Although I hate JWs to the one. I would also say 99% would not do things like this. Not because they are good but because its the way they do things. They love to DF for punishment. That said I know of a couple high strung younger idiot Dubs who would during hunting season shoot the local Church sign while driving down the road. Its not common but I think it happens. I would love to catch a dubber on camera and have them paraded into court.
Posts by dogon
JWs vandalizing homes/property of apostates
by StarTrekAngel ini have read over the past few years of many cases of elder harassment and unwanted visitations.
however, there is a couple of stories out there where it has been presented that eventually the apostate in question comes home one day to find that their home has been trashed or covered with graffiti, which by the words written, seems to imply that it was a jw taking "revenge" or seemingly delivering divine justice against the apostate.
most of these are stories i've read online from several years ago.. have you individually or the group ever heard or stumbled upon these cases?
JWs and taking blood
by dogon ini have a brother who works in the medical profession and in particular surgery rooms.
he had a jw woman who needed blood.
while the jw elders were there she said no blood.
I have a brother who works in the medical profession and in particular surgery rooms. He had a JW woman who needed blood. While the JW elders were there she said no blood. But once away from the JWs she said if they could avoid blood do it but if she needed blood do what they need to do to keep her alive. He said that about 50 percent of the JWs that come in will say that once the gestapo leaves. I never thought this happened. LOL But it makes sense.
Changed Wording in February 2017 WT Article
by Ding inthe february 2017 wt had stated that the gb is "neither inspired nor infallible" and that it can make errors in doctrine.. the language of the online wt issue now says, “the governing body is neither inspired nor perfect.
therefore, it can make mistakes when explaining the bible or directing the organization.”.
why the change?
So what the fuck good are they?
Well, the Apostasy Accusations Begins...
by Sorry inso, it finally happened.
the first time i have been called out for being an apostate.
it started out innocently enough: my family and i were watching a tv show.
Good job. Never let anyone make you conform. If they can not accept you for who you are fuck em. Tell them they can clean up their own shit when they can not get out of bed. Or better yet elder fuck n fuck can do it.
If You Could Ask the GB Or One Of Its Members...
by Cold Steel question about anything and get a straight answer, what would it be?
historical, philosophical, theological, eschatological, anything.
I would ask them to do the right thing and go to the nearest forest and hang them-self.
Welcome President Pence!
by Wasanelder Once incan we expect legal problems for trump to cripple his authority?
remember that trump u. is still pending as well as multiple accusations of groping.
there is that one case of the woman claiming he raped her at 13. wow america, you really know how to pick'em.
I doubt that Trump will have problems. I hope he builds a wall, stops Muslims from coming to our country and stops the jobs from bleeding off shore. Skankles can go die under some rock in NY.
2016 death of my father who told me don't come back if your a Witness...still hurts my soul! Warning you all!!
by Witness 007 ini last spoke to my father in march 1990. we finished a "quick build" kingdom hall and i had a 17 year old spiritual awakening and decided to drop high school to pioneer full time.
(yes i was a dumb ass) he was not happy since my parents were divorced he was catholic.
we had a arguement and he said stay in school get a degree...and dont come back if your a witness!!
I had a grandfather on my mothers side that turned away from his family because we his grand kids did not have anything to do with us. You have to steel yourself. I look at it this way. I did nothing but live my life. If a relative can not accept me for who I am and I am harming no one they can fuck them-self. My GF died in 2011 estranged from us. That was his choice. It was our choice to leave the cult, but he made the choice to leave us. Anyone who leaves family because of a religion cult does not deserve family.
Is this a sign then, should I lol?
by Alostpuppydog inso the elder (who was my teacher) has informed the rest of the congregation and has now revolked my enterance into their or any hall.
and so now they are looking into getting a restraining order and have called new york and that's what they have decided to do.
just because i was made to feel so depressed and hated that i was thinking of suicide.
I think your on your way to healing just by not being around them. They are assholes. Find people who support you for being you not what you have to conform to to fit in.
JWs Excited Trump Won
by LaurenM ini am incredibly disturbed.
many of the jws i'm still friends with on facebook are incredibly excited that trump won the american presidential race, posting, "yay!
i'm so happy!
What a bunch of fucking asshat idiots. WW1 was the beginning of the end, wait no its WW2 Korea the cold war bla bla bla. Its always something. These small minded idiots who see the end every time there is a conflict. LMAO There is always a conflict. There will always be conflicts. It would be weird if there were not. JWs are mind numb borg. They are like alcoholics that will not admit that they are.
Hillary Clinton Winning total vote count but loses the Election
by RubaDub indo those of you outside the usa find it odd that in a presidential election, the total number of people casting votes means nothing?
there is a method we use here called the electoral college based on each state rather than the total votes cast by actual people.. this is, i believe the 5th time in america's history that the person with the most votes lost the election (the last was in 2000 when al gore beat george w. bush by about 400,000 votes but lost the election).. so hillary (at the moment i last checked) had overall about 200,000 more votes nationwide but lost.. i'm sure a lot of people in other countries scratch their heads when they see this happening.. rub a dub.
The main reason for the EC is to give power to small or less populated states so big states like California and NY do not run rough shod over the others. If we did not have it then skankles would not even try to do anything for states like Wyoming or Arkansas. You most likely live in a country that does not have states that are to some deg. autonomous.