I posted the following in another thread:
I think the key to deciding on a spiritual path is to first acknowledge that there is NO PERFECT CHURCH! I know this may seem a bit simplistic, but the reality for ex-JW's is that we have always lived in a world of absolutes while in the WTS. This mindset makes it VERY difficult to even consider associating with another religion because it will automatically cause a mental conflict with the absolutes of belief that we lived under as JW's. As LWT mentions, most churches do not require absolute adherence to church dogma...there is no one policing of your thoughts or bringing you up before a judicial body for judgement. The key point taught in Christian churches, as an example, is the need for a personal relationship with Jesus and a fellowship with other believers. Beyond that, people take many other paths within the church. As Talesin points out, you may want to voluteer your time in some type of service to others...or you may want to work as lay teacher. Nothing is carved in stone.
If we are looking for perfection in this world, we will never find it, be it in the WTS, other churches or in non-religious pursuits. Life is limited by the imperfection of long as we accept that, it makes other choices both easier to make and accept.
I too have struggled with some of the questions you are wrestling with. My wife really brought clarity to me on the subject when she pointed out that we live in an imperfect world, and as a result we will NEVER find the perfect church, organization or philosophy. Thus it becomes a search for the ideal place for you to pursue your spiritual path. If you are a believer in Jesus and the Bible, find a church that allows you to ask questions, think for yourself and avoid high control organizations. Many on this Board have embraced atheism or a form of agnosticism...I still choose to believe in God, but I can understand how others can't as a result of the intolerant and high control tactics they were subjected to while JW's.
I wish you well in your search...the best advice I can give is to follow your heart.