SFPW...thank you for your thoughts on Matthew 24, but I am still a bit unclear as to why this particular parable (Matthew 24:45) should be accepted as literal when the others were parables for illustration of a specific point that Jesus was teaching on. While the signs of the end of this system may have a dual fulfillment (some biblical scholars feel it only had a 1st Century fulfillment), I don't see the direct connection to the FDS. I don't know that I agree with you on the "unprecedented" instances of famine, earthquakes and war occuring in the last 100 years...we can't forget that over 25% of the world's population died during the Black Plague in the 14th Century, the conquest of the Americas (15th Century) claimed as many lives as WWI, the China famines of the 19th Century claimed 45MM+ people, the earthquake in Shensi, China in the 1500's claimed the most lives (800,000+) of any earthquake in history...so we have evidence of these tragedies happening throughout years since Jesus' warning in Matthew.
I have trouble getting my arms around the self appointment of the GB as the FDS. If it could be explained to me, using the Bible, I would gladly accept it and acknowledge the error of my ways. Unfortunately, I have never seen anything shown to me from the Bible to that fact...just the statements by the self appointed FDS that they are what Jesus speaks of at Matthew 24:45. I am being sincere in asking for that biblical proof, and not just being contentious. If you can point me to the proof scriptures I would be grateful.
I agree with you that the WTS was "aggressive" in pointing to specific dates as being the start of the end times. Regardless of whether they specifically said, "this is the date", they certainly alluded to that as a fact. Having been a JW during that time (I was baptized in 1967), I can assure you that the reality of 1975 was VERY real to the great majority of JW's during that time. I personally saw the aftermath of financial and spiritual bankruptcy with many JW's who you describe as "self victims"...whether they brought it on themselves or not, the WTS's actions during that time were tantamount to a bystander yelling "jump" at a suicidal person standing on a building ledge.