You can not win by logic with a JW. You may as well try to tell a heavens gate devote that there is no mother ship in the Halebop comet. Its like being an alcoholic, one has to admit it themselves.
Posts by dogon
1914 is the Key !
by Phizzy ini thought this deserved its own topic.
it is a thought that occurred to me as i read the wt rag that i took to be polite.. it is the public one about the 4 horseman, and it struck me that they are still 100% reliant on their false 1914 doctrine to hang everything on.. if 1914 is proved wrong, what can the credibility of their doomsday message hang on ?.
we all know how to disprove the old 2520 years nonsense, but they seem to at last be hiding that, and simply claiming that world events prove jesus slung the devil out of heaven in 1914.. so, what has that old devil done since 1914, 103 years ago ?.
How can angels be sexually attracted to women?
by Island Man inthe nephilim account in genesis is utterly ridiculous when you consider that angels are sex-less beings and would therefore lack sex-drive and romantic attraction.
think of how difficult it is for humans with a sex drive to be sexually attracted to animals.
now take away that sex drive and it becomes literally impossible.
Until one realizes that the bible is a book by and for goat herders then one is doomed to believe in fairy stories.
This Weekend's Watchtower Study "What You Vow, Pay" from April issue
by BluesBrother injust some random thoughts here... theme scripture is matt.5: 33 .
we already had a thread explaining that jesus added a "but" after those words.
however, few would argue against the principle of keeping one's word.
The bible itself is a bunch of crazy idiots running around like asshats. Its a book written by goat herders.
Told My Parents Yesterday That I Don't Want to Be a JW
by Saethydd ini wasn't entirely sure what to expect when i made the decision to tell my parents how i really feel, but i was prepared for the worst, fortunately, it didn't come to that.
after i told them i didn't want to go to the meetings anymore it led to a long talk with them.
they made a number of irksome and woefully uninformed statements but at least they were not aggressive and have said that they won't force me to move out over this, though, i can tell they are hoping they can convince me to "accept the truth," as long as i still live with them.
BTW this reminds me of when I was a dubber in Arcadia Fla many years ago. I had a carpet store after working for an elder for a few years. Set my own place up. The elder would insult other people when they wanted flooring done in their church. It was always churches are part of Satan's world. When I started I was having second thoughts about the cult. So I would work for churches. Helped me a lot get started in the community. The elders under the direction of the elder who owned a competing carpet store tried to nail me for working for a church. I knew there was a golden loop hole. I was not working for the church I was working for an individual who had me work for a church which is a way out. It now became a conscience issue. They could do nothing. If your parents get any guff for you living there and not being a dubber, they can rent to you. Now the dubbers have no say in anything. You can rent for a dollar a month or just say it. Depends on your parents. If pressure gets too much this is a way to shut the fuckers up.
Told My Parents Yesterday That I Don't Want to Be a JW
by Saethydd ini wasn't entirely sure what to expect when i made the decision to tell my parents how i really feel, but i was prepared for the worst, fortunately, it didn't come to that.
after i told them i didn't want to go to the meetings anymore it led to a long talk with them.
they made a number of irksome and woefully uninformed statements but at least they were not aggressive and have said that they won't force me to move out over this, though, i can tell they are hoping they can convince me to "accept the truth," as long as i still live with them.
The best time to get out is now. Always now. Remember lots wife don't look back. LOL. Had a sister tell me and my wife that this old system can not go on much longer about two months ago. LMFAO Really? Like I did not hear that in the 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s and 2000s bla bla bla. Same old shit different day.
What Kind Of Psychological Conseling Do You Think Jehovah's Witnesses Need When They Find Out It's Not The Truth?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini personally would like to see they get the very best but haven't a clue how to do it what are your benevolent words of wisdom, should a person do a deep research on his own a kind of self medication or should they brush up on some psychology,, who should they trust because after you leave you got big trust issues.. i don't know about you but to me it was a real shocker, i was totally into getting their worthless bull shit out of my head.
i choose the self medicate path and did as must research as time would allow,, science was a biggie for me, it was enjoyable learning to get so much bull shit out of my head..
Depends on the person. But I can tell you that JWs who never have been exposed how to critically think are at a disadvantage. If you do not understand things like the bandwagon fallacy or ad-homonym attack fallacy your already an easy mark for mind control. JWs used to tell me they were not closed minded. If dubbers are not CM then it does not exist. JWs as rank and file are useful idiots to the cult leadership.
Convention Horror Video for J.W.'s Young Children
by The Searcher inin part 3 of remember the wife of lot, prepubescent j.w.
kids are going to be shown something which demonstrates that the org condones watching disturbing horror content.
the "direction" the wtbts is taking is breathtaking.
Hova will provide, wait NOT. What a load of shit.
Can we talk confidentially?
by wheelwithinwheel inthe lot video shows what most elder’s offices are like.
actually it a pretty well-equipped one and with the video context is, without a doubt, org-approved.
but let’s face it.
I doubt a third of elders did not mouth off to their wife's and others about confidential shit. You can not trust these assholes as far as you can spit.
studies in the scriptures question
by dogon ini picked up a studies in the scriptures divine plane of the ages.
i have a question.
i have seen others on line and there is a date mine is 1912 but my book has a number 3 million something edition.
I picked up a studies in the scriptures Divine Plane of the Ages. I have a question. I have seen others on line and there is a date mine is 1912 but my book has a number 3 million something edition. I have seen the same date but different number editions. Can someone explain to me what this is?
Crossing the Elders
by Cold Steel infew things draw my interest as much as people on this board who talk about the elders, the insidious little toadies who lurk around kingdom halls, the proverbial big fish in little ponds.
it amazes me the terror and the veneration they inspire, as well as the occasional ridicule.
it makes me wonder how they're selected and whether most of them come into the position with a sense of power, entitlement, authority and control, or whether many of them are pretty nice people and that i'm just hearing about the bad apples?
Although it does not negate the fact that the Tower is full of shit to its gills, I have seen a few Elders who seemed to genuinely care. But I have also seen this to be the minority. I have seen many more who are just asshats who have made nothing of their life and because they get the blue hairs golf clapping at their scripted speech on Sunday or Thursday night they feel like they have made it. Its also an appeal to popularity. They must be great because all these dumb asses think so. Which is the real reason the society has assemblies. When dumb people see 20 thousand people all singing the same lame song it must be true. This many people could not be fooled. I have had many elders who were determined to DF me. Showing up at my door thinking how slick they were trying to get me to say that the dubbers were not gods org on earth. I would never make a statement only ask questions or say I have read this or that. They finally asked me if I did not believe why do I care? I said I never said I do or do not believe, I just have questions and that is supposed to still be OK, and if they wanted me DFed they could do the work and get it, but I was not going to hand them the rope. Mostly because they feel vindicated when you are DFed. If you can stay in "good standing " and be a apostate in their eyes it destroys the whole God keeps his org clean.