I have seen the JWs do the same thing here inside the local mall. They were dressed just as they usually dress for FS though. I can't imagine JWs letting their representatives man the table in jeans and tank tops.
JoinedPosts by FormerOne
Kmart Card Table Time..Same as Door to Door?
by Andee inquestion for the panel, please?.
at my local kmart there is always a jw table set up.
i dont get close enough to actually see what literature is set on the table but close enough to view the free bible study sign prominently displayed in the midst of books, etc.. generally, this card table is manned by two or three young women.
Mountains out of Molehills--JW Parents!!!
by LDH inin view of the mood on the board today, i'll try to make at least some of you laugh with a memory i had this morning...... i'm driving the kid to school, and she sees a vanity plate that says "jericho.
" "mom, was jericho a person or a place?".
I still remember getting "counseled" by my mother when she overheard me whistling an old patriotic song ("Over There" for those of you who might remember that one).
Oh, if she could here me now helping my daughter learn the "Star Spangled Banner"!
What should be on a JW.com T-Shirt?
by TR inhere's some ideas:.
i lost my religion at jw.com!.
jw.com- cult busters!.
Just had to share...I donated blood for the first time this weekend. It was easy, painless, and I felt really good afterward. Knowing I may have helped save somebody's life is a good feeling!
Oh, what would my JW relatives think of me now!
Letter writing
by larc infolks,.
i have some thoughts on letters written to jws about problems in the organization.
it seems to me that many letters that i have read here are way to long and to fully docuemented.
Excellent post! I agree with your suggestions. The hardest part about writing to a friend or relative is being logical. Our emotions tend to take over and we want to pour out every bit of knowledge we've come upon.
I agree with you that many of the letters I've read, while providing excellent information, would generally be discarded by a hard-headed JW. Writing in the manner you've suggested, where you're asking for their 'help' in a confusing manner may be just enough to "plant a seed" (to use the JW's own overly used expression) in their head.
Thanks for the suggestions!
more made up experiences forwarded to me
by DIM inhere is another report from g-zero for our brothers subscribed to our jw .
> newsgroup.
> from brother dunne's newsletter, we at bethel read the following: .
Oh yeah, those fire fighters and police officers would rather listen to a couple of old people babbling than go check out the president of the US? I don't think so!
From the Watchtower Oct 1, 2002
by biblexaminer inwe read from the oct 1, 2002 watchtower.
pioneering a way of life.
in these last days, as we draw ever closer to armageddon, we realize just how important the imminent approach of armageddon makes the preaching work.
So what they're saying is that you should no longer hold a job? These people were out working to pay for homes, clothes, food for their families? Instead they should have been out preaching at 8:45 a.m.? I'd like to read the rest of this article!
Public Reproof will be made as scheduled.
by badwillie ini want to let all of you know that we have decided not to contest the elders decision to publicly reprove us tonight.
after a lot of thought, we feel in the long run that by letting this go ahead it will only make the elders and the organization look guilty, not us.. the elders have basically ordered us not to talk about what our "crime" is with anyone.
so we have decided that we will tell others what our crime was not, i.e.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife today. I can imagine this day is seeming to be one of the longest of your lives right about now.
In reading the above posts, I have to focus on JT's words. He makes some VERY good points. There is a lot of emotion involved in this situation and you must be careful not to let the emotional issues cloud the logical issues.
One of the most powerful ex-JW stories I remember reading was that of an elder who finally "saw the light", but took a very long time to actually leave the organization because he wanted to save not just himself but his family as well. By laying low and planting small seeds of 'truth' in the minds of his family, he was able to leave the organization with, I believe, his wife and children. What a blessing for all of them!
So, it makes me wonder...A public reproof will not restrict others in the congregation from speaking with you/associating with you. In fact, many will try to give you encouragement in the days and weeks ahead. Rather than making a grand exit tonight, letting people know it's your last, might it be a wise choice to hold your head high, act as if this is 'Jehovah's will', and then use any opportunities you can to discuss the situation with others in the congregation?
Perhaps if you air your concerns about WHY the elders chose this course, some will have their eyes opened to the true nature of the organization.
I know you've got lots of different opinions being thrown at you right now. I'm sure if you and your wife consider all things carefully and pray to God for direction, you'll be happy with your decision. Just remember, it's YOUR future that's at stake, nobody else's. As long as YOU are happy with your course of action, it doesn't matter what others think.
Just remember, there are many here who will be with you in spirit tonight!
Years in v. Years Out
by Billygoat ini'd like to find out how many years collectively we have acquired in the wts.
please list how many years you were/have been a jw.
please also list how many years you have been out.
Years IN: 17
Years OUT: 9In answer to Harmony's question below, I was "raised" in it from the time I was 8. Glad to be free!
NEWS: I am publicly reproved over UN situation.
by badwillie inmy wife and i met with 3 elders for a "judicial hearing".. our crime: simply put, was talking.
i showed a friend the un website where the wts was listed as an ngo which then led to a 2 hour discussion of various doubts that we both have had.
my wife also showed a friend the un thing but also discussed with her a first hand account of a pedophile cover-up that we knew about in our former congregation.
When I read your post, my first thought was "Why not tell the SOBs off, let them DF you and be done with it", however, for the sake of the family you have left, you've probably done the right thing.
I wish you the best. I sincerely hope your wife will continue to see the foolishness of this decision and join you as you 'slip out'.
I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunities to talk to others as they stick their noses in to try and get the 'dirt' on what happened to you. With carefully selected words and a factual accounting of exactly what transpired, who knows how many you might be able to help.
Good luck to you!