it's good work if you can get it.
Posts by dogon
Victorian Sex Cult
by cameo-d invicar's sex cult excites buyers' interest in rustic abode of love.
for sale: large des res in the somerset countryside.. nine bedrooms.
asking price: pounds 157,000.. name: barford gables, aka agapemone (or the abode of love).. history: deflowering of virgins, taking of "soul brides" and scandalising of victorian society.. intriguing extras include woman ghost, and the bodies in the garden.. .
Brothers in her Cong. question if my mum is "really" anionted!? Why?
by Witness 007 ini don't get mum pioneered for 25 years and in the last few years she at 69 is claiming to be anionted and taking emblems.....well you should see the back stabbing!
some claim she isn't since she doesn't work at bethel or contribute to the litrature???
it becomes a big debate, is she or not?
This is what happens when you have arbitrary rules to go by. When you say that if you feel the call you are of the anointed, and think that is does not leave a great leeway of interpretation your kidding yourself. This has always been a problem, new ones thinking the tingle they feel from being new to a club that they are chosen by god runs high. As for back stabbing when was that not the case in the dubdom for almost every thing from how others raised their kids to the cars they drove. Religion as a whole is a load of crap. People making rules to control other people. I for one need no rules from a space god or talking snake. To pick on part of the Dubdom and say this is bad is like picking one turd out of the septic tank and saying this turd stinks and really pisses me off. Its all crap and you need not play in it.
Tarot & Rapid Brain Change When Getting Out of JWs
by og inabout six years ago, when self-extricating myself from jehovah's witnesses, i decided to follow robert anton wilson's advice in cosmic trigger, a life changing book for me, and explore taboos as a way to rapidly deprogram myself.
tarot was a great way to do that, as few things are more odious in the jw world.
i wrote up my remarkable experiences in an essay on my blog, tarot & rapid brain change which will probably be interesting to jw forum readers.. .
I had my future done at the bottom of the cup tea room in New Orleans with the cards. It was fun and a good way to see that it along with the carp about it being a demon activity. I no more believe in card reading than I do that there is a space god that had a mouth piece on earth called the governing body. But I think to help debunk the fear that was instilled in dubbers as kids may well help.
How many gods are there that are neither true gods nor false gods?
by T.F. ini heard the jws believe jesus is "neither" a true god/god nor a false god, or sometimes the jws will say jesus is "not" a true god/god nor a false god.
with the belief that jesus is "mighty god" in isaiah, "god" or "a god" in john 1:1 depending on the religion and bible, are there any other gods that are neither real nor unreal?
where is the logic when the governing body and the bible and tract society has come up with something that is not so explainable, and why didn't they explain it?.
All gods are false.
Name one thing the WTS did for you and your family!
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini was just thinking of all the things i did for the wts (a group of old men that live in new york whom i've never seen and never will) and what they gave me in return.. .
what i did for the wts :.
studied the ''truth book'' for 6 months just to get baptized.
Destroyed it.
Beat to Hell.......were you as a child as a JW?
by restrangled inthere was a scripture about a seemed to be in every other was an excuse to beat children.
i was a little girl.
i was beat with my pants down every time they could.
I have heard talks about how it is your duty to give the "rod" to your children. I can not say I was beat but there were times that in todays world I could have had my parents arrested. I was emotionaly tortured. I can remember talks where the speaker slammed the idea that children have rights. He said that children have no rights. My parents would say that we kids were bad, not good enough ect. I can still remember the little red head 3 yo who sat in front of me at a sunday meeting. She was as good as gold, and her mother had to smack her just for some non existant infraction every 1/2 hour or so. I told my wife who has parents in the cult that if they die I will not step inside a cult hall again even if there was a pot of money with my name on it inside. I went to my mothers funeral at a cult hall and did it for respect to my parent but that was the end. Never again, they have stolen the last second of my life.
Did there ever come a time where the meetings became unbearable?
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini try to attend about 3 sunday meetings per month just to keep my whole family from disowning me.
every week the meetings become more difficult to attend.. the singing is awful,the prayers are all about the ''faithful and discreet slave''.the talks are boring and repetative.the watchtower study reminds of trained seals at the zoo where they do the same tricks over and over just so they can get their treat of fresh fish.
the answers are short and read off the watchtower magazine word for word.
You know I never joind the school to give talks. Now looking back I can clearly see that it was because I did not beleive the information. It's hard to give a talk on something you do not feel or agree with.
JW top a "Belief in demon activity" poll
by inkling ina recent article in the new york times on bobby jindal's amateur .
exorcist experience.... .
quotes a survey that asked people of various religious groups.
It's no suprise that dubbers are among the highest in believing in lions, tigers and bears. It's pounded into their head year after year as a scare tactic to keep the R&F in line. I would say that the few that did not totaly agree are member on this board.
Dumbest new Watchtower study "Don't worry about health just preach!"
by Witness 007 inyes three weeks ago my mum wanted to go through the watchtower with me she had just had at the hall, so i read through it.
basic points....don't worry tooo much about your health...don't be pre-occupied with it...don't promote health products to brothers....the "new system" will cure you so go preaching instead.
i told my mum that this was the most pointless study ever.
Mickey, I watched a guy famous in your neck of the woods, Darren Brown, I think is his name. He amazed me and I highly recommend anyone reading this to YouTube search on him. I was so amazed I bought a book after I found out his secret. NLP or neruo linguistic programming. It is hardly Occult, it is how our minds work. This guy is very good at it. It shows how most of go through the day in a sort of daze and run on our subconscious.
Dumbest new Watchtower study "Don't worry about health just preach!"
by Witness 007 inyes three weeks ago my mum wanted to go through the watchtower with me she had just had at the hall, so i read through it.
basic points....don't worry tooo much about your health...don't be pre-occupied with it...don't promote health products to brothers....the "new system" will cure you so go preaching instead.
i told my mum that this was the most pointless study ever.
What I don't understand is why was there an article about a non problem in the first place? Is it because the base age of the society members is aging? Are they taking a preemptive strike to stop older people from focusing on their health? Other than that I am at a loss to explain what the hell they are even talking about. What was all that occult crap about? I know of no occult health care that is anywhere main stream. It sounded like some kind of scare tactic to me. One that was ill [no pun intended] thought out. I have no idea why this article was published? Any insight here? Is it possible that it is the Dubbers that have had a dim view of main stream medicine? Older ones have had a hate relationship with modern medicine due to all the anti vaccine, and visceral talk that the society printed in the 20s through the 50s. I know of many who went to Homeopathy, and eastern medicine because of all the neg. talk the society printed. Is this a problem with dubbers of their own making?