You said, in your quite wonderful post, "I believe, and devoutly so, that Christ is the fullest revelation of God. But I also believe that other religions contain glimmers of the same truth Jesus taught about the nature of God and the purpose of life."
I've noticed that myself. In fact, in the Tao Te Ching, written 600 years before Christ, Lao Tzu expresses sentiments that are exactly, not close, but exactly, those of Christ in the sermon on the mount.
Jesus came to illuminate a better way. It wasn't necessarily that no one knew this Way prior to him; he was to make this Way more clear. It's obvious that Lao Tzu and others in the East knew about the Way, and had known it for centuries. Thus we run a real risk, sitting in judgement of the religions of others - even JWs.
Each one of us has the right (and obligation) to step to the drummer we hear. And while it's deplorable that the JWs take what small glimmering they have of spiritual reality and use it to condemn all who disagree with their quaint interpretations, it's probably better for us to regard them as would a Ph.D. in mathematics regard little children in the first grade just learning to count. Aren't they so cute? Just learning to count? And so proud of themselves!
Of course, this is hard to do when you witness the Witnesses causing so much pain with their partial knowledge, false prophesy, condemnation, and lies. I guess that first grade analogy only goes for far, huh?