aahhh - my little priest, if only you hadn't left so early when we were in Richmond.
Yeah, you could have been lost with us out where christ lost his shoes and missed everything!
thank yall for your help.. arrowstar, kudos, more than you know.
leonarkpete the bible is alive now.
valisfmz hippies are normal to me now.
aahhh - my little priest, if only you hadn't left so early when we were in Richmond.
Yeah, you could have been lost with us out where christ lost his shoes and missed everything!
I'm not an apostate but I did stay at a Holiay Inn Express last night.
I've been blessed by a priest. It burns, it burns, make it stop!
i thought this was amusing - i had no trouble reading it, what about you?.
i can also read upside down as fast as right side up.
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.
Robin, you been hitting the sauce again? Have you ever heard of a spell checker!
I can read it, but, we all know I'm weird.
thank yall for your help.. arrowstar, kudos, more than you know.
leonarkpete the bible is alive now.
valisfmz hippies are normal to me now.
1 to go.
does anyone else think that the sense of humor we have has helped us cope?
i was just noticing what a bunch of fun-loving peeps most of you are.. another thing i've noticed here too, people here are actually caring, nurturing, people.
we may get a little snippy sometimes, but all in all i think we are a pretty good bunch---especially to have come out of hell to try and live a full life..
This is a serious topic y'all. Let's give it the respect it deserves.
You should see the looks on your faces.
I agree with you Di 100%.
hey all, i haven't been around in a long while.
i miss this place.
i'll never forget all the kind words and advice people have given me here (no matter how tough).
Don't know ya, but howdy anyway!
(Stole this picture from BB. She'll get over it.)
well for the posters using mac anyway.
has anyone else with a mac updated to the new mac os x leopard?
i'm loving it since my spelling is sometimes atrocious- see i'd have misspelled that already otherwise ;-).
Oh no don't say you're a Mac hater ;-) You do computer work right- are you a programmer?
Not really a Mac hater, I'm more apathetic towards them. I'm not into graphic design or a gamer so I may change my mind if I were. Macs rule, how's that?
I am the webmaster (webmistress?) for 3 sites where I work and all around A+ certified computer repairing geekette.
vanish from the face of the earth with no trace, who would be the first to miss you?
would anyone miss you?
Sometimes I think no one would even notice
I would.