes you think the artist would love to see Obama assassinated because he's black. There's no getting around it, period!

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