God is a myth that can not be proven to be true in any sense of the word. Not one single fact has ever been found to show that god is real but many misdirection’s have been shown to try to prove the existence of a god.
Argument by design, See that tree or deer, see how complex it is in design? It could not possibly have happened by evolution so god [not just any god but my god] must have created it so by extension god exists. BS totally. First this does not prove what god would have created life even if you jump the Grand Canyon of scientific evidence that supports evolution. Second, it could have been aliens that seeded [I do not believe this] life on earth not your Jewish created version of god.
You can go on to the first mover, ocams razor and many more theory’s of god having evidence. You then come to the drivel posted above about finding some tablet that shows the existence of some city that the bible said existed that archeology had not previously found. This is a red herring and not reality. If this is the case than because Troy was not thought to exist and now is a factual city that has been discovered than it must follow that Ulysses was trapped by sirens because Neptune was pissed that he offended him, and Medusa turned men to stone with a look of her snake for hair head. Its stupid logic and does not hold up to the most basic of tests.
If god existed he is a dead beat dad or he in fact does not exist and there is a different explanation for life. Science shows how we share a common ancestor and our genes are 99 percent the same as a Chimp. Let's review the bible explanation
God was lonely or wanted to share life or whatever, he created the earth, and then created dinosaurs for whatever reason and then got rid of them with a comet or whatever or they lived and Noah used them to move lumber to build the arc,LOL, then after he created the earth and life he created man from dust, evidently even god needs some base building material, then he created woman from the rib of the man who was made of dust, then he let a sprit [another form of life he created that we cannot see but can inhabit inanimate objects and snakes] inhabit a snake that talked the woman made of rib from the man made of mud into eating a piece of fruit that dispensed all knowledge. This was forbidden for man to know things and then he knew he was naked and sin was born. So we needed another sprit [gods son or god depending on which BS you want to believe] to come to earth and die on a cross or stake again which BS you like, so that man could have a chance to live forever after going through thousands of years of wars, rape, murders, slavery and bad behavior, starvation, drought, disease ect. so that god could prove that some people wanted to worship him with free will or what other f u ck ing sh it you want to spew. Yep this is the proof that people use to show god exists.
No god does not exist and its a fantasy that will not come to pass. You and I will die and we will not see god come to save the earth or us, we do it ourselves or we die out as a species. I think human greed and stupidity will eventually destroy us and possibly the planet but that’s another argument.