Right on, Burn. My thoughts exactly. It has been my experience that what people fear (and hate) most is their own incredible capacity for evil. Often times they join a church as a force for external control (self-control being a function of really KNOWING God, not BEING religious). When the move toward God fails (as it inevitably must without proper motivation), there is no self-discipline upon which to fall-back and the formerly religious person blames God for his own failure. Without God in the equation, a person always fail to see himself as part of the problem. Heaven forbid that anyone take responsibility for himself in the 21st century! The man/God relationship is absolutely dependent on a man's relationship with himself. He must first see himself as he really is...not as he imagines himself to be.
And that is all God asks...
JoinedPosts by Carlos_Helms
More Evidence that Jehovah Is a Tyrant
by WTWizard ini have observed that jehovah god is far from the loving father he portrays himself to be.
stifling my sex drive, and then exploiting it by using it to get me into a cult, hardly qualifies god as being loving.
and neither does continuing to stifle the sex drive after i am trying to leave the cult and quite likely using the hounders to reclaim me as their slave.. i found another web site that any theist should urgently look up before looking into any religion, whether jehovah's witnesses or any other "christian" or islam religion.
Don't Show Mercy to the Watchtower
by metatron incompassion and forgiveness are important qualities for all of us - but that said, this is not the time to 'let up' or start showing mercy to .
let's consider three ways in which they hurt people:.
first, they injure or wreck families.
Why should you show mercy to the watchtower?
Because the watchtower IS "you." You was it when others felt the same way you do now. It's a never-ending cycle of "you's" who request the abuse, receive it...then bitch about it. Ultimately, when we come full-circle, some of us do as Ozzie recommends: let it be. Hatred for the watchtower only animates the watchtower. Hatred gives it life because, as you well know, "hatred by the world" justifies hating the world back.
Continue the vicious cycle if you like...but if you do, you're playing their game. You lose. The best thing to do is to not view the watchtower as anything at all but an extension of the massive insecurities of millions of folks. We ought to know...because we was there. If you choose to play the game, you are still in its web.
Carlos -
California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage
by BenV injust got this email!.
ben (celebratin' with friends).
Thank you, Void...for a civil discussion on the matter.
I hope that my "reasserting my position" isn't evading anything. It's an opinion...and I've quoted a few sources who dispute points that others have raised. Somehow, my opinion qualifies me as a homophobe and a racist. I don't get it. Others can have opinions...and can even assert them as truths. If they happen to be popular on the board, they are honored as such.
My position is this: I BELIEVE that "gay" marriage is harmful to culture, society and species. That said (again); what will be will be. No biggie. You have nothing to fear from me. What concerns me more are those who revert to intolerance and cruelty towards those who express a differing opinion...intolerance and cruelty that are not only tolerated, but encouraged by the minority simply because they are in a minority. If you want to call me a "homophobe" or "racist," so be it. It categorizes me as a "hater" so that I'm easier to hate...which is the goal, right? That would make me easier to kill, should opportunity present. Finding someone to hate animates a cause and its believers.
Seen it before. Believe me, it's not a stretch.
Carlos -
California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage
by BenV injust got this email!.
ben (celebratin' with friends).
Sorry, Dude. I was under the impression you were the defensive, angry one.
So...I'm a latent, closeted homosexual because I make a few comments on "gay" marriage? Is that what you're insinuating? Or are you attempting to insult me by calling me what you are, a homosexual. Now THAT is some kind of strange and fascinating psychology. Anyway...as I've mentioned many times, I'm not homophobic because I'm not afraid of homosexuality. Capiche? I just think "gay" marriage is a mistake and you have a wild sense of proportion.
Well...I'm not too worried about it. I've slept well through the entire, arduous 14 pages (to date) of this thread. What will happen will happen. I think it's unfortunate; but I'm an optimistic that all things come around in their time. It's kind of a "universal truth," ya know? I even have faith in you, Dude!
Carlos -
California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage
by BenV injust got this email!.
ben (celebratin' with friends).
Indo...you need to work on both your logic and grasp of reality...not to mention your overly-emotional nature. It's difficult to have a civil discussion with anyone prone to hissy-fits.
"Ah yes, make sure that the gays don't get treated equally because they are disproportionately affected by life-threatening disease. Wow, great logic."
"Disproportionately affected by life-threatening disease"...that's a nice way to say it; but I don't think it's entirely truthful. I wish I could quote verbatim the program I saw on C-span a few years back; but it indicated that, with AIDS taken out of the equation, it only increased the average life-expectancy of homosexuals by a couple of years. Someone may want to research some stats on that. At any rate, I would discourage rewarding high-risk lifestyles under ANY scenario.
Regarding "nature" - I was always taught that perpetuation of the species was the strongest natural instinct (and innate desire) of any species, specifically one's own genetics. So much so, in fact, that individual members of a species will self-sacrifice for the benefit of their procreated offspring.
Don't get me wrong...I don't believe that homosexuality is "unnatural." It's just that not everything that "occurs in nature" is beneficial. Many things don't further the interest of or benefit the species to help it evolve. Homosexuality, I believe, is one of those things. So I see no reason to "bless" that which is not beneficial with a state-sanctioned marriage certification.
