There is no evidence of god. Nothing in the known world proves that god, any god exists. I used to ask this same question to the elders and was told I think too much. I was told that they were to prepare the earth for man. LOL Really? God can create the universe but needs to create these beasts to make the earth ready for man? If that’s the best you got you ain't got much. The fact is they cannot answer it and will eventually tell you that we will not have the answers to all questions and may need to wait on some questions till after the big A or H depending on how you say it.
Tec, you are running in circles. First you say you have evidence in your life, well many people of every religion say the same line. So it is much more likely that people are putting the label of god on things like coincidence and happenstance than some god or gods having a hand in that tickle they get in their leg when they look at their baby or a sunset or finding a lost 100 dollar bill when it’s time to go to the assembly.
Next you say that no one can prove that god does not exist. True, no one can prove a universal negative. You cannot prove that a tea pot is not orbiting the moon and there is as much evidence that that is real as that god is real. You say "your faith" Faith by definition is believing without evidence. If you believe without evidence and you are going on faith which that is what you are doing than no one can argue with you. If you have faith that there are aliens that are visiting the earth then no lack of evidence will change your mind. In other words if you want to believe in something facts will never be a stumbling block. Its not living in reality but its your choice.
"I am not working 'around reality'. I am just not limiting myself to what can currently be proven or shown... since we are always adding to our understanding of the world around us. " But you are working around reality because every find of fact or discovery supports the conclusion you so hard try to disbelieve. No amount of facts that do not support you way of thinking will change your mind and the most trivial or insignificant fact that can be twisted to support your belief in the most weak manner is trumpeted by people like you as poof of the existence of god at the same time dismissing the mountain of solid evidence to the contrary. So you are working around reality. But you can do that if you wish. Jesus is some 2000 years late and either is a dead beat dad or nonexistent.