Bttt~ more must see this inspiring video.. the universal language
we need not explain------- but only to feel it's warm !
you will find a host of books and articles that discuss the polar opposites of love and fear.
the bible shows two opposing gods.
personally, i believe god is love and the angry god of fear is an imposter.
Bttt~ more must see this inspiring video.. the universal language
we need not explain------- but only to feel it's warm !
you will find a host of books and articles that discuss the polar opposites of love and fear.
the bible shows two opposing gods.
personally, i believe god is love and the angry god of fear is an imposter.
Every act of love will set you free !!!! Be the light for all to see
Use the language that we need not explain... but only to feel it's warmth !
i'll play devil's advocate.... true, the mosaic law code prohibited the eating of blood.
but jesus fulfilled the law covenant thus wiping out all the laws previously set.
but then later, (through god's spirit, of course wink wink) the abstaining of blood was again brought to followers of christ.
If all of the Noahide Law applies to us (such as blood law ) what of the follow command ?
1:28: "God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.'" In verse 7 the command is repeated: "And you be fruitful and multiply, bring forth abundantly on the earth and multiply in it."
Must all Christains feel under command to marry and have many children ?
you will find a host of books and articles that discuss the polar opposites of love and fear.
the bible shows two opposing gods.
personally, i believe god is love and the angry god of fear is an imposter.
one of the most profound statements in the Bible: “God is love” (1 John 4:8). Never was a more important declaration made than this; never was more meaning crowded into a few words than in this short sentence—God is love. This is a profound statement. God doesn’t just love; He is love. His nature and essence are love. Love permeates His very being and infuses all His other attributes,
If, even knowing these things, we still see God as angry and imposing, it could be that we are not sure of our own relationship to Him
you will find a host of books and articles that discuss the polar opposites of love and fear.
the bible shows two opposing gods.
personally, i believe god is love and the angry god of fear is an imposter.
Just a few more thoughts I found on th net about what fear of God is.
For the unbeliever, the fear of God is to fear the judgment of God and eternal death, which is eternal separation from God (Luke 12:5; Hebrews 10:31). For the believer, the fear of God is something much different. The believer's fear is reverence of God. Hebrews 12:28-29 is a good description of this, "Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire." This reverence and awe is exactly what the fear of God means for Christians. This is the motivating factor for us to surrender to the Creator of the Universe.
Believers are not to be “scared” of God. We have no reason to be scared of Him. We have His promise that nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39). We have His promise that He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Fearing God means having such a reverence for Him, that it has a great impact on the way we live our lives. The fear of God is respecting Him, submitting to His discipline, and worshiping Him in awe.
It's not that the word fear not be use as much as what is implied.. the meaning of the word ! If the wrong thought is the result
of using the word fear why not convey the meaning more accurately ? Never may the true thought be "lost in translation ! "
in some cases, the wts's teaches that committing an act that the bible condemns is acceptable if it upholds a higher aim or principle.. one example of this is in the wts position on lying.. although the wts teaches that in general one should not lie, "protecting the interests of god's cause" is a higher aim than always being truthful (6-1-60 wt, p 352)...and so in such a case one can go ahead and lie.. incidentally, liars, aka "everyone who loves and practices lying" are classed with murderers, idolaters, abominable persons, etc., in the book of revelation.
(rev 21:8; 26-27; 22:15)...yet, according to the wts, there is a heirarchy of commandments and aims involved.
lying is permissible if it upholds the higher aim of furthering god's cause (i.e., protecting the organization).. conversely, the wts teaches that the dietary rule regarding the eating of blood must be followed without exception.
according to the WTS, there is a heirarchy of commandments and aims involved. Lying is permissible if it upholds the higher aim of furthering God's cause (i.e., protecting the organization).
Conversely, the WTS teaches that the dietary rule regarding the eating of blood must be followed without exception. That the value of human life, or the aim of saving human life does not supercede the carrying out of this rule.
Most excellent point.. protecting the org is worth more than even your life ! Well said and reasoned !
i am being investigated judicially, although weeks are going by without the elders saying anything to me about it.
i still comment and give my talks.. anyway, some of my friends are getting word about me being investigated, some in my family too.
a couple i used to preach with every week no longer call me and bug me to join them.
Dear Reniaa,
I understand your expressions of balanced view and fair play. But in this matter of
love bombing versus shunning I think it is fair to say most witnesses go to extremes....
either they fall all over you with gushing and tear filled eyes or totally ignore you !
I have personally experienced both . It's like a programed canned response based on
not how they truly feel toward you but rather "how am I supposed to act in this situation ?"
Just a nice normal middle of the road approach would be nice . I think it's the extremes
in action that troubles most of us ! I mean no hard feelings or disrespect to you
I am just telling you like it is !
q 1, 2. how did you feel when you became convinced that what you were learning about jehovah was the .
what convinced you of the truth?
Notice that "legitimate concerns" providing materially for yourself and your family, staying healthy, are no excuse for missing meetings and turning in sufficient time. And what is adequately as opposed to lavishly in the WTS estimation? The WTS has said that God's day has been near since
1879, isn't that 129 years; even Noah's day only waited 120 years
This is a very small but highly significant point ! thank you !
i am being investigated judicially, although weeks are going by without the elders saying anything to me about it.
i still comment and give my talks.. anyway, some of my friends are getting word about me being investigated, some in my family too.
a couple i used to preach with every week no longer call me and bug me to join them.
they feel that they are doing whats right, that they want the best for me. They want me to have everlasting life.
Sorry, but now you are viewed as "dangerous" and to be avoided as one who might "spoil useful habits."
This is a morbid example but ..I seem pictures and a story about the Nazi's in Russia WW2 .Where they
hung a beautiful Russian girl in the public square as a underground in-formate. The towns people were
told if they did leave the body to hung and rot..they would be back to hang another ! When fear rather
than love rules you mind you become paralyzed with inaction. Accept this but hope for future awakening.
But don't let your heart for them be chained ... knowledge is power and freedom !
It's so (in the ) John ...just joking ...
Here's a man that is strong enough to wear pink !