As with all religions the JW cult can act as a surrogate family. They use this as a tool to keep members in line. If you don't do as you are told than you lose your family. It works. There was a time long past I had contemplated staying in to keep my standing with family and friends. I could not do that. Its not worth living a lie.
Posts by dogon
2 sisters called today
by stan livedeath inive lived here 7 months now--and today was the 4th time some dubs have called--while i was at home.. they were probably about 60-70.. after i let one do her simple leaflet presentation--i told them i used to be a jw--but left over 40 years ago.
and that i held the watchtower responsible for the break up of my family: and discussed shunning.. but the main thing i wanted to discuss--was the sale of their kingdom hall.
they confirmed a sale was going through.
Old JW friend of my wife stoped by.
by dogon inan old jw friend of my wife stopped by here in fla. i knew there would be some subliminal bs.
i had to keep quiet through all the this old system can not go on much longer and are you going to the memorial?
I know , many of my family who did not attend meetings thought that by attending memorial once a year would get them in good when the big A came.
A Religion of Faithful Parrots
by Hapthor1986 init's funny as i reflect back on my days as a witness during the watchtower study.
it seems like no matter what the question asked.
it was like parrots squawking back exactly what they had just heard with absolutely no thought or even the slightest expression of free will.
Once you leave and look back you can hardly believe you ever bought into it. Sadly I can say at one time while young I bought into this bull shit. Now I could not more believe than get back my dead grandfather.
How many years did you waste away in the Org?
by Tallon inin my case; 27 years.
7 of which were as a ministerial serpent ... sorry, i mean 'servant' ;).
30 years. I was raised in this shit. Its hard to get out when you are raised in it and your entire family is in it. The internet gave me the information they buried. I don't believe they are bringing in many from the door to door work. I think what they are getting is kids of believers. The old family friend of my wifes who visited last night was a teacher and should know better. She believes the end in near even though its been near and could not go on much longer since 1914. But its proven that the more a cult is proven wrong the more the cult members cling to the cult.
Old JW friend of my wife stoped by.
by dogon inan old jw friend of my wife stopped by here in fla. i knew there would be some subliminal bs.
i had to keep quiet through all the this old system can not go on much longer and are you going to the memorial?
I know. One thing I have learned over the years is its a waste of time to even argue with a JW. You will never get them to even for one second think on it. They will only get upset. So best thing in this situation is to ignore it and let if fall in closed ears. I just go to my happy place. LOL. What gets me is that they really think they have such a strong position that they can just sway you by their emotional bull shit. This is why I have nothing to do with my family who is still in the cult. They are so brain washed its sick. I was sick of hearing end of the world in 1995 when that bull shit explanation of generation came out. That was the straw the broke the camels back for me. For years before 95 I was getting skeptical. How long can you say the people who saw 1914 would see the end. I saw it was not possible to keep that line of bull shit up long. Then 95 and that crazy bull shit definition of generation and it was OK now your just pissing in my ear and telling me its raining. Goodby WTBTS and I have never given leaving a second thought. Well only that I should have done it year many years before.
Old JW friend of my wife stoped by.
by dogon inan old jw friend of my wife stopped by here in fla. i knew there would be some subliminal bs.
i had to keep quiet through all the this old system can not go on much longer and are you going to the memorial?
An old JW friend of my wife stopped by here in Fla. I knew there would be some subliminal BS. I had to keep quiet through all the this old system can not go on much longer and are you going to the memorial? Gag. I wanted to say I have better wine and crackers here at home. My wife just would brush on past the dropped not so latent hints.
It seems that many witnesses simply dont care about facts?
by stuckinarut2 ini often wonder if the current crop of witnesses, especially the youth and younger ones simply don't care about facts?.
i mean for some, even with knowledge of the past scandals, misleading teachings, mistruths, etc etc, they simply don't care.
"it is the truth after all".. they are so intertwined in the operations and activities of the society, that they cant see anything outside of it.
Remember the old books like then is finished? They would go into depth on what they believed. Bull shit? sure but it was in depth bull shit. Now they drink pablum and ask for more patting themselves on the back as if it was the new unification theory.
Business Slow at JW Literature Trolley
by Athanasius inyesterday i stopped at a local shopping center to pick up a few things.
i arrived at 9:45 am and two jw ladies had already set up their literature trolley and had opened for business.
but i didn't see anyone stopping by and taking advantage of their free literature.
I see these idiots at flea markets and other places and have yet to see anyone stop buy. They don't even act like they want to talk to people. Its a place to book time is all it is. JWs know they are full of shit.
Giving money is thrilling?
by punkofnice inwatchtower study edition nov 16 pg 19. classic............................ .
They can shit in one hand and wait with the other for me to give and see which fills up first. Fuck those god damn fucktards. I would not give them the sweat of a dead mans balls.
Now I'm Convinced There Probably Is No God
by pale.emperor inyesterday i made a visit to the museum in my city.
the top floor is the planetarium, which has a connecting room with a huge dome ceiling where they project lessons and lectures and you have a 360 view of the night sky etc.. this particular lecture explained about our galaxy, and how it's only one of billions in the universe.
and then we learned about each planet, some of their moons and the sun.
Personally I am an agnostic. IMO there is at this point of human history no way to prove god does not exist nor that he does. One simply takes what we do know and selects what you feel comfortable with. I can do this because its a toss of the coin. Life as complex as it is and diverse seems like its hard to believe that natural selection can account for this and there is no evidence that a higher power exists so agnostic.