snoozy you are spot on. It is not if someone would rather you read a stupid old book or play a game boy, the thing they always preached was that if you get permission to do it is ok if it does not conflict with bible or society law. I can remember a talk many years ago where the speaker used the analogy that hotels expected you to take the towels. The speaker said that if you thought that then ask, and if it is true they will tell you it is ok. If you do not you are stealing even if it is common practice. Since when did the holy high and mighty dubbers go with "well everyone does it" thinking? I thought they were so different.
Posts by dogon
JW reading bible at bank
by dogon ini was at the bank when i noticed the young teller reading the nwt.
i after she put it down and helped me, i asked who was the jw.
i just said i recognized the bible, its a very distinct bible..
Does anyone know Daryl Kunde
by dogon ini have lost touch with daryl kunde of vanderbilt michigan.
does anyone go to that kh?
if so how are things up in north michigan?
Pryors, are they from vanderbilt? I know the Repps, Hooks, Pattons, gardners, but I have not been in that congergation for sometime. I just wanted to check on what is going on in the area.
Does anyone know Daryl Kunde
by dogon ini have lost touch with daryl kunde of vanderbilt michigan.
does anyone go to that kh?
if so how are things up in north michigan?
I have lost touch with Daryl Kunde of Vanderbilt Michigan. Does anyone go to that KH? If so how are things up in north Michigan? I would like to know how that KH is faring in the hard hit economy of Michigan.
What do you believe about Hell?
by JimmyPage into go along with my trinity thread, i don't believe in hellfire, probably because of my jw upbringing (and common sense).
i have no problem with the idea of an immortal soul or a heavenly hope but the idea of people being tortured forever seems just silly.
so, what is your view of hell?.
Heaven, hell, Valhalla, elysian fields, narvana,Styx. All cultures have a place that is better and worse than where we are now. It is the creation of men who want to believe in something after this life. I do not believe there is anything else. There is no proof that there is anything, and if there was a god don’t you think he could write a better book than the Bible? It is a bad piece of literature. It would not make the top one hundred books of any year but for the fact the people buy is in a whipped up frenzy of zealous idiocy.
"Jehovah blessed me when I quit smoking"
by TooBad TooSad intoday during the watchtower study one sister said "that jehovah.
blessed me when i quit smoking because my asthma went away.".
i just get a chuckle out of the witnesses when they talk about how.
Most all of the prople in prisions are christians, and the second group would be Muslim. So a very small minority if any would be atheist. Christians comit most of the crime in the United States. Gota love them assholes
"Jehovah blessed me when I quit smoking"
by TooBad TooSad intoday during the watchtower study one sister said "that jehovah.
blessed me when i quit smoking because my asthma went away.".
i just get a chuckle out of the witnesses when they talk about how.
That is the most silly circular reasoning, ad hoc, rhetoric I have heard today. She is the exact kind of idiot that the dubbers like to get into the cult. Stupid and not wanting to change her IQ from room temp. She needs to watch the YouTube Why does god not heal amputees.
JW reading bible at bank
by dogon ini was at the bank when i noticed the young teller reading the nwt.
i after she put it down and helped me, i asked who was the jw.
i just said i recognized the bible, its a very distinct bible..
JWs are just damed.
JW reading bible at bank
by dogon ini was at the bank when i noticed the young teller reading the nwt.
i after she put it down and helped me, i asked who was the jw.
i just said i recognized the bible, its a very distinct bible..
Well, I remember a girl I once knew, Karen Kunde, got fired for constantly reading watchtower mags in between waiting for customers. She felt it was her right as long as work was kept up. Religions is controversial, Medical school is not. There in lies the rub. Karen was fired for not getting approval for assembly time off. She got verbal approval, but the supervisor said she did not. She knew it was because of her stubbornness in reading religious propaganda on work time. God will cost you in the end. And he never pays reparations. LOL but he sure takes 10% No Questions Asked.
As for those who say you can do what you want as long as your work is caught up, I really do not care about what people do unless I am the employer, but as far as dubbers go if they want to be true to the crap they spew, then they should ask the supervisor if it is ok to read propaganda if there are no customers. If they are given the thumbs up fine, but if not its stealing plain and simple as far as dubber rules go. But we all know they take the rules they like and dismiss all that they do not at the same time as telling others what the rules are. They are Hypocrites first class almost to the one.
Mormon Might try to converte me! Help!
by FiveShadows inokay here's the deal.
i work right now in homehealth.
the family is mormon.
Tell them that if they can not show you the golden tablets and special rocks in the hat that lets you read the writing, you will not give them a dime. Also you want your Jesus jammies or its all off.
JW reading bible at bank
by dogon ini was at the bank when i noticed the young teller reading the nwt.
i after she put it down and helped me, i asked who was the jw.
i just said i recognized the bible, its a very distinct bible..
I was at the bank when I noticed the young teller reading the NWT. I after she put it down and helped me, I asked who was the JW. She said I am. I just said I recognized the bible, Its a very distinct bible.