It sounds like a DA by the WT from JW...any problems don't sue WTS sue the JW, we are no longer associated with the WT.
It all has to do with money, and I smell a rotten fish here.
is the watch tower name going away?
i'm seeing more use of the "jehovah's witnesses" name where the watch tower name once was such as the sponsors of the summer conventions.
is this new, or am i just noticing it?
It sounds like a DA by the WT from JW...any problems don't sue WTS sue the JW, we are no longer associated with the WT.
It all has to do with money, and I smell a rotten fish here.
i can confirm (as there seems to be some doubt) at the service meeting last night during the item about the new watchtower, a letter was read by the po.
the public talk is to be 30 minutes long.
this is to allow for more association and ministry.. lengthy negative introductions about the state of the system of things/deep last days etc are to be heavily curtailed.
Sunday ministry?
trueeeeeeeeeee just laughable, maybe there trying to get the families to go our witnessing instead of spending time together..........
i remember a topic a couple months ago, something about whether the gb actually believed in what they taught.
other topics have been similar lately, and today i noticed the topic about google 'proving' that the wts deliberately lies.
but is it deliberate?
They should be totally transparent when it comes to reporting what is done with the hard earned money of the rank and file members.
They are political and whole organization of congregations are their subjects, not much different than any government (GB) arrangment except they use Jehovahs name.
just like the wts, the mormons (okay, the "church of jesus christ of latter-day saints," hey look, a religion with even less talent at picking a name than the jw's) hide their net worth.
nobody knows how much money they have, though estimates go as high as 30 billion usd.. .
well, this guy in portland is suing them for (what else) pastoral pedophilia, and part of the discussion of damages, the plaintiff argues, is the revelation of how much money the church has.
I have my suspicions about what the tower has been doing with their loot. Was told by PO that the tower bought a printer a few years ago (oh and the end is coming) worth approximately 1billion dollars, it makes me think that the tower is worried about having to much $ in the bank in case of more child abuse claims, we know they have paid out millions of the sheeps money to gag victims, could be more coming up.
One brother told us that bethel was complaining that the society did not have enough money for them to have honey. Thats what they said, and he was really upset about how the tower could pay 1billion for the printer and not have enough spare for honey. Also all congo's have another money box added that makes three in each hall this one is for the buiding work, which everyone thought came from the other box for overseas work, but apparently no.
strange little happenings.
persons who make themselves 'not of our sort' by deliberately rejecting the faith and beliefs of jehovah's witnesses should appropriately be viewed and treated as are those who have been disfellowshiped for wrongdoing.
--the watchtower, september 15, 1981, page 23.. .
did they really teach that?
In 1980 all congregations of JW were sent a letter from the tower, stating that if anyone disagrees with anything the WTBTS said would be classified as an apostate and disfellowshiped, this was to keep the congregations from the spreading fire of dissent.
After 1975 many b/s left and some that stayed on were disgruntled, then they had the witch hunt at bethel over the Franz thing.
So b/s were not allowed to disagree with the tower in any way. Just a few years after that they changed the baptism requirement. You were baptisized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, AND only if you believed that the FDS was the only channel used by God, in effect obedience to the tower and GB.
i am thinking of disassociating myself within the next two weeks.
did you have a shortlist of people to day goodbye to?.
If you feel that strongly about the tower to DA, I guess would be careful who you tell why? if they regard you as an apostate maybe really hard for you. If you have a good support system (friends or family in or out of org) that is good, if not could be very lonely and isolated, if that is the case, why not fade.
no firestorms please.
but be honest.
do you think that we are of a higher level of intelligence than those who accept euclidian geometry theories?.
I find it amazing that those that believe in a creator mostly don't want to use the brain he gave them, especially if they are regiously inclined their lazy and want the priests, GB or who ever to think for them, I would swallow up every word as complete truth, I believed that it would be impossible for the WT to be wrong and that I must be evil for even thinking it, then one day I feel out of bed and hit my head on the floor, I think a few things that were lose must have gelled back together, thirty years of believing in God and not using the brain he gave dumb is that.
1Thess 5:21....... Make sure of all I listen to the bible, I actually have more faith now than I ever had.
through conversations with other exjw's i am finding a discrepancy.. in some cases when a person disassociates him or her self from the org, the family views it as not being as bad as if they had been disfellowshipped.. in other cases it is the complete opposite.. what's the deal??
Someone who DA makes that decision that they no longer want to associate with the congregation which is the b/s. Most brothers would be curious as to why, and probably would love to ask you why. I think a person that DA is worst than one that is DF, disfellowshipping leaves the door open to come back on the other hand the DA person deliberatly leaves so not likely to want to come back.
A lot of questions why someone DA themselves, could be because they were doing wrong and didn't want to get DF, or for them realised was not the truth....or was shaken by the hypocrocy of the tower and GB.
For me people are people regardless of DA or DF, but I guess that is what most would think.
their hair out or their beard.
if they don't use the bible for this, then screw it.
my take is 2 fold 1, if god made it, why wouldn't he want us not to grow it and 2, i take it they think jesus was clean cut as well in 30 ad.
Many people know religion,but many people do not really know Christ.
If those taking the lead and the GB really knew Christ they would treat their b/s in a loving way. The follow the Christ convention will probably turn out to be follow the Tower and GB.
i remember a topic a couple months ago, something about whether the gb actually believed in what they taught.
other topics have been similar lately, and today i noticed the topic about google 'proving' that the wts deliberately lies.
but is it deliberate?
IF they believed any of the whacked out bullshit they have been preaching for the last century, then they wouldn't be investing in the stock market and buying property all over the world. They'd be saying, forget building KHs, we can meet outside if we have to,
They plan for the future but tell the sheep not to, and slave away delivering their litriture. Just a little nit pick here, at all the conventions when one of the GB attends (holiday) they are emaculately attired, their suits look look so expensive, then I see the struggling b/s in my congo, some cant afford a new suit and shop at seconds. Just recently they put another money box in the foyer of the KH, this is they said for the building work, one brother said, but I thought one was for local hall the other for international work which included building.....greedy mongrels.