Goat-weed in the wild
JoinedPosts by tenyearsafter
Interestingly disturbing!
by DS211 ini work in the medical field and every 2 years i need 24 hours if continuing education to stay licensed.
my deadline is coming up and i am taking the classes this week and next week.
heres the thing, i scheduled them both on sundays and ive procrastinated over this two year renewal period.
I think Blondie is spot on! My ex went ballistic when I stepped down from any "responsibilities" in the congregation. It was as if I torpedoed her plans for being an elder's wife or more. I guess that is why she is the ex...status and perception were more important than marriage!
P.S. - She ended up getting remarried to a guy who was doing substitute CO duty, with hopes of getting "promoted" to full time CO...it isn't hard to see what was important to her. I guess ambitious career climbing comes in all forms!
Where you the door knocker encourager in your congregation?
by jam into be honest i figured until i received some pleasure, enjoyment.
in waking people up on their day off, there was no way i was going.
to pressure anyone else to do the same.
SFPW...this might help you understand why "life-saving work" needs to be done in the most urgent and efficient way...
This is a long post, but I think illustrates what BB is saying...I can't remember who originally posted this, so I apologize for the lack of credit:
Hypothetical Scenario
You are a City Manager in a major metropolitan city with a population of 3,000,000.
One day when you come into work at 9:00 AM you are horrified to receive an anonymous message that a group of terrorists have put a poison into the City’s water supply located 10 miles from the City limits.
This chemical is extremely dangerous and will result in a painful death for any one that drinks the water. However rather than panic, you take some time and order your water treatment lab to test and confirm or deny that the system has been compromised. The tests come back positive. The tests show that you have somewhere between 6 and 20 hours before the poison reaches the City.
Immediately you realize that you have to warn the entire population of your City before it is too late and there are massive losses.
How do you inform the public? At your disposal are the entire City Staff numbering 3,000 which gives you a ratio of 1:1,000 people in the city. You also have the following ways of reaching people.
- Radio
- Television
- Telephone
- Internet
- Billboards
- Postal Service
- Door to Door
- PA systems on the Police Cars
Question: In view of the seriousness of the situation and the amount of time remaining, which methods of informing people will you use?
Your message is simple and to the point, “The water system has been compromised, to avoid death, please do not drink the water.”
A competent City Manager would assess the situation, and immediately mobilize his people. He would use all available methods of communication focusing on the ones that would be most effective with the goal of reaching as many as possible. He does this for the following reasons:
- He has a moral obligation to warn people to protect them from certain death
- He has knowledge that there is limited time to warn them
What would you think of a City Manager who had this knowledge of an imminent disaster and instead of focusing his efforts on broadcasting the warning through the television, internet, telephone etc. he instructs his 3,000 employees to each go to 1,000 doors to warn people? Even though he knows that most people are not at their houses but are instead at work, or shopping, or school? If each employee was able to knock on a door every 7 minutes, it will take him 116 hours to complete this door to door assignment once.
As Witnesses we are taught that we have life saving information and that the end is going to come at anytime. Adjectives that are used frequently when describing the nearness of the worldwide disaster are “imminent”, “shortly”, “soon”. The only hope that people have for salvation is through heeding the warnings that are given. We have divine knowledge that must reach the ears of everyone on earth.
If the Governing Body was truly convinced themselves of the impending disaster and the fact that the end is “imminent” would they not focus their efforts in spreading the message through effective means such as telephone, television, internet, social networks etc? Instead direction is given that the primary method of spreading the warning message is through calling at empty houses repeatedly.
The Apostles and Christians in the first century used the most effective methods possible to preach, including speaking in the synagogues, in the marketplaces, and in people’s homes. They also wrote letters and forwarded the letters on to others. That was the extent of technology at that time, and they used it effectively. However technology has dramatically changed in the last 100 years let alone the last 2000 years. Why is it that as Witnesses we are instructed not to use the Internet, or email, or social networks or the television to preach the warning? Telephone or letter witnessing is allowed but only as a small part of our ministry.
It is conservative to estimate that around 50% of the ones baptized are children who have been raised in the truth and do not require preaching to from door to door. It now takes almost 11,000 man hours of the house to house ministry to get an interested person to baptism. If “Joe” publisher went house to house on average 10 hrs a month, it will take him 91 years to get a student to the point of being baptized. Statistically it is impossible since we live to 70- or 80 years old.
This highlights how ineffective door to door is as a means of warning people about an impending disaster. Despite these odds why do we continue to maintain that the house to house ministry is the most effective method? The data does not support the claim.
