Hi Midnight
We had a similar dilemma being born in's and waking up in our forties. The old "where are we to go", "what is out there".
We still believe in God but we have found:
- Nearly everyone we meet christian or not are really really good people
- The longer we are away from them the closer we get to God
- God does not have an organisation - infact Jesus wanted people to worship
him in different ways by Spirit. - They have mistranslated the Bible and skewed the most basic of teachings
- You don't need a building to go to with a group of people that you don't like to worship God.
I would suggest take your time, study what the athiests say as much as the scripture itself.
Try connect with God and see what happens also. I can't deny my connection to him as my Father.
I have too many things that have happened over the past few years - but that is my journey I am
sure you will have your own as many here do.
If you want any help on the scriptural side I would be more than happy to help and share just PM me.
And by the way - congratulations - this journey is by no means easy but when you find true freedom
there is nothing like it.