Back in the 80s when it was popular in my area, it was used for those who were known to you personally to be not good association but if they were baptized there was no two witnesses to anything they had done so no disfellowshipping had taken place.. or if someone were not baptized and was not good association you marked them privately to avoid association with them. The more zealous idiots would take it to extremes so it was not publicly talked about once the witch trials had started up. It got so bad if you missed a few meetings some would mark you.
Posts by dogon
Marking Talks are back!?!?! - New Name!
by thedepressedsoul inwhen i was younger i used to hear about "marking talks" given in the past.
i believe they stopped in the 80's or 90's.
basically, if someone wasn't baptized or doing something unrepentant, they would get a "marking talk" and be treated the same as a df person.
6 New Kingdom Halls Built In The US This Year
by James Jack inon our local needs part tonight, the elder (on the local ldc), conducting the part, said he just got back from a meeting in memphis tn with members from the us branch rdc conducting the meeting.
they mentioned that only 6 new kingdom halls and 2 major re-models were completed in 2016.
"it may seem like a small accomplishment, considering under the old rbc arrangement there was some 700 projects on the average each year being done", "but, this is going 5-10 years of training to kick this new program into optima production".
They will say the slow down shows the end is near and the work is starting to wrap up. Its a heads they win tails we lose thing.
Jehovahs Witnesses condemn Christian Religions .In reality Christian religions are Caring for Aged JW`s.
by smiddy inwho are looking after the aged and infirm jehovah`s witnesses ,?
its certainly not the organization known as the wtb&ts ./jehovahs witnesses religion .. and why is that ?
satans system of things with jehovahs blessing , has programs to look after those who have such needs , such as the dole for unemployed ,medical assistance for those who cant afford it ,and their are many charitable institutions that look after those that fall in the cracks.
I can tell you from first hand experience that when my dad was ill and dying, not one of those fucking asshat hypocrites so much as showed up to even say sorry to hear about your dad. Not Family Dubbers or friends that were Dubbers. What it did was prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are exactly what I knew they were. Dumb assholes who only care about their own self stature and could give a fuck less about people. I at least have the satisfaction that day by day they waste their lives waiting on some bull shit that will never come. When they lay on their death bed and are wondering what the fuck happened it will be a great punishment.
The Governing Body are doubling down on dogma!
by DATA-DOG inin case you were wondering if the governing body we're going to become kinder and gentler, the answer is a big "no!!!
in the current study edition of the wt magazine, the sheeple are reminded of some very important key points.
1) god has an organization ( corporation ) that you must respect.. 2) only the gb/faithful slave can dispense spiritual food and only the gb/faithful slave can interpret the bible.. 3) individual dubs absolutely cannot learn "truth" on their own.. 4) god requires "unity of doctrine.
No surprise there.
What would happen to the assets of the JW organisation if the cult went into meltdown?
by Half banana inwhat if the jw org became publicly exposed as a repressive and harmful cult working to the detriment of society, the membership dropped away and the gb woke up to reality and quit .
what would happen to the worldwide property and investments of the wtbts and allied companies?
where would the money go then?
Although its a nice dream, I highly doubt that they will disband anytime soon. The best we can hope for is that they lose people and shrink at a rapid rate. But there will always be a hard core Jim Jones hangers on.
Theme of this year's series of Conventions
by MrTheocratic init was announced this week that the theme for the 3 day convention is "do not give up".
these are the words that are spoken to someone who is struggling and is in the process of giving up.
this theme tells me that many in the organization are tiring out and slowing down.
But But we are sooooo close. What is the current bull shit we are at the tip of the pencil in time? I always think of Romancing the stone. We are coming back for you,when? Soon. How soon? Very soon.
If anybody tells you that the end is so close
by pepperheart inask them why the gb has spent millions of people hours buiding the new bethels in new york and london rather than them working door to door or on the trolleys.
I have found arguing with a dubbers is about the same as trying to convince a brick wall of something. It is a complete wast of time and energy and exercise in futility. I do not even engage them any more. Its part of growing past them. Although I am still interested in where they are in belief and practice I.E why I am here. I was at a flea market yesterday and go three times a month. Every time they have a booth set up and its the only booth that no one engages with. Once in a while you will see the odd snow bird who is a dubber talking to them but for the most part no one wants to talk and they sit in the back of their set up booth and eat and talk among themselves. They are losers.
Is the Dubbers cult going to more digital than printed?
by dogon ini know they have slave labor free but it costs a lot to print, ship ect and then you have waste.
digital would cut costs.
i was thinking about this because my wife visited her mother an father who are still cult members.
My avatar is a visual metaphor for how dubbers stroke each other. I like it. If anyone does not I suggest you look away. I think it fits well with how dubbers act.
"Intelligent" Witnesses
by megaboy inafter reading some experiences, i have found that this organization has had quite a big change in its operations within the last decade.
back when i was talking to the ocassional witnesses at a local hotspot i remember some of them having respectable intelligence.
what i want to know though is those who have been aquainted with who they felt were more educated and independent in thinking, how they handled the rapid changes.
I think the cult gets most of its new members by breeding. They don't bring that many from the field. Not these days. If your brought up in the cult its hard to get past the trust you put in mom and dad have your best interest at heart.
Still Contaminated After All These Years
by new boy inthe contaminantion of years of being a jehovah witness.. it's interesting to see in myself and in many others here how no matter how much we want it or wish it, we will never be able to erase all of the mental contamination.
in one way or another it will always be a part of us.. i've had many friends that have been out for many years say "well i can't do that it just wouldn't be right.
" yes they are still judging themselves and others.
It took me years of self analyzation but I can go days or weeks and not even thing about these asshats. If you stay around cult members to any degree your just keeping an open wound. Its like an alcoholic working at a bar.