Each Witness records his or her time and obediently submits it to the Branch every month. It is clear that the effort is what is valued, and not the results. An analogy that might be made is by imagining that you work at a gravel plant. Your job is to make gravel and the way that you do it and have always done it is by smashing rocks with a hammer. Even though machines have been invented to efficiently crush gravel by the ton at a high production rate, your boss tells you, “Ignore that machine”, “Keep using that hammer, it is the best way to make gravel.” Each time you go in service and call at an empty house, remember you are crushing rocks with a hammer.
My conclusion with these things in mind is I don’t feel that the Governing Body themselves are convinced that the end is imminent and that we as Witnesses carry a life saving message. If they were convinced that time is reduced and that people’s lives are on the line they would give direction that other methods be used to actually reach people with the warning.
Blood sausage
by stillin inwhile visiting our neighbors across the pond, i visited a butcher store to rustle up something for supper.
that was the first time i had ever seen blood sausage.
we just never see it over here in the states.. when a witness leaves the organization over there, do they all eat blood sausage once again?
I am a pretty adventurous eater, but blood sausage grosses me out...the metallic taste of blood sticks in my mind, and I can't get past it!
What would you do?
by KariOtt ini went to my 1st apointment with my surgeon today.
my scheduled apointment was at 10:30am.
my primary care doctor made the apointment over a week ago.
I once mentioned to the staff at a doctor's office that I would be sending them a bill for my time based on a bungled appointment. The look on the receptionist's face was worth the wait! You would have thought I just shat in their waiting room!
Disfellowshipped but still forced to pay maintenance or alimony
by Markw1509 incan i ask for your opinion?
i have been disfellowshipped and divorced for a few years.
my ex-wife and my daughter have cut off all contact from me.
Justitia Themis - In California, if you have been married over 10 years, you are still subject to open-ended spousal support, regardless of who filed. It is based on income, and the higher earner will pay the the lower or non-earner. CA uses a progam, called Dissomaster, that calculates support in a dispassionate, automated way. This spousal support typically doesn't end until the the receiving spouse re-marries or dies. This is in addition to the 50-50 property split that is automatic in a community property state like CA. You might be able to exclude property you brought in to the marriage, but good luck with that...CA is such a liberal state they will typically rule co-mingling of property after a period of time, and include it as community property. I know this from personal experience, and I am not unique. My best friend's wife cheated on him, divorced him, and he ended up paying her $7000 a month in alimony and child support. After taxes and support payments, he was left to live on less than $1000 a month...love the fairness there! I was in a similar boat, but my ex had the decency to remarry and that stopped the alimony. My child support was half of my total payments, and I gladly paid that for my kids and more.
MikeW - I am sorry I digressed, but I am still a bit bitter over the divorce laws here in CA. My ex had no problem taking my money, and in fact, wanted more! The only time she talked to me was when she wanted something. I don't think that type of behavior is unique to JW's...most estranged couples have that type of relationship. Even though I have tremendous empathy for you, I don't see where being DF'ed and shunned has any bearing on whether your ex should accept your money. I would have fought the withholding of contact with your daughter...that is despicable on your ex's part, and I would have gone to court to fight any effort to keep my kids from me. I hope things improve for you, and you can get this behind you and reconcile with your daughter. I never even think of the ex any longer, and my kids and I have a great relationship, so there is hope!
In Response to a Dare from Besty, Dagney and Aude
by DNCall inhttp://s1123.photobucket.com/user/dncall/media/photo.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0.
besty made a business trip to california last week.
naturally, i had to get together with him.
Great picture...DNC, we are back in So CA the 7th-11th...any free evenings?...email me if yes.
What are the buzz words or trigger for JWs?
by UBM101 ini read steve hassan's book and he mentioned about buzz words or triggers that call out the cult personality of a victim of mind controlling cult.
when you were in, what triggered you?.
happifying...evidently...Man of Lawlessness...Faithful and Discreet Slave...bless you...good luck...spiritually weak
by DATA-DOG inso...the wife wants to go to new york.
she wants to visit the holy land and see the new bible museum.
( sorry, trying not to vomit..) do you have any idea what it costs to fly to ny and get a room?
Look on the bright side...NYC is a great place with lots of fantastic restaurants, theaters and "worldly" museums...just plan those in along the way!
by DATA-DOG inso...the wife wants to go to new york.
she wants to visit the holy land and see the new bible museum.
( sorry, trying not to vomit..) do you have any idea what it costs to fly to ny and get a room?
D-D...give them time!! Maybe they will start selling "Theocratic" candles to burn as well...