We created them we can solve them. It only takes a will to do so. For idiots who believe in the societys it is not within our power to make things better, You want humans to fail. These are the same idiots who inside cheer when a storm wipes out a community, or war breaks out. It is a sick kind of evidence to the low intelligence that things are coming to an end. I used to work with Jim Anderson of Vanderbuilt congergation, I would put 60% of my weekly paycheck in the bank every week. Judy [his wife and my cousin] would make fun of me. She would say "we do not even have a bank account, it will all be thrown in the streets when the end comes" Well that was 27 years ago, and I am semi retired and have a nice income without working. They are on the edge of loosing their home that is half rotted down, and have nothing to back them up. They go on and off food stamps and government assistiance. They kept having kids to keep on welfare through the years. Now that they can no longer have any more and the last kid is almost 18 it is coming to the end of state help. They will not have a very good retirement. It will always be a challange between buying food and gas for the service car. This is a couple who will raise their hand at every meeting that they god will always find a way to give them money to go to assemblys. WOW, I guess tangarine trees and marmalade skys is the order of the day for many dubbers
Posts by dogon
Do you believe humans can solve the problems they create?
by gaiagirl inwtbts says that "it does not belong to man who is walking to direct his steps", however the genesis account says that god viewed the humans as having "become like us", in other words, like gods.. .
further, the story regarding the tower of babel indicates that god confused the language because "there is nothing that they have in mind to do that will be unattainable for them".. .
so, it would seem that human capabilities rival those of god, and god is worried about it.. .
Daryl Tucker commits suicide.
by dogon ini do not know if anyone knew daryl tucker of vanderbuilt, congergation in michigan.
i just got word that his wife of 28 years left him and he shot himself.
even though he was a witness he was one of the good ones.
You know, I never thought of that. I don’t know if they will allow the family to have a funeral at the hall because of that. Just another brick in the wall of the society not caring about people but about themselves. The only thing that could come out of the whole situation in that case is maybe some will rethink the society’s not caring about people and maybe sow the seeds of doubt. I can only hope. I was not close to Daryl, but it disturbed me that some one I knew shot them self. I lost a family member a few years ago. After that I have a lot of sympathy for anyone loosing a member of their family. They turned my mothers funeral into a recruiting speech for the cult. The only reason I did not say anything is that she always was a keep the peace person. I did what I thought she would have wanted, then walked away from the religion and will never step into a hall again.
Daryl Tucker commits suicide.
by dogon ini do not know if anyone knew daryl tucker of vanderbuilt, congergation in michigan.
i just got word that his wife of 28 years left him and he shot himself.
even though he was a witness he was one of the good ones.
Daryl was an older man that had taken some hits. His first wife was a bit of a tart and cheated on him with several so called brothers in the mid 70s. His second wife he married in the late 70s and they have been married for all that time. I heard she left him and he shot himself. He had 6 kids and I dont know how many grandkids. I moved from north Michigan several years ago and do not keep in touch with many. Daryl was one of those who would stop and talk to you even though you were not going to meetings. A rare thing in the pompous cult. He did more to be what the dubbers say they are like then 1000 rank and file dubbers. It makes me sick to think of another funeral that is a recruting talk than helping the people he new.
Daryl Tucker commits suicide.
by dogon ini do not know if anyone knew daryl tucker of vanderbuilt, congergation in michigan.
i just got word that his wife of 28 years left him and he shot himself.
even though he was a witness he was one of the good ones.
I do not know if anyone knew Daryl Tucker of Vanderbuilt, Congergation in Michigan. I just got word that his wife of 28 years left him and he shot himself. Even though he was a Witness he was one of the good ones. He never made me feel uncomfortable or less than a person because I did not go to meetings. He had 6 children. If anyone knew him they will know he did have a drinking problem that I thought was under control. When something like this happens it makes me even more angry against the cult. Where was gods supposed power? Where were the supposed support group of other dubbers? It is all a scam nothing but a silly old man behind a curtain.
How this censor?
by dogon in.
this shows absolutly nothing, how much censorship do you want to exert?
i am not from france, from the midwest.
This shows absolutly nothing, how much censorship do you want to exert? I am not from france, from the midwest.
Wifes parents want to visit.
by dogon ini have not heard from my wifes parents, avid dubbers.
i thought it was because they did not approve that we did not have anything to with the dubbers.
we visited her sister and now they want to visit us.
Here is the actual photo, it is blacked out. I came here becasue of it being an open forum. There is no nudity here. Quit fooling with my Pref.
Wifes parents want to visit.
by dogon ini have not heard from my wifes parents, avid dubbers.
i thought it was because they did not approve that we did not have anything to with the dubbers.
we visited her sister and now they want to visit us.
Hey butt munch, I blured out the hands. Quit editing my posts. It is symbolic of dubbers at the hall. Next thing you will want to burn books. Quit doing what we hate the dubbers doing so bad. You become what you hate.
Bill Mahres Religolous movie
by dogon ini highly recomend bill mahres movie religolous.
i saw it yesterday in little rock, only one theater played it.
it was very very good.
I highly recomend Bill Mahres Movie Religolous. I saw it yesterday in Little Rock, Only one theater played it. It was very very good. How anyone could believe in a god is beyond me.
Wifes parents want to visit.
by dogon ini have not heard from my wifes parents, avid dubbers.
i thought it was because they did not approve that we did not have anything to with the dubbers.
we visited her sister and now they want to visit us.
I have not heard from my wife’s parents, avid dubbers. I thought it was because they did not approve that we did not have anything to with the dubbers. We visited her sister and now they want to visit us. I told her sister that I did not have a problem but that I demanded respect for my choice in life. I do not keep especially up on how the society views relatives who left the cult. Her sister seemed to be OK with it, even though she wanted to know why we left and tell us how she felt Hovah, in her life. I absolutely hate how this cult puts up walls between people and their families.
when did JWs start and stop useing Deutichland uber alles?
by dogon ini can remember singing the song but can any one post a link to when it was incorporated and when it was dropped?
what song was it?.
I knew it was not the lyrics. When I hear the song deutchland uber alles I can still remember singing it in the hall.