I have read Olafs book. Its exhaustive and after reading it if you still thinkg the society is right you deserve to give them all your money and live in the street.
Posts by dogon
It was only a matter of time...
by MrFreeze in... until the braindead family would push the 607 magazine on me.
yeah, my stepdad stopped by the house because he locked himself out of his house and i still have a key.
so i take him over to his house and he proceeds to tell me about the article which i've heard about on here.
What's behind the JW "stare"
by InterestedOne inin my interactions with jw males guarding the kh entrance or with the various males my study conductor would bring to our study (one i later found out was considered a "heavy," meaning he was supposedly really good at answering tough questions), i notice they stare intensely at me and i start fumbling my words.
in one case, i went to a different kh where no one knew me and got the same stare at the door.
is this stare deliberate, and if so, what is behind it?
they have guards? I think a kick to the cock would end that stare, then walk out and never return. Fuck em.
Dec 15th WT: "Be like Solomon and don't go to university / don't be like Solomon and join a sports team!"
by cedars inthanks to 'gayle' for bringing our attention to the fact that the december 15th watchtower has now been uploaded to jw.org.
it doesn't take long to reach the first juicy bit on pages 8 and 9, this time regarding higher education:.
it would be good to ask, am i taking to heart solomons example of treasuring divine wisdom?
Same old shit, different youth taken advantage of. I guess shoveling potatos and giving to the borg on credit card is a great way to live. These fucking idiots should be lined against a wall and shot.
Credit Donation Machines in Assembly Halls
by leonbus23 ini just received an email from the ex-jw meetup group coordinator in phoenix.
she stated that the jws are putting credit donation machines at the assembly halls.
is this true?
classic dubbers, they could give a shit about their followers as long as they get the cash. If anyone ever doubeted that its all about the money. Fuck these fools, if anyone is stupid enough to give money to them they deserve to be homeless and starving.
JW's Thoughts on Medical Cannabis
by bushido8000 ini've wondered this for sometime.
to all of the jws on the forum, what is your opinion on medical cannabis?
i support it for a couple of reasons.. 1. i've battled clinical depression since age 9. after my anti-depressants stopped working when i was 21, i heard about cannabis' positive effects on depression through the internet and a couple of documentaries so i tried it.
who cares what the F they think? What does it matter what L Ron Hubbard was thinking when he wrote that Xenu dropped all those alians in the volcanos? If you want to smoke it go for it and if you live in a state that has it legal for medical use, you luck Bastards. Its proven to be non adictive, can even help in cancer prevention and is a cheap pain killer for minor pain like menstral or back pain. I could give a rats what the freddie brown shoes think. A few old farts who have never seen a pussy. Although it would not shock me if they were bending over a few young boys at bethel camp. LOL
You say they will not get your kids, are you still going to the hall? If you still go and you think your kids will not possibly fall to the cult and eventually cut you off you are sadly mistaken. To play with the cult is like going to Jones Town thinking you will get out at the last min. You may get a dose of Kool-Aid dumped down your throat. The only way to deal with them is to leave and be vocal about your experience with them. Never play with fire and think you are above getting burnt. If I had a dollar for every family that has been damaged or broken up by this cult I would be as wealthy as the cult. Wives who have come in because of the husband and then the husband leaves and the wife leaves the husband, kids who turn away from fathers and mothers and vis versa because someone left the borg. If you are in the cult and your kids are young leave and give them every chance at a happy normal life. Every min. you stay if you are in is harder and more dangerous for your future.
1975 WAS a Big Deal!
by AllTimeJeff inas we all know well, jehovah's witnesses taught from the mid '60s that the world would end until 1975. as we all know it is also now 2011. nuff said.. but 1975 had a lot of big things happen..... wheel of fortune first went on the air.. major watergate figures were convicted and went to jail.. the pittsburgh steelers won their first super bowl.
charlie chaplin is knighted by elizabeth ii.
bill gates founded microsoft.
I am old enough to remember "stay alive till 75" although not an official society slogan it was not discouraged either. They never came out and said that the end is 75, as they had learned enough over the years of failed predictions but it was heavily implied. Things like it would be very proper and fitting for the end to come in that time, or all the evidence points to 75 bla bla bal. They as usual borg fashion used weasler slogans so they could back themselves in a corner and then as While E. Coyote did throw an Acme black hole against the wall and slip through it at the last min. I have personal experience on what the 75 date did to people. My wife’s father quit GM and moved to north Michigan to get away from the city as it would collapse, my old partner Carl Kunde did the same thing and sold his farm near Holt MI and moved north to get away from the city’s. So many people I knew moved north in a boom of immigration to the north in the few years leading up to 75. Many with only enough money to get by till 76. When 75 came and went it was hard times and then in 78/79 the last big recession hit and Michigan was hit very hard. As the auto industry collapsed in the early 80s many moved to places like Washington and Texas, Florida to find work. But many still hold on and believe. How many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie pop? Who knows, and who knows how many times it takes to be kicked in the balls with the wrong end of the world dates before one starts to question that maybe their cult of choice is not really the right hand of god.
This Weeks Watchtower Study
by Lets Think inso paragraph 5 of todays watchtower says: people with faith see clearly the difference between the baseless claims of men and the sacred promises of jehovah god.
then i thought of every pre 1995 awake inside cover page in the box where it say why the awake is published; where it says:.
most important, this magazine builds confidence in the creators promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away.. .
The statement you make is a false premise. Faith by definition is to believe without evidence. You don't need evidence to believe in something with faith. It is bull shit from the get go. What religion is saying is that I believe that Jesus is coming because I want to and its not because I have seen or can prove anything. One can have faith in any religion, this is why I had to go out side the bible and see if the bible itself had any base in fact. When I found its mostly bull shit I had to doubt all religion unless it could prove some base in fact. And fact must be substantial not that the bible or Koran said a city existed and archeology found that city. That’s like saying that since Troy was found Medusa must have turned men to stone with a look their way. That would be stupid and its just as stupid to say Jesus was the son of god and born of a virgin because some city the bible mentions is found. If god wants us to believe in him why not show himself to his children? If god exists he is a dead beat dad not a god of infinite wisdom. To debate the bible with the Witnesses to me if futile and worth little. It is a lot like debating with a child which is better the Easter bunny or Santa Claws, it does not matter who wins as the whole argument is flawed from the start. Debating fictional characters is for the mentally ill and children who have not fully formed their critical thinking.
Is the Watchtower "a snare and a racket"?
by Fernando inrascal rutherford, who remains "in good standing" to this day, it seems was quite clear that "all religion"..."is a snare and a racket"..
All religion is a racket. Its all designed to control the masses. Its a waste of time and energy and has no positive outcomes. If people would work to better their community’s instead of using a two thousand year old goat herders book of crap things would be much better off. Fuck the idea of god. I can't even say fuck god because he is non existent.
Snubbed for the first time!
by TimothyT inhahahaha!!!.
since being disfellowshipped on thursday, i have already come into contact with some jw's.
some experiences have been heartwarming!!!
To be snubbed by a dubber is like the KKK no likeing you. Woohoo thats a good thing. Stupid people not talking to you is a bonus.