The premise of the Catholic Church is Majesterium. The Tradition of the Church is that Jesus bestowed the power of correct practice of faith and morals on Peter who passed it on Pope by Pope by Pope. Parishoners only got themselves into deep doo doo when they read the bible for themselves. These people often became apostates (called heretics).
The premise of Protestantism under Martin Luther was that there is no organization between god and man; only Jesus and his Holy Spirit. The layperson is perfectly able to divine God's will directly by prayer and grace and bible reading.
The Watchtowr Society as always denied being Protestant. This for good reason! The entire organization closely mirrors the Catholic organization in everything. The Governing Body is an ensemble "Pope".
The employ Inquisitions and declare heretics and excommunicate as well.
The Watchtower is part of the "whore" of Babylon by their own description!
I must say I do agree with this, and have noticed that those that come out of BTG are Catholic, they do boast about that.