Even a child-like sand castle takes effort to build, yet it is so easily destroyed !
was recently in a web posting where the person did not want to know about my.
coping skills, which i believed i outlined very clearly, but my raw feelings about the provisions provided by the wt, at the exact moment back in time when these events occurred.. the idea of revisiting and focusing on these things runs so very foreign to my thinking, makeup and psyche ,that it took me a few days to sort out my thoughts.
the following illustration reveals how i feel about revisiting negative experiences so here goes the illustration i am a paramedic being asked this question.
Even a child-like sand castle takes effort to build, yet it is so easily destroyed !
As always your video is clear, pointed. It is easy to grasp the thoughts between the thoughts in the WT. We are able to see with
our own eyes, and mind's eye the motives and intent of the WT, that more clearly come to the surface .You make your work on these
video's look so easy and smooth that I fear we may take them for granted very soon! I for one likely have no idea how much time and effort
is spent . One curious question I have, I am not looking to any credit what so ever, but my recent post where I mentioned the time factor for
Jesus Christ at Memorial ? I would feel nothing but flattery if it was ! Thankyou for all your ongoing hard work .
comments you will not hear at the 03-23-08 wt study (february 15, 2008 wt, pages 3-7)(constantly).
review comments will be in red and in parentheses.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
I feel such a calm and peacfulness within your thoughts always ------- acceptance without emotional rantings
Well thought out dignified comments, which always makes them a only pleasure.to read! Not only is your brain working
but it appears to me that you have such harmony & balance within it ! Thankyou for your invalvable input to this board .
Welcome back !
I will go thundering down through history (& this board ) like an extra pint of water over Nigara falls ! he he he.....
after several years 'out' i can't be the only one who still gets a bit pissed off to hear 'oh so clever' apostates slagging off jw's for being dumb, stupid and worse.
grow up!
the beliefs of jehovah's witnesses are certainly stupid but then i'd say the same for all christian belief just as many of you might condemn my atheistic, evolutionary postion as being nonsense.
Stupid is as stupid does .... Forrest Gump !
was recently in a web posting where the person did not want to know about my.
coping skills, which i believed i outlined very clearly, but my raw feelings about the provisions provided by the wt, at the exact moment back in time when these events occurred.. the idea of revisiting and focusing on these things runs so very foreign to my thinking, makeup and psyche ,that it took me a few days to sort out my thoughts.
the following illustration reveals how i feel about revisiting negative experiences so here goes the illustration i am a paramedic being asked this question.
My illustration may be very flawed, but I still hope it has a spark of redeeming value for someone .
What part does this board play in recovery ? I simply believe that hope is never out of place anywhere in this world
was recently in a web posting where the person did not want to know about my.
coping skills, which i believed i outlined very clearly, but my raw feelings about the provisions provided by the wt, at the exact moment back in time when these events occurred.. the idea of revisiting and focusing on these things runs so very foreign to my thinking, makeup and psyche ,that it took me a few days to sort out my thoughts.
the following illustration reveals how i feel about revisiting negative experiences so here goes the illustration i am a paramedic being asked this question.
was recently in a web posting where the person did not want to know about my
Coping skills, which I believed I outlined very clearly, but my raw feelings about the provisions provided by the Wt, at the exact moment back in time when these events occurred.
The idea of revisiting and focusing on these things runs so very foreign to my thinking, makeup and psyche ,that it took me a few days to sort out my thoughts
The following illustration reveals how I feel about revisiting negative experiences so here goes the illustration………… I am a paramedic being asked this question. A person says to me I don’t want to know how well it turned out for your patient or your coping skills; but what were your exact raw feelings when after the crash you seen the mans leg shattered to pieces right before you arrived on scene? How can you deal with that horrible pain, suffering and death? My answer: Well for sure I don’t deal with it by direct focus on the terrible accident scene in front of my eyes. (There may be jokes told about looking for a lost limb and such) this of course is amongst the paramedics themselves not in public earshot. While these statements may seem shocking and crude to the public, they are coping skills that you must learn because some emotion must come out you must either laugh or cry. You must learn how to cope and rise above the present situation. NORMAL human emotion could hinder your clear, swift thinking and bring lasting harm to other victims at the scene.
