Posts by dogon
Do JWs ever doubt that the end is really coming?
by dogon inas a former dubber i had many occasions to doubt that the end was coming.
i was told it was ok to doubt but not to think about it too much and wait on jehovah.
that bull shit lasted until they changed the meaning of generation in 95 and that was the end of that bull shit for me.
As a former Dubber I had many occasions to doubt that the end was coming. I was told it was OK to doubt but not to think about it too much and wait on Jehovah. That bull shit lasted until they changed the meaning of Generation in 95 and that was the end of that bull shit for me. I was otta there like a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I can remember talking with an elder I used to work with that was dogmatic follower. I used to ask him if he were 75 and the end was not here would he second guess that the society was right. He said he would be disappointing but not to the point of doubting the cult. Well that is easier said then done. I don't know what he thinks today, I was drummed out due to not believing. I kept enough distance that they never could get enough rope to hang me, now I really don't give a crap, my family that was in the cult are all passed on so I don' t give a fuck what those assholes do. But I now live in Florida and I was from Michigan. So they don't have any contact with me to DF my ass. I wonder though with things never happening like the cult predicts do many doubt the validity of the cult? -
Prince died from overdose?
by TweetieBird ini just saw where the emergency landing that prince made several days ago in moline was due to an opiate overdose.
this came from tmz and sounded pretty credible.
if true, just curious if he would still be given a jw funeral, if that is what he wanted..
So he was a Dubber in good standing? I knew he was at one time but did not know if he stayed in the cult. -
Memorial attendance
by punkofnice inmy spies seem a bit confused.
here, in this neck of the woods 3 congregations had 3 separate sittings.
the attendance seemed to be swelling.
Memorial means shit. Every tom dick and harry and susie who has any ties will go to keep family members shut up. Also the cult will rope anyone they can bribe or drag into the hall. It has little to do with any numbers as to the growing or declining of the cult. The harder the times are the more the cult can pull in idiots. Hard times flush the chumps. -
Have we become what we despise so much?
by Tenacious inthe majority of members who tend to join this forum have been hurt possibly even traumatized sometimes to the point of wanting to end their lives.
upon joining the forum, new members are welcomed with open arms, welcome messages start pouring in, "likes" are freely given, a false sense of security is promoted where a member is free to speak his mind without having to worry about the wt gestapo.
again, similar to how potential converts are welcomed and "love bombed" upon entering a kh for the first time.
Sorry I do not buy what your saying at all. I do not mislead millions into making horrible life altering decisions, protect child molesters and line my life style on the backs of the working poor. I do not have the ability to do one millionth of what the cult does. This place is the real world. If you can not stand up and say I agree with this or that and disagree with the other and want to call it hostile then sorry for you. I do not agree with those who have chosen to stay in because of friends and family. But that is their choice. I do not have to make it a circle jerk for someone who comes here with any kind of sympathetic ideas for the cult. -
Fishing and JW's???
by lurkernomore inso i was just reading a thread and came across a completely new jw 'rule', that of not being allowed to go fishing!..
at least it's new to me as i always enjoyed fishing as did others in my old congregation.
anyone else heard of this or had this imposed on them in they're jw lives?.
One thing I found over the years was that it all depended on the Congregation. Where we lived the elders in North Michigan around Petoskey, Indian River and especially Vanderbuilt would have put you in a bag and dumped you in a river if you said you could not hunt or fish. I would listen to them go back and forth on who got the biggest fish deer ect. They would always preface it with "I do this to put food on the table" It was as lie. I grew up hunting and fishing and can tell you pound for pound it costs a hell of a lot more to get your food by hunting then by going to the store and buying it. You have at least 500 for a rifle, 20 bucks for cartridges, 18 for a license, time off work for two to several days, gas and oil for your vehicle, and all the other things like boots, cloths and camping equipment if you stay over in the hunting area. When your done you get a few pounds of fish or if the fishing is bad nothing for the money spent.
Then other congregations or people from them such as down state Michigan, some would feel that hunting an animal was not showing respect for gods creating as I was told several times. My dad gave up deer hunting before I did saying he did not like shooting an animal he loved to watch in his field only to get about 40 pounds of meet off a good sized animal so that he could try to make it taste like beef. He had a point, every time some elder hunter would shoot a rabbit they would try to make it taste like chicken, or deer like beef, so why not save the money and buy chicken and beef?
