I have long thought of doing this, but could never see any good it would do except make me feel good for a few seconds. I also feel that when you do this you let them win. They always say that we told you so, or now he is gone and our congregation is clean bla bla bla. I felt that if you kept your "in good standing" even though they did not think you really were a believing member. Then you get under their skin. I have been marked but they could not get me DFed. Not for lack of trying. The only reason they try so hard is that they want you gone if you do not believe. So my question is why give them what they want? I feel that by denying them this victory you show them that god is not keeping his org. clean and all the other clap trap that they try to believe.
Posts by dogon
What good would a DA letter do?
by dogon ini have long thought of doing this, but could never see any good it would do except make me feel good for a few seconds.
i also feel that when you do this you let them win.
they always say that we told you so, or now he is gone and our congregation is clean bla bla bla.
The bible does not ban Gambling =Disfellowship those who work extra $$$$
by Witness 007 inokay so we know the scriptures say alot about "love of money" "greed" and so on...but not one verse says "thou shalt not gamble thy money.
" so if it's about greed and the love of money i know many brothers who work 60 hours a week making big bucks even though they live comfortably.
$$$$ if a brother has a bet now and then why is this a disfellowshiping "greedy" sin.
I love it. I talked Daryl Kunde into going into the Petoskey casino in Michigan. He dropped 5$ in the slot machine. I knew that it was a DFing offence, and loved that when they are interested you can talke a dubber into doing many things, after you get them alone away from other dubbers. Its all a dog and pony show. I used to make a big deal out of voteing in front of him before we would go to work on election day. He only got up set when I made waves and questioned the authority of the society outright. That did not make him look good working partners with an apostate.
WIERD! =Yearbook 1967- African Witness silences talking demonic snake??!!
by Witness 007 inyearbook 67 p.105 "...a large crowd was following a man who had a talking serpent.
the serpent gave greetings and and spoke in foreign tongues....a brother was passing by and attracted by the commotion, he went to the house ...as soon as he entered the room the serpent stopped talking.
the man cried out: "a magican has entered the room...the brother asked the man: "is that a serpent or a demon that has spoken to you?....i know that since god has created animals not one serpent has spoken, with the exception of the one in the begining in the garden of eden...seeing that the serpent remained silent the man left the building...later...he was anxious to get some literature....".
The rank and file still gobble this crap up and spew it back, and more. When I was young we would camp at assemblies and the big thing was always sitting around camp fires and telling stories "anecdotal" of Corse, about someone who knew someone who heard of a story about a walking washing machine, or a flying Ouija board, or any numbers of silly child horror stories. There was never any direction against such practices. I firmly believe that it was due to the fact that it kept people in line. No one wanted to bring on a demon attack.
My EX still has a hold on our son....
by nomoreguilt ina couple of weeks ago i had the opportunity to enjoy breakfast with my younger son, 30. he hasn't been to meetings in over 2 years and i was able to help him move in with his girlfriend,22, not a jw a month or so earlier.
he'hasn't been df'd, as of yet for that , although i know that there are probaby those who have the opportunity to do him in.
i really don't know yet whether he is happy in his new lfe, but i do know that he still holds the desire to some day go back.
Sounds like your son has a keeper. She realizes the danger of the cult. I would give her all the low down on the cult now. It is to easy for these masters of mind control to slowly creep. Forewarned is forearmed. I would give her sites like this, and Randy Waters and other sites. I would teach her all the back ground of this cult and the dangers of starting to let them into your life. You can never know to much about the dangers of this cult. If I had a penny for every time some wife just wanted to go with the nice people to see what a Kingdom Hall was like, and the next thing you know she did not want to celebrate birthdays, Christmas or have anything to do with nonbelievers.
My Wife goes back to Meetings after a year....but I just can't stomach it!
by Witness 007 ineverywhere i go latley we meet damn witnesses!
the cinema watching quantum of solice full of witnesses...mcdonalds having a coffee...witnesses!
and the "love bombing" starts.
