It's ok to use the services of the police, but not ok to be a police officer.
It's ok to take blood fractions, but not ok to donate blood to provide blood fractions.
there's a lot.
one that i just don't understand is that no one should hold hands during a prayer.. where the hell do they come up with these rules??
It's ok to use the services of the police, but not ok to be a police officer.
It's ok to take blood fractions, but not ok to donate blood to provide blood fractions.
when i was a kiddo growing up, i wasn't one of those that we all heard at assemblies giving their experiences... "here, let me show you the answer from the bible..." <reaching into their a** bringing out a bible>.
no, i would sit there in the audience, and think... that person has balls to do that.. when i went to grade school, i tried to keep as low of a profile as possible.
it was bad enough that i had to start the day by not saying the pledge of allegience like all the other school kids.
My most embarrassing moment was being in the D2D work, and a girl who I had a huge crush on answered the door. If I could have died right then and there, I would have! I was always embarrassed to admit I was a JW...I usually said I was a Christian.
a group of seniors from a baptist church were on their way back from gatlinburg va. where they had preached to the locals.
their bus blew a tire and veered into traffic catching fire in the accident.
8 people died and 14 others were injured.. how do people of faith come to terms with those considered faithful meeting such a tragic end and causing the deaths and injury of others.. ap news service.
To quote an oft used term..."Time and unforeseen occurences"
just wondering if your name describes what you saw, how you were treated when you were "in" or now "out", maybe your personality, ect.... i'm label licker and the why i picked this name was because of all the licking up one side of elders and down the other to either be an elder or ministerial servant.
one time i was standing right in front of this brother who wasn't made an ms yet and he totally ignored me and talked right over my head speaking really loud trying to catch the co's attention.. got sick of watching the poor elderly sitting all alone or standing against the wall like a wall flower with noone to talk to and yet all these label lickers would take turns picking up the elders elderly parents and take them shopping and do their groceries at least four times a week while out in service, yet, there was noone there to take a meal to a sister who just got out of the hospital with a heart attack.
when i had shown up at her apartment with a meal she asked if i could wash her private and change her bandages.
At the time I picked the name, it referred to my time already out of the JW's, and it was also one of my favorite groups of the 60's...their performance of "Im Going Home" at Woodstock was one of the most impressive of the festival!
i finally got caught up with it on netflix, and now it's ending.. predictions for sunday night's finale?
i find myself not really caring what happens to walt.
but i'm definitely rooting for something good to happen to jesse, anything at all..
I guess we will never know about Jesse SBF...I think the only spin off is supposed to be a prequel with Saul Goodman. I think the ending was pretty clear when the cops walked around Walt's body lying on the ground, but you are right, the episode never said he was dead...just alluded to it.
i finally got caught up with it on netflix, and now it's ending.. predictions for sunday night's finale?
i find myself not really caring what happens to walt.
but i'm definitely rooting for something good to happen to jesse, anything at all..
I saw the post-show called "Talking Bad" with Vince Gilligan, and he confirmed that Walt died in the end...and it was the wound he received at the Nazi house that did him in. I think the final scene in the meth lab was WW's last look at what he thought of as his crowning achievement...I thought they wrapped the show up nicely.
this is how i imagine it can work: the baptized jw first gets the elders to acknowledge in written form that his previous baptism was in fact null and void.
* then later, coming close to baptism - preferably, the day of rebaptism - he changes his mind about being rebaptized (maybe he says no or remains silent when the questions are being asked, with this being video recorded).
so legally, he never was a legitimately baptized jw and therefore should not be anounced as "bro.
Interesting thought, but I doubt it would would still be shunned if you "turned your back" on re-baptism.
with the watchtower having a 25million monthly print, here is the breakdown.
1 tree will make 8,333 sheets of paper.
each watchtower, atleast the last i had, had around 16 sheets.
They are helping in the natural order of thinning the forests to encourage new growth...I thought EVERYONE knew that!
i don't know if this has any legal implications:.
since the identities of the individual members of the governing body have been publicly confirmed (not that we didn't know that before) can that open the way for direct lawsuits to be leveled against members?.
for instance are there any laws in the usa that would open the way for geoffrey jackson to be targetted by the lawsuits from child abuse or no blood transfusion deaths?.
It is typical practice in US lawsuits to name EVERYONE, including "John Does"...if nothing else, it forces those individuals to answer the lawsuit. Unfortunately, I suspect that any GB member would get represented by the Legal Department at the WTS. I am not sure who handles and pays for legal defense in cases like the Candace Conti suit...does anyone know?
so my wife is aware that i am totally disillusioned and i am having problems with lots of things.
one day she can see the crap(such as this past watchtower question from readers about ivf... what a pile of insanity.
if someone carries me and my wifes baby i have committed porneia rofl!!!
I would take the IVF discussion a step further...wasn't Mary artificially inseminated to become pregnant with Jesus?
26 In her* sixth month the angel Ga′bri·el+ was sent forth from God to a city of Gal′i·lee named Naz′a·reth, 27 to a virgin promised in marriage to a man named Joseph of David’s house; and the name of the virgin+ was Mary.*+ 28 And when he went in before her he said: “Good day,+ highly favored one, Jehovah*+ is with you.”+ 29 But she was deeply disturbed at the saying and began to reason out what sort of greeting this might be. 30 So the angel said to her: “Have no fear, Mary, for you have found favor+ with God; 31 and, look! you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son,+ and you are to call his name Jesus.*+ 32 This one will be great+ and will be called Son of the Most High;+ and Jehovah* God will give him the throne+ of David his father,+ 33 and he will rule as king over the house of Jacob forever, and there will be no end of his kingdom.”+ 34 But Mary said to the angel: “How is this to be, since I am having no intercourse+ with a man?” 35 In answer the angel said to her: “Holy spirit+ will come upon you, and power of the Most High will overshadow you. For that reason also what is born will be called holy,+ God’s Son.
Obviously, becoming pregnant by means other than intercourse was ok in the case of for thought.
If I really want to stretch, wouldn't a woman having a pelvic exam be guilty of "loose conduct" under the WT definition? After all, it is willingly allowing the touching of private parts...and if you get the exam on an annual basis, it would be considered practicing loose conduct...time for a JC!