aaaaawwwwww, Priesty, I love you too baby! Want to go somewhere and talk sockets?
Thank you abandoned!
my friends.... you are misguided.
i do not mean to attack you, but i have a vew issues i would like to discuss.. first off... .
witnesses the bible says that man cannot even comprehend heaven... how would anyone know that 144,000 people will live in heaven when the old testament says in the first book genesis and got parted the waters from the world and the heaven so earths population is almost 4 billion people... how is only 144,000 people... or as i guess 144000 godlike beings going to inhabit a world as big as that ... which brings me to the next point 144000 godlike beings f they are godlike then there are 144,001 gods which is polytheistic.
aaaaawwwwww, Priesty, I love you too baby! Want to go somewhere and talk sockets?
Thank you abandoned!
Sorry hypnotic.
I see different IP addresses now.
Have fun.
I'm outta here.
cognac - IP: WUbCGKFPN0XLpvXA
hypnotic - IP: WUbCGKFPN0XLpvXA
I'm just saying, from past experience, it's weird.
But, I'll not pass judgement on it.
If it's legit, I will apologize.
yeah, they could be posting from the same computer.
sign in, sign out
sign in, sign out
Well HELL!!!!!!
same IP addresses?
to the people in this forum:.
"but if you have bitter jealousy and contentiousness in your hearts, do not be bragging and lying against the truth.this is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is [the] earthly, animal, demonic.for where jealousy and contentiousness are, there disorder and every vile thing are.
" - james 3:14-16.. -aleman.
You sho nuf do.
to the people in this forum:.
"but if you have bitter jealousy and contentiousness in your hearts, do not be bragging and lying against the truth.this is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is [the] earthly, animal, demonic.for where jealousy and contentiousness are, there disorder and every vile thing are.
" - james 3:14-16.. -aleman.
I've heard it was "Squeal like a pig."
my hall shares with 2 other congregations.
we went from an early morning 10am start to 4pm.. the elder giving the local needs part asks us the benefits of a later public talk/wt study, here are a sample of stupid, typically dub comments:.
1) we have more time for field service.
BE: Yes Sister Canttakeitwithya?
SC: By 4PM, even though all of the grape kool-aid may be gone, Jehoober will loving provide us 4 PMers with cherry kool-aid. He truly is a loving and compassionate and caring and fair and righteous and allseeingallknowingabletobeeverywhereatonce god, isn't he?
another thread reminded me of some of the things i used to think about growing up.
here are some of the things i used to think about back when i was a doubting jw.... why would an omnipotent all-powerful god need a seventh day of rest?
and if he was everlasting to everlasting, don't you think he was already bored with resting and that's why he started creating in the first place?
Why would an omnipotent all-powerful God need a seventh day of rest?
He went to sleep and hasn't woken up yet.
That explains everything, prayers going unanswered, wickedness, postponement of the date of armageddon.
the problem with atheism(this is an edited transcript of a talk given at the atheist alliance conference in washington d.c. on september 28th, 2007).
to begin, id like to take a moment to acknowledge just how strange it is that a meeting like this is even necessary.
the year is 2007, and we have all taken time out of our busy lives, and many of us have traveled considerable distance, so that we can strategize about how best to live in a world in which most people believe in an imaginary god.
Here's my dilema:
When looking at a virus, it's hard not to marvel at it's complexity. A virus isn't considered a living thing because it can not reproduce on its own.
The only function of a virus is to reproduce, even at the expense of killing themselves by killing the host.
So, either it was created or evolved into what it is.
If it was created, why would a god create something that makes us sick or kills us?
If it evolved, that means that complexity is part of the evolutionary process.
So, I'm inclined to believe that viruses were created, and they evolved into the illness producing, killing machine that they are today.
I don't know which is correct. I do know that if god created all of this, he left the building and is no longer interested in his little science experiment.