Good job that brother Peter Sutcliffe is his character witness. That's alright then. He must be innocent.
It's always good to have a charactor witness ha ha ha ha .... this quote is too funny
according to the yorkshire ripper, a repentant psychopath who is now a jehovah's witness in prison, jimmy savile is just being exploited because he can't refute any of the 300 allegations of molestation and rape.
there are some who think that jimmy savile may even have had a psychopathic personality.
Good job that brother Peter Sutcliffe is his character witness. That's alright then. He must be innocent.
It's always good to have a charactor witness ha ha ha ha .... this quote is too funny
i was surprised to hear this today.. poppies are not a big deal in the usa .
remebrance day (also known as poppy day or armistice day) is a memorial day observed in commonwealth countries since the end of world war i. to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty.. "in flanders fields" .
in flanders fields the poppies blow.
Memorial Day (observed May 27, 2013 next) ... (This just happens to be my anniversary date)
thanks for sharing Blondie
posted this earlier......
technically, the USA has two holidays for veterans -- one in May (Memorial day), commemorating "the ultimate sacrifice," and one in November to commemorate all of them (Veterans day )
unbridled lust, ... outrageousness, shamelessness,
insolence." Another lexicon defines a·sel'gei·a as conduct
that "violates all bounds of what is socially acceptable."
Rather than relating to bad conduct of a
somewhat petty or minor nature, "brazen conduct"
describes acts that reflect an attitude that betrays disrespect,
disregard, or even contempt for divine standards,
laws, and authority. (elders manual)...
Though this is not an exhaustive list, brazen
conduct may be involved in the following if the
wrongdoer has an insolent, contemptuous attitude
made evident by a practice of these things:
• Willful, continued, unnecessary association
with disfellowshipped nonrelatives despite
repeated counsel.-
Is being separate from the world not also a form of causing division ? Is there such a thing as good "causing division ?
Do Jehovah's Witnesses cause divisions ? . separating themselves from society as a whole. causing cause their children to be separate from schoolmates....... by causing divisions in the workplace ?
will there be over 12k 'partakers'(tm) this year?.
won't the wbt$ publish the amount of 'partakers'(tm) of the vinegar and crackers this year given that they stated this in qfr watchtower 15th august 2011 page 22 ????
they say they do not want to know how many "real anointed" remain. And they have taken away all their status and centred authority with the G B why publish a meaningless figure ? ~~ (BluesBrothers..... from another thread)
The anointed class in effect become" unnumbered" like the great crowd
After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb..." Revelation 7:9
W 1-15-2000 p13)
"Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller.”
Yr Partakers
2000 - 8661
2001 - 8730
2002 - 8760
2003 - 8565
2004 - 8570
2005 - 8524
2006 - 8758
2007 - 9105
2008 - 9986
2009 - 10857
2010 - 11202
2011 - 11824
the last jump was up 622 partakers !
"Bullet Surgery ....
"No, Caliber...
There was a bizarre analogy used at a district convention some years back - some kid [named "Andre", no doubt!! ] who supposedly had an incurable 'tic' - so he became so depressed that he tried to "end it all" - but the bullet - being a small caliber .22 - passed thru his brain PRECISELY where it would 'sever' the nerve causing his tic!! " ~~~Ziddina
Ziddina ..... So "Bullet surgery" is more like some sort of "new Age " form of Russian roulette thanks for sharing
ha ha ha ha ha ha
will there be over 12k 'partakers'(tm) this year?.
won't the wbt$ publish the amount of 'partakers'(tm) of the vinegar and crackers this year given that they stated this in qfr watchtower 15th august 2011 page 22 ????
Memorial partakers down played , no longer of interest because the door was again opened to the calling simply to allow for
selection of younger anointed to the GB (those chosen before 1935 are died or are in nursing homes)
but at the same time to down play any authority of these new ones may feel entitled to , in order to maintan central control and authority.
All anointed outside the GB are simply part of the "domestics" like the other sheep class
A domestic worker is a person who works within the employer's household... they are "the help "
david Splane used the "Bullet Surgery" analogy about marrying a non-JW when giving a talk at our SAD.
You mean like most are inclined to regard a bullet or a metal fragment in the heart as a sentence of death. ?
In more ways than one! Date a non-witness, and you will indeed be the target of a "marking" talk.
Interesting .....I was unaware "marking "would take place. now what if you actually married them
could there be a permanent marking of some sort or what ... where is Blondie ? Where or when does it end ?
Dating a non witness, a "worldly" person is highly discouraged and disciplinary action is also taken. When dating a so called "worldly" person, the witness involved runs the risk of have the local congregation, under the direction of the Watchtower Society, use their interpretation of 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 14 on them. This person becomes "marked" and although will still be spoken to, all social activities will cea se and a judgemental attitude and perception of this individual will be created, causing mental pressure and hardship, all designed to pressure this person to either stop dating this so called "wordly person" or have them start studying to become a Jehovah's Witness and start attending the meetings themselves ~~~ Hope4others
what is the " statute of limitations" ?
i was surprised to hear this today.. poppies are not a big deal in the usa .
remebrance day (also known as poppy day or armistice day) is a memorial day observed in commonwealth countries since the end of world war i. to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty.. "in flanders fields" .
in flanders fields the poppies blow.
So the flower represents ALL fallen combatents regardless of their respective countries?
I believe so... have even heard of German people remembering their lost ones with poppies while living here in Canada
lets just say they weren't fighting for Canada or the Queen of England