I thought yu might b referring to anyones believeing the Society was picked by Jesus in 1919 for putting out such good info.
JoinedPosts by ush419
Eighth wonder of the world?
by BurnTheShips inwow!.
An excellent article on "The Exile"
by Doug Mason ini believe that the exile and the ultimate destruction of the temple at jerusalem by the babylonians must be understood in the context of the destruction of israel, the long and evil reign of manassah and the subsequent kings, particularly zedekiah.. the 70 years of servitude by the nations, including judah, to babylon would see its fulfillment, and did not require the destruction of the jerusalem or its temple.
that happened because the evil and depraved nation of judah steadfastly refused to heed the lord to willingly serve babylon.. i located an excellent article on topic this at:.
i agree with you whole heartedly.
Pictures of the Endeavor. . .wow!
by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit inclick on or paste the link.
In a word magnificent!!!!!!!!!
congregation book study 11/26/07
by ush419 inwe have the book study this week and am wondering if any of you out there have anything to add or say about it, have typed it up and here it is:.
congregation book study nov. 26, 07 chpt 26 para 12 chpt 27 para 6. behold the ark of his covenant!.
12 jehovah rules!
We have the book study this week and am wondering if any of you out there have anything to add or say about it, have typed it up and here it is:
Congregation book study Nov. 26, 07 Chpt 26 Para 12 – Chpt 27 Para 6
Behold the Ark of His Covenant!
12 Jehovah rules! Through his Messianic Kingdom, he is exercising his sovereignty toward mankind in a marvelous way. This is confirmed by what John sees next: “And the temple sanctuary of God that is in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen in his temple sanctuary. And there occurred lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail.” (Rev. 11: 19) This is the only mention in Revelation of the ark of God’s covenant. The Ark of God’s covenant. The Ark had been the visible symbol of Jehovah’s presence with his people Israel. In the tabernacle, and later in the temple built by Solomon, it was kept in the Most Holy. But when Israel went into captivity in Babylon in 607 B.C.E., Jerusalem was desolated and the Ark of the Covenant disappeared. That was when representatives of the house of David ceased “to sit upon Jehovah’s throne as king.”
Q (a) According to Revelation 11:19, what does John see in heaven? (b) Of what had the Ark of the Covenant been a symbol, and what happened to it after Israel went into captivity to Babylon?13 Now, after more than 2600 years, the Ark is seen once more but in John’s vision this Ark is not an earthly temple. It appears in the heavenly sanctuary of God. Once again, Jehovah rules by means of a king in the royal line of David. This time, however, the King, Christ Jesus is enthroned in heavenly Jerusalem—the exalted vantage point from which he executes Jehovah’s Judgments. (Hebrews 12:22). The following chapters of Revelation will unveil these to us.
Q What is denoted by the fact that the ark of God’s covenant is seen in the heavenly sanctuary of God?14 In ancient earthly Jerusalem, the Ark was not seen by the Israelites in general, nor even by the priests serving in the temple for it was within the Most Holy that was screened off from the Holy Place by a curtain (Numbers 4:20; Hebrews 9: 2, 3) Only the high priest got to see it when he entered the Most Holy on the annual Day of Atonement. Nevertheless, when the temple sanctuary in the heavens is opened, the symbolic ark is visible not only to Jehovah’s High Priest, Jesus Christ, but also to his under priests, the 144,000, including John.
15 Those first ones who have been resurrected to heaven see this symbolic ark at close range, for they have taken their place as part of the 24 elders around Jehovah’s throne. And the John class on earth have been enlightened by Jehovah’s spirit to discern His presence in His spiritual temple. There have also been signs to alert mankind in general to this wonderful development. John’s vision speaks of lightnings, voices, thunders, an earthquake, and hail. (Compare Revelation 8:5) Who do these symbolize?
Q 14, 15 (a) in ancient Jerusalem, who only got to see the Ark of the Covenant, and why? (b) In the heavenly temple sanctuary of God, who get to see the ark of his covenant?
16 Since 1914 there has been a tremendous upheaval in the realm of religion. Happily though, this “earthquake” has been accompanied by dedicated voices giving a clear message about God’s established Kingdom. Thunderous ‘storm warnings’ from the Bible have been sounded. Like lightning, flashes of insight as to God’s prophetic Word have been seen and publicized. A hard pounding “hail” of divine judgments has been unleashed against Christendom and false religion in general. All of this should have caught people’s attention. Sadly, though, the majority—like the people of Jerusalem in Jesus’ time—have failed to discern the fulfillment of these Revelation signs. –Luke 19: 41-44.