I have an uncle in Pinedale Wyo that is a rabid hunter. He has spent many thousands of dollars over the years shooting elk, Bighorn, and other animals to put on his wall. He is a small minded man who fancies himself some kind of modern mountain man. He is an elder in the hall even after he moved from Michigan to get away from his affair with his secretary. The society is full of hypocrisy. I am not against hunting or fishing I just have other interests, but I am not for hunting or fishing for sport of anything that is endangered or to hang on the wall. Catch and release fishing is a great way to keep money rolling into conservation of the animals.
What are the new songs that people are talking about?
by dogon ini have heard that there are some or at least one new song that is way out there.
what number is it or a link to it on youtube.
I have heard that there are some or at least one new song that is way out there. What number is it or a link to it on youtube. Thanks. -
The hypocrisy of the JWs knows no bounds
by dogon inon facebook i will see dubbers from my ex-cult hall who will post bull shit about jehovah is about to fix all our problems and then befriend someone who is not a witness but rants about jesus this and that while attacking someone who dose not belong to the dubber cult any longer.
its amazing how they can buy into a cult that had its founder die in 1916 when he said the end was coming and still believe that its just around the corner.
it takes a special kind of stupid to buyinto this shit and never think any deeper.
On Facebook I will see Dubbers from my ex-cult hall who will post bull shit about Jehovah is about to fix all our problems and then befriend someone who is not a witness but rants about Jesus this and that while attacking someone who dose not belong to the dubber cult any longer. Its amazing how they can buy into a cult that had its founder die in 1916 when he said the end was coming and still believe that its just around the corner. It takes a special kind of stupid to buyinto this shit and never think any deeper. They will leave spouses family members and cling to a proven wrong belief system. It never stops amazing me. I am nothing special, was raised in the cult from birth and after I grew up and started to form my own ideas could slowly see its total bull shit. There is no excuse if I can do it that they can not. Its pure laziness. -
Dubbers now sitting in flea markets to count time. Dont even try to pawn mags.
by dogon inevery flea market i go to a group of idiots sits under a tent top with a few mags on display with a cup of coffee playing on a phone with as much interest in pushing the cult as a teenage girl at the check out line has in bagging your groceries.
when i was in the cult we had to work for our time.
now its like sitting at the coffee shop bsing with the other cult idiots counting time for your pioneer status.
Every flea market I go to a group of idiots sits under a tent top with a few mags on display with a cup of coffee playing on a phone with as much interest in pushing the cult as a teenage girl at the check out line has in bagging your groceries. When I was in the cult we had to work for our time. Now its like sitting at the coffee shop BSing with the other cult idiots counting time for your Pioneer status. What a bunch of shit. This ORG. keeps going farther down the rabbit hole. -
New way of preacing?
by dogon ini have noticed that in florida at least i see at every flea market and or town square jws sitting drinking coffee with a table and a couple of sandwich signs with watchtowers and awakes doing nothing more than playing on their phones and or talking to each other.
i have not yet seen anyone going up to them and engaging them but i bet they are counting time.
what a cheat.
I have noticed that in Florida at least I see at every flea market and or town square JWs sitting drinking coffee with a table and a couple of sandwich signs with watchtowers and awakes doing nothing more than playing on their phones and or talking to each other. I have not yet seen anyone going up to them and engaging them but I bet they are counting time. What a cheat. Instead of going from door to door wasting gas and bleeding knuckles they sit and play and count time. LOL Lazy bastards. -
What to say to JWs at a funeral
by dogon inmy father passed away this week.
we are going to have a funeral for him.
he was not a witness for many years but a lot of his family is still associated.
Thanks for the thoughts, my temper is what I am working on before we have the get together. My dads sister is putting it on and she is disfellowshipped. So it would only be close relatives that would even show up. I have to just put on a smile and walk away if someone uses it to try to "reach" me. My mother was still in the cult when she passed back in 2000 and I really had to bite my tongue when they used her funeral at a hall as a recruiting tool.
Fortunately dad left the cult years before mom died so its not a big problem, but I have a couple of close relatives who are very brain washed. I guess I should look at it as not a time nor place "Community Center" to do my usual speech like when they come to the door knocking. I will work on my Zen mental sand garden if anyone says anything. Thanks for the thoughts.