Carlos -
California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage
by BenV injust got this email!.
ben (celebratin' with friends).
"So, what's in decay about society? We're richer, healthier, and longer living than ever in human history."
Well, Jstalin, it has managed to get that way without "gay marriage," ya know? Not much of what any of us has said will be measurable for another generation or two. But the signs are pretty clear. They seem to mirror other cultures and societies that have faded from the scene. Greece and Rome still exist; but their "heydays" were hundreds or thousands of years ago.
What can be said on this topic of "gay marriage" and being healthier and living longer? Has homosexuality contributed to the phenomena? http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2005/jun/05060606.html
WASHINGTON, DC, June 6, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A new study which analyzed tens of thousands of gay obituaries and compared them with AIDS deaths data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), has shown that the life expectancy for homosexuals is about twenty years shorter than that of the general public. The study, entitled “Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS”, has been published in Psychological Reports (2005;96:693-697).
In an interview with lifesitenews.com, Dr. Paul Cameron, the President of the Family Research Institute and the scientist who headed the study, indicated that he was not at all surprised by the findings. Rather he said that it only served as further confirmation for what had long been known and other studies have already shown.
One such study was conducted in Vancouver British Columbia and published in 1997 in the International Journal of Epidemiology (Vol. 26, 657-61: http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/26/3/657). It almost exactly mirrors the findings of Cameron’s research.
The Vancouver study was conducted by a team of pro-gay researchers, who, upon finding that pro-family advocates were using the results of their research as confirmation for their beliefs about the risks of the homosexual lifestyle, issued a statement trying to curb this unintended after-effect. “The aim of our work,” said the research team, “was to assist health planners with the means of estimating the impact of HIV infection on groups, like gay and bisexual men, not necessarily captured by vital statistics data and not to hinder the rights of these groups worldwide. Overall, we do not condone the use of our research in a manner that restricts the political or human rights of gay and bisexual men or any other group.”
Despite their attempts to downplay the practical consequences of their research, it is difficult to ignore that the study concluded with the statement that “under even the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban centre [Vancouver, BC] are now experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by all men in Canada in the year 1871.” Corresponding almost exactly with Cameron’s study, the Vancouver study indicated that “life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men.”
It would SEEM that the statistics, re: longer life-expectancy and better health, would be even more positive without the homosexual experience. I don't know. Maybe it's just more "lies, damn lies and statistics"? Today, people seem to be able to deny or dismiss what's right in front of their face with impunity - and it's apparently some sort of social "sin" to call them on it.
Carlos -
Don't Show Mercy to the Watchtower
by metatron incompassion and forgiveness are important qualities for all of us - but that said, this is not the time to 'let up' or start showing mercy to .
let's consider three ways in which they hurt people:.
first, they injure or wreck families.
Ha ha. The watchtower has taught you well! They show no mercy...so you show no mercy. Good job. That's exactly what the watchtower wants you to do. After all, "only apostate's could be so cruel and heartless."
It might be good to remember that the watchtower is made up of millions of people who believe the world is full of mean people who sharpen their teeth daily. You want to prove them right? They probably don't appreciate it when you go around kickin' their crutches out from under them. The watchtower is doing a fine job of sinking itself. Why not give confused JWs something solid to hang onto?
Carlos -
Furuli. The prominent elder in Norway not too popular among top dogs
by Samuel Thorsen ina trustworthy source has given me the opportunity to share some information about rolf furuli.
a well known apologist og and greatly respected elder in norway and a schoolar at the university of oslo.
he does not compleatly agree with the fds in all cases i guess, and lately he has spoken up in his local congo about 3 subjects.. # 1. education.
Interestingly, Dr. Furuli's scholarship has led him to support and defend the watchtower end-time chronology beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem by Babylonians in 607BCE. Not sure that he views it as a make-or-break salvational issue as the watchtower does; but he apparently disagrees with Jonsson.
Carlos -
Brotherly love in action ?
by lancelink inkind of a strange experience here, maybe someone can make me see what's going on.
my parents live in another state, to visit them would require at least a 22 hour drive, no trains, .
planes are fine but since the airport is in the middle of nowhere tickets are getting quite costly ($$$$$$.
Go and visit your dad and support your mom.
During my dad's last years, I turned up the attention...even though I lived 1200 miles away. Dad died suddenly at home about a month after my last visit. I was happy that I got the chance to visit. You don't want to have any regrets when the inevitable happens.
Carlos -
California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage
by BenV injust got this email!.
ben (celebratin' with friends).
It's about ALL the things society determines to be acceptable, Dude. "Gay marriage" (talk about a misnomer) is simply coming at the tail end of a society already well in decay. "Gay marriage" is not the cause of it...it's just a byproduct. The population in general has already been inundated by it, worn-down and, finally, insensitive to it. Excellent strategy, actually. It's not "right and good"...people are just sick of hearing about it. Joy of joys...you get to "marry" a male in California. Stupid old founding fathers. I anticipate that the real downside is yet future.