interesting for sure. I have read and heard of the 7-year cycle for love and romance. Supposedly, if a couple makes it beyond 7 years and are still happy with each other, then chances for a life-long relationship are good.
ARE you the same person now that you were fifteen years ago? In fact, are you the same person you were just seven years ago? Most of us have heard the old saying that every cell in the body is changed over a period of seven years; but recent investigation has uncovered facts of far more significance to us as human beings. This concerns the emotional, physical and mental changes that seem to occur in approximate seven-year intervals
-7 Years – 7-14 Years – 14-21 Years – 21-28 Years – 28-35 Years – 35-42 Years - 42-49 Years – 49-56 Years – 56-63 Years – 63-70 Years – 70-77 Years – 77-84 Years
So you get about 12 cycles
the other factor is the strong first 7 years...
But something so mysterious happens to us during this first seven years that once done it can never be undone. The Roman Catholic Church recognises this by saying that if they can have the first seven years of a child’s life, that is all they need to insure a lifelong influence. Napoleon also observed that as the twig is bent, so the tree will grow.The learning of language is like a powerful computer program that gives us the ability to develop an identity and self awareness
so which cycle were you in when exposed to "the Truth " (TM ) ?
0-7 years
One of the most important of these inputs is that of the unconscious behavioural responses we learn. From the moment you are born, perhaps even prior to that, you are learning, or there are pressed upon you, responses to what you are experiencing. The culture you are born into is a huge ready-made set of behavioural responses
14-21 years
This is the third cycle, from fourteen to twenty-one. During it we become conscious of ourselves in a new way, and with a different relationship to life. One might say we become “self conscious
35-42 years
From the thirty-fifth to the forty-second year, depending upon one’s personality and what one’s circumstances allow, one begins to feel a new restlessness. In some degree a desire to share whatever one has gained through life with others comes to the surface. Thus
42-49 years
In the next cycle from forty-two until forty-nine a major change usually takes place. It is as if one takes all of one’s life experience up till this age and begins to digest it, and extract from it new ideals and a new direction in life. There is often tremendous unrest in this period and that following it. The unlived aspects of life cry out to be recognised and allowed. The desire to make a mark in life if it has not already been achieved presses for action here.
At this point it appears to many of us that we have reached the mid point of our life and from here on there will be a decline. Even if this is not so it is often felt very strongly and acted upon in one way of another. People change partners, life directions, and even attempt major personal changes, although these latter may have begun in the last cycle.
I have also heard it said the it takes 1 year for every 5 years to change indoctrination... I'm thnking this would apply to the adult mind
Those born- in would face a much longer time of influence ( imbedded information )