Such I believe is the hurt and injury the Wt can bring. If we focus on the devastation and loss we may lose sight for our best possible action for this present moment in time. As in the death of a loved one, take time to remember the good things that you had. Grief and mourning is a natural step in the loss of a loved one but to wallow in grief for an extended period of time will cause further harm and problems to our lives. Control the things that you can control. Do not focus your reaction to this terrible crash scene, the death of your religious convictions, because indeed this is like a death.
Therefore I choose not to enter a dead end street of darkness and despair; But I do choose the light of hope and happiness.
greetings gang!.
today is st. patrick's day (i'm irish) and a new project has begun in apostate land.. gary busselman and i are going to start a radio talk show on the internet.. we need your help.. i know nothing of the technology of doing this.. i have a lot of experience on regular radio interviews and talk shows.. as far as i know i am the only "called on" cult expert los angeles, so the news services are familiar with me.. here's what i have in mind and what i need from someone out there.. first the name of the show.. we are thinking the buss and watt show: "what we meant to say.".
(watt was my nickname in the pressroom at bethel, given to me by thomas cabeen).. it will be hosted at www.armageddonokies.com .. i choose a subject to discuss, for 45-60 imn.. we have callers.. no doctrinal issues discussed whatsoever.. the theme is social behavior with a humorous bent.. don't need ideas for what talk about or who to have on or what to say, but.... i need advice on the technology of creating a talk show on internet using existing services or whatever would be best.. i already have an audience.. i would sincerely welcome your comments,.
Dear Randy,
It is a priviledge and an honor to converse with you. I am of zero help concerning your radio show idea, however
at this time I wish to publicly acknowledge what a great influence and help you have been in my personal journey!
Your "rules for Christian living" article indeed conveys the simplicity of the Christian message. The word grace is such a short
little word but it has huge impact and meaning for us. Your countless other articles and advise to numerous to detail but which
I have pondered for hours in years gone by have been invalueable.
Forever indebted
( one recent post indicated this 90% figure) .
i don't wish to debate the pro's and con's of atheism, just help me understand your personal.
reasonings for this huge difference in figures.
I need not explain to Christians who or what God is .
religions do a lot of positive things in helping a lot of people!.
mainly this is due to ones who believe being very sincerely devoted and hard working individuals!.
has your experience of religion been mainly a feeling of adventure or betrayal and why?.
To speak in a more personal way then, I do not 'feel' that at the time of my involvement with the jw's that my living soul was
not satisfied. If this had not been the case it would not have involved decades of association. "To thy own self be true" I've always
believed this expression to be true. As disatisfaction begins there is bound to be fudging back and forth, no one can just jump in
and then jump out instantly, unless they were in it for somewhat selfish reasons. (Imo) (seeking marriage mate, wills, paradise hope)
The exception to this would be born ins. I felt life was reasonably good but the bottom line I 'feel' was I serving god in truth?
I may have "felt" a victim to some extent near the end of my stay, but who is there to blame anyway? I "feel" very few men in the WT
could be considered of pure evil intent. I personally "feel" that all my life was valued experience. The only way I can lose is to retreat
into a shell and not learn from my past experiences. People because of a warm fuzzy feeling thought it was "the truth", now they
must reason their way out. But I do not have a heart of stone , "you must learn to live and love once again." I "feel' and believe that
life and happiness is about getting up one more time than you get knocked down!
So yes I feel my life way an adventure laced here and there with betrayal. But even at some brief points in my life where I "felt" betrayed,
I feel it is unwise to jump back into a deep and dark well of thoughts from which I have escaped. I choose not to be a prisoner of the past.
If I had not lived by my "present truth"understanding I would have knowingly been living a lie and not what I felt was the truth.
we must face the pain and sorrow of our betrayal and disappointment, and discover the movement of heart that opens to forgive in spite of it all. Each of us will find our hearts closed or feel ourselves hostage to the past at times during our journey.
A successful spiritual journey always requires forgiveness--for others, for ourselves, for life itself.
Without the wise heart of forgiveness we carry the burdens of the past our whole life.
(How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path by Jack Kornfield)
I also "feel" that my life has been a relatively smooth ride compared to many and therefore do not wish to offer any judgements against
anyone. I realize that many have suffered in ways beyond my imagination and to these ones I merely offer hope that their spiritual
journey is successful.