Q How have there been lightnings, voices, thunders, an earthquake, and a great hail?17 The seven angels continue to sound their trumpets, signaling historic events here on earth. Dedicated Christians have a great responsibility to continue proclaiming these announcements to the world. How joyfully they are fulfilling that commission! This is indicated in that during the 20 years from 1986 to 2005, they almost doubled the hours spent yearly in the ministry—from 680,837,042 to 1,278,235,504. Truly, “the sacred secret of God according to the good news” is being made known “to the extremities of the inhabited earth.” Revelation 10:7; Romans 10:18.
18 Other visions now await us as God’s Kingdom purposes continue to be unveiled.
Q 17, 18 (a) The sounding of the trumpets of the seven angels has brought what responsibility to dedicated Christians. (b) How are Christians fulfilling their commission?
Chpt. 27
1 The sacred secret of God has been unlocked (Revelation 10:7) Jehovah’s Kingdom by his Messiah is now a dynamic reality. It rules! Its presence spells doom for Satan and his seed and glorious victory fo9r the seed of God’s heavenly organization. The seventh angel has not finished blowing on his trumpet however, for he has much more to reveal to us about the third woe. (Revelation 11:14) The signs described in Revelation Chapters 12 to 14 will help us to broaden our appreciation of all that is involved in that woe and in bringing God’s sacred secret to a finish.
Q How ill an understanding of the signs described in Revelation chapters 12 to 14 help us?2 John now sees a great sign—one of outstanding interest for God’s people. It introduces a thrilling prophetic vision, the meaning of which was first published in March 1, 1925 issue of The Watch Tower in an article entitled “Birth of the Nation” and then again in 1926 in the book Deliverance. This brilliant flash of bible understanding became a historic marker in the advance of Jehovah’s work. So let John describe the drama as it starts to unfold. “And a great sign was seen in heaven, a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars, and she was pregnant. And she cries out in her pains and in her agony to give birth.” –Revelation 12: 1, 2.
Q 2, (a) What great sign does John see? (b) When was the meaning of the great sign revealed?
3 For the first time, John beholds a woman in heaven. She is, of course, not a literal woman. Rather, she is a sign, or a symbol. (Revelation 1:1) What does she symbolize? In the inspired prophecies, women at times represent organizations “married” to outstanding personalities. In the Hebrew Scriptures, Israel was spoken of as a wife of Jehovah God. (Jeremiah 3:14) In the Greek Scriptures, the congregation of anointed Christians is spoken of as Christ’s bride. (Revelation 21: 9-14) The woman John here sees is also married to someone, and she is about to give birth. Who is her husband? Well, later her child is “caught away to God and to his throne.” (Revelation 12:5) Jehovah thus claims the child as his own. Therefore, the woman that John sees must be Jehovah’s symbolic wife.
Q, 3 What is the identity of the woman seen in heaven?
4 About eight centuries earlier, Jehovah had addressed this symbolic wife saying “All your sons will be persons taught by Jehovah.” (Isaiah 54: 5, 13) Jesus quoted this prophecy and showed that these sons were his faithful followers, who later formed the congregation of anointed Christians. (John 6: 44, 45) So members of this congregation, spoken of as God’s sons, are also children of God’s symbolic wife. (Romans 8:14) The apostle Paul adds the final piece of information when he says “The Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.” (Galatians 4:26) The “woman” seen by John, then, is the Jerusalem above.
Q 4 Who are the sons of God’s symbolic wife, and what does the apostle Paul call the woman seen by John?
5 Exactly what, though, is Jerusalem above? Since Paul spoke of her as “above,” and John sees her in heaven, she is clearly not an earthly city; neither is she the same as “New Jerusalem,” since that organization is the bride of Christ, not Jehovah’s wife. (Revelation 21:2) Notice that she is crowned with 12 stars. The number 12 is associated with completeness in an organizational setting.” Hence, these 12 stars seem to indicate that she is an organizational arrangement in heaven, just as ancient Jerusalem was on earth. Jerusalem above, is Jehovah’s universal organization of spirit creatures that acts as his wife, both in serving him and in producing offspring.
Q 5 Since Jehovah’s symbolic wife is crowned with 12 stars, what in reality is the Jerusalem above?
