Did there ever come a time where the meetings became unbearable?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I try to attend about 3 Sunday meetings per month just to keep my whole family from disowning me. Every week the meetings become more difficult to attend.

    The singing is awful,the prayers are all about the ''faithful and discreet slave''.The talks are boring and repetative.The Watchtower study reminds of trained seals at the zoo where they do the same tricks over and over just so they can get their treat of fresh fish. The answers are short and read off the Watchtower magazine word for word. (Leave you brain at the door because you won't need it at any of these spiritual banquets)

    It looks like the only time anyone comes alive is when the meeting ends and everyone can talk to family and friends.

    Did there ever come a time where the meetings became unbearable? If you still attend,how do you feel while you sit and listen to all this bunk?

  • jwfacts

    I did the same for 10 years. I had a gradual decline; as time went on I could bear it less and less.

    1. First I stopped preaching, I would go 1 hour a month on other peoples RV's just to count time and keep the elders off my back
    2. The I gave up giving talks, too often the information was so offensive to me that I could not present it.
    3. Then went bookstudies - the most over the top propoganda off all meetings, particularly the ridiculous Isaiah books
    4. Then I started arriving late, as in missing the whole public talk. If I did make the public talk I would duck out for a coffee half way through at the local cafe to kill some time.
    5. Finally I just stopped going.

    It would infuriate me to hear talks or comments degrading worldly people, saying how bad this system has become or venerating the Slave. Eventually it just becomes impossible to go, regardless of the consequences of leaving are.

  • av8orntexas

    Yes. The cookie-cutter comments straight from the Watchtower. But after attending the Special Assembly day this weekend it has to be the presentations, and experiences that get me.

    You ask yourself, who says things this or that way ? Do these things REALLY happen. Everything is robotic.

    But yes, as far as meetings. Hearing the comments. All that 'Happy talk" gets sappy and old when listening to comments. Not that anyone likes bad news or anything. But really........24/7 ?

    It's like the Stepford Wives or an annual Ned Flanders convention at the the KH.

  • parakeet

    Starting with the very first one I attended, they were ALL unbearable. There have been many threads on the forum describing how to get through them without going nuts from boredom.

    When I think of all the time wasted -- sitting at home staring at the wall would have been more useful than attending ANY meeting.

  • Farkel

    Out of all the several dozen years I regularly attended the meetings, the only time they became unbearable for me was the time between the start of the opening song and the finish of the closing prayer. Other than that, they were just fine!


  • Mary
    The Watchtower study reminds of trained seals at the zoo where they do the same tricks over and over just so they can get their treat of fresh fish.

    Oh.my.god. That is about as accurate summing up of the Watchtower study as I've ever heard. LMAO!

  • jookbeard

    Jwfacts, that's actually how it happened to me, firstly was the pulling out of talks, there was always plenty of brown nose'rs in the hall to step in at short notice, obviously coming late, although service went first, the real point when you know your on the way out is when your name is deleted from the Book Study on the Notice Board and all thats there is your wife's name, Oooooooo painful!

  • shamus100

    When I knew it was bullshit, I couldn't go anymore. It was just awful that last month - it had to end immediately.

    Cut it out like cancer.

  • restrangled

    Are you Kidding?

    They became horrible when I was 11. Tuesday night at our home, Thursday night, and Sunday mornings.

    These meetings precluded any homework, along with service on Saturday mornings and the possible horror of service after a Sunday meeting if a big shot was in town.

    I can remember sitting in the back seat of a car of a big ass from the society. He was hot stuff, and my mother was kissing his butt big time. Of course we were out "in service" and we didn't behave has expected. My brothers and myself...at the time as little as we were, understood as children, the bullshit but couln't name it.

    That Sunday, I was beat with my pants down, after the meeting, after watching my brothers go through the same, because my mother had been embarrassed, and my fathers name....oh god...blah, blah, blah.

    We were 11, 9, and 7 years old.


  • oompa

    holy crap ya!!!!.......i dont do this much but ((((((((((((rules and regs)))))))))))))).........damm it suck....but i faded and still have fam and some great jw friends...i just let them know what broke my faith...they respect it....everybody can have a deal breaker...just ask them what it would be.......oomps

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