For me it is the only thing that went in my favor. I did not have to make a choice of a relationship or my conscience. I could not go to a meeting no mater what the cost. For me it would be like supporting someone who had killed my family. And in many ways they did just that. I could not sit there even if it meant life and death. The hypocrisy, arrogance and plain stupidity of the organization and even the rank and file is to much to stomach. I look at the R&F the same way as the people who supported the Third Reich. With out them the leadership is nothing. When I went I was just as guilty. I will not give them a pass and do not ask for one for my blind support of this evil cult. If I were you I would give my wife a choice, the organization or me. I am in no way telling what to do, you have to make your own choice. But I look at it this way, even if you do not make a choice now, eventually one will be made for you. Slowly you will be made to be on the outside looking in. Your wife will if she keeps being part of the organization be more and more involved with the people of the congregation, and you will either have to give in and obey or be the out cast who is talked about when your back is turned. These cowards never say things to your face, they only talk about you in a condescending way behind your back. Then smile to your face as if they really care if you live or die. By putting the situation off you are doing nothing but delaying what will have to be a confrontation. And if you really care about your wife, you allow her to become more controlled by the cult.
What ever happened to the ``soiled garments" teaching of 1918-1918?
by Room 215 inif i recall, the wt used to teach that the 1918-1919 stagnation and subsequent imprisonment of the eight wt officials was an expression of god's displeasure owing to lingering vestiges of christendom and compromise on the issue of neutrality; that belief seems to have been scuttled; or has it?
what have you observed?
Spot on Blondi, God cleaned the org. but did not do a very good job. A little more elbo grease would have maybe helped.
Another 5 min. ruined by these idiots I can never get back.
by dogon inas i type their foot prints are still warm.
i just had a visit by an old prude jw in hot springs today.
she and her young girl tag along wanted to give me a bible reading.
Not my niece. I have only 2 and they are twins 4yo in Wichita. Maybe one of Dans kids. Danny is a second cousin. The Gardner’s last I knew sold off everything they had and took the job of running the trucking dept. in Holt. They get a small apt. and run the shipping for that region. The kids Zach, Kevin and Tracy live in or near Vanderbilt. Zach was working for a lumber company, Kevin bought out the drywall company, [a lot of good that did with no building going on] Tracy works at the bank of northern Michigan as a morg. officer. Another area that is not doing anything at all in Michigan. Danny is working on the road building small loggers in other states. I do not know what the rest of them are up to. Unemployment I suspect.
What Happened to JWs worldwide being on the same page?
by cameo-d ini noticed something i think is odd.
i thought jws worldwide always bragged that they are all in unison.
that they are all on the same page.
The more things change...... I can remember years ago, one hall would say you could only wear white shirts on stage, and another would allow colored shirts. One would allow what was called in the seventies leisure suits, the next would not. Some would not allow women to wear red white and blue in any combo even though most color combos are on a flag some where. There is no unity or symmetry in the org. It is all smoke and mirrors.
Another 5 min. ruined by these idiots I can never get back.
by dogon inas i type their foot prints are still warm.
i just had a visit by an old prude jw in hot springs today.
she and her young girl tag along wanted to give me a bible reading.
Sure I was, just as all those idiots are now. One can educate yourself out of being an idiot. Just as one can educate yourself out of being ignorant. It took time and study. It took an open mind. For many years as an idiot I had a closed mind, just as many idiots in the dubdom have a closed mind now. When I use the term idiot I use it as a self imposed thing. Some are idiots and do not know it. So I guess they would be more in the category of ignorant. Those that go to the hall, know that history of the cult, and still preach it are just plane evil. The rest are idiots.
WT: Dumbing down the message; no intellectuals allowed
by Hiddenwindow inhave you noticed that the most recent publications by the watch tower, and particularly the study articles of the watchtower magazine, contain less and less references to secular sources?
there is not doubt that the society was always making efforts to provide us with a historical and quasi-intellectual perspective of the world.
i am sure all of you can think of books by the watch tower that contained extensive information on history, biology, and even philosophy (insight, creation book, the bible -god's word or man's?
I do remember the Babylon books. I would not say it was deep. It was immersed in double talk, muddying the waters, and psychobabble that was very hard to follow. I would read and reread many paragraphs and still not get the meaning of something. I thought I was not smart enough, but as I studied fallacies of arguments, many of the dysphemisms, euphemisms, false dilemmas, ad homonym attacks, red herrings and many other false reasoning’s jumped out to me. It all became clear that what was going on all those years. They made it purposely confusing to keep us in line. To think just what I thought, that I was not smart enough to understand, and should follow the society, they after all knew and understood all this stuff right? But learning what false reasoning and bias is and how it works, is much like seeing a magician do his act, then having someone show you how it was done. Once you know the trick it is not so impressive any more.