Well, Still', I don't believe it's possible to reform this or any other cult. That's just wishful thinking IMHO, and reflects some of the cloying illustrations in the WT depicting the lion with its paw resting on the back of a lamb as if to say, "how 'bout 'nother beer, thweetheart, my plathce or yourth?"
For a full list of the type of people who join cults and where they come from and why, see Eric Hoffer's, The True Believer. It leaves little to the imagination and can be read in two hours.
For decade upon decade, the filthy cult known as the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society did its dirty work, as it were, behind the scenes, in the background, in the corner, in the dark, out of the view of society in general, just like its spiritual leader Satan, did his works in the dark.
Now however, the Internet plays the searching light of truth on this organization and it proves to be like turning on the lights in a dirty kitchen: tens upon tens of roaches scramble off in every direction attempting to get away from the light. And as more and more of the godless practices of Jehovah's Witnesses are made public, the more the horrified general public will recoil in disgust and disbelief from this godless, conscienceless organization, led by (supposedly) virginal, but senile octagenarians in Brooklyn who live isolated in their ivory towers and haven't the least clue of the ramifications of their policies, pronounced from on high. These hirsuite Hitlers of today make their prounouncements (trying their best to reintroduce the Mosiac Law based on the thin argument that we are still under its "great principles" today. Frankly, I see no scripture - especially in Galatians - that allows such a reintroduction of the Mosiac Law based on its principles, great or otherwise. The old men in Brooklyn may be senile, but a few synapses are firing in there somewhere.)
It's relatively easy to sin in the dark against God; it's another thing to keep that sin hidden in the daylight. And in this senario, the "daylight" is the Internet, the impartial court of public opinion. The GB argues its side, and we argue for freedom, justice, and scriptural truth. The vast majority of people who read our indirect debates do not belong to the alienated groups which are the JWs natural haunts from which their membership comes, but are normal loving people. Who do you think will win out over the cults.
Yes, the way off into righteousness is narrow and cramped, but be assured that it is wide enough for ALL WHO WANT TO ENTER. The JWs seem to forget that minor detail.
Frank Tyrrell