6 John sees this woman as being robed with the sun and having the moon beneath her feet. When we add her crown of stars, she is completely surrounded by heavenly lights. God’s favor shines upon her day and night. What a fitting symbol of Jehovah’s magnificent heavenly organization! She is also pregnant, enduring labor pains. Her cries for diving help show that her time has come to give birth. In the Bible, labor pains often symbolize the hard work needed to produce an important result. (Compare Psalm 90:2; Proverbs 25:25; Isaiah 66: 7, 8) No doubt labor pains of this kind were experienced as Jehovah’s heavenly organization prepared for this historic birth.
Q 6 (a) What is indicated by the fact that the woman seen by John is robed with the sun, has the moon beneath her feet, and has a crown of stars? (b) What is symbolized by the labor pains of the pregnant woman?
Your commnets would be greatly appreciated.
The Bible - God's Word or Man's? - What Convinces You?
by sweet pea inhaving believed the whole bible, hook, line and sinker all these years i get the impression many of you have come to the conclusion that we should take it with a pinch of salt and not hold to it so dogmatically.
and some possibly believe in it just as much as you did when you were a witness.
to save me some time please, lovely people, as i am very lazy - could you share with me why you do or don't believe in it - what evidence there is either way and if there are any particular books that you found helpful in coming to your conclusions?
Once upon a time in a far off land, there was a mass, water, and darkness and then there was light and the light was apart from the night the night was darkeness the difference between the two became a day. Of course it wasn't until the 4th day I believe that the sun moon etc were created (dreamed up) and then they shed light on the subject so to speak.
and so the story goessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
Why did God create dinosaur's...
by zeroday inif all life is created why do you think god created dinosaur's...what purpose do you suppose they served...
The purpose was to keep mankind nimble and aigle, those that couldn't hack it didn't stay part of the gene pool? Or maybe I'm wrong, To The T-rex mankind was popping in a piece of chicken into ones mouth no???
RBC's and money.
by ush419 init was mentioned in the comments that rbc's were having people sign something or other that meant that they would sign over all check from their insurance companies (if they had one) over to the society.
do we have any out there on the board who have had first hand experience with this, or who have served on an rbc or worked on repairing others houses who heard it mentioned about giving the insurance monies to the www?
if so pleeaseeeeee post and let the rest of us know.
What no experience here on the board with RBC's??? I find this hard to believe. There should be someone out there who has had this experience if true? I don't dobut its true for an instance as I don't trust the society as far as i can throw it.
RBC's and money.
by ush419 init was mentioned in the comments that rbc's were having people sign something or other that meant that they would sign over all check from their insurance companies (if they had one) over to the society.
do we have any out there on the board who have had first hand experience with this, or who have served on an rbc or worked on repairing others houses who heard it mentioned about giving the insurance monies to the www?
if so pleeaseeeeee post and let the rest of us know.
It was mentioned in the comments that RBC's were having people sign something or other that meant that they would sign over all check from their insurance companies (if they had one) over to the Society. Do We have any out there on the board who have had first hand experience with this, or who have served on an RBC or worked on repairing others houses who heard it mentioned about giving the insurance monies to the WWW? iF SO PLEEASEEEEEE post and let the rest of us know.
Ever attacked by a dog (or householder) while out in service?
by sacrebleu ini knew a little kid who got bitten pretty badly.
his parents didn't seem appalled enough to suit me.. they acted like it was a badge of honor of something.. i was chased out of a yard by a dog but didn't get bit.
i think i didn't get bit because i knew enough about dogs to get off the property and then turn and face the dog with my book bag in front of me.
Had a property owner threaten me with sicing his dog on me, once, I then pulled out my knife, a folding smith and wesson, sharpened to a razors edge and told him to go ahead, I would cut the dog to pieces and then press charges against him. They kept threatening but once i pulled the knife out and waited they disisted seeing as how I was serious, and asked me to leave the property, I then told them we would be glad to not call at your house all you had to do was ask us not to and we would have complied. The chicken s**t brother with me, was so scared of dogs it was funny, I told him you just have to boss them (the dogs) is a strict voice and most would comply, those that didn't you either got out of the way, got bit, or defended yourself. I had always carried mulitple blades with me and was already to defend myself against them if needed. Thank goodness it wasn't.
Need Help: How do I get Santa and the Reindeer mounted to the roof???
by Lady Liberty ingood morning everyone..... happy wednesday!!
i have searched high and low on the internet to try and find out how you get stuff mounted on your roof without it blowing or falling off.
for instance, i bought a small santa with sleigh and the reindeer.
You get a gay person and a person who likes animals to mount them!!!!! Just kidding folks!