Couldnt disagree more .Membership NUMBERS have always been important..."as the grains of sand that no man was able to count"...paraphrasing....are how many JWs they want. AT 20 000 000 might be a good number for the start of the great trib..... It may be from time to time they do some house cleaning but they must already know the smell of their own S*** BECAUSE this is what they feel the need to do. IMHO
JoinedPosts by fedorE
The Governing Body's Lackluster Zeal
by metatron inin the past, the watchtower put forth real effort to defend its beliefs and accomplishments such as.
the new world translation.
now, with the latest km, they simply confirm that they have left the field:.
JW Kingdom Hall Target of Arson Fire
by kwr inboise - fire crews are investigating an arson fire that destroyed a boise church overnight.
that fire happened at the jehovahs witness church just off of roosevelt and st. andrews just after 2 a.m. .
when crews arrived on scene, they found the building engulfed in flames, and say someone set the fire intentionally.
What happens when the children of apostates watch the movie The Secret?..........
English 9/07 KM same as German edition
by Nulite ini didn't get a chance to read all the threads regarding the german km.
i just got off the phone with a bethelite who has a copy of the english edition of the 9/07 km.
it is the exactly the same.. he states that the bethelites are clueless.
Percent of JWs who will lift both eyebrows after reading latest KM- 0.098%
Percent of JWs who will shake their head in disbelief at latest KM-0.00097%
Percent of JWs who will discontinue any such independent study group after reading latest KM at hall and realizing Jehovah,Jesus and the angels have been looking on and have just advised the Society-100%
Anyone seen the Secret?
by Satans little helper insomeone lent me the dvd of the secret over the weekend.
we watched it last night and i wondered what everyone thought of it?
i thought that it was very "evangelical" and alot like the jw's - large on promise and small on content.
I downld it and watched it. I like the message which seems to be the universe works with you and if your positve in every tiny little thing u can achieve a lot...It reminded me of a marketing scheme though..Like a couple of dudes sat down and said how can we make some money off something that wont cost us anything to produce....Still, it seems the movie was stating fact as a "new thing" ppl with for example that in a wheelchair and have no legs can surround themselves with friends that work for labs and scientists and eventually someone will say "hey man i like you u gota great attitude and id like to try this new mechanical arm on u if u agree...." but first u gota get the universe to get the scientists to meet you.
I had a super-natural experience
by Blackboo ini know some might not believe but i had this experience about 5 years ago.
i was laying in the bed..and wide-awake..all of a sudden i literally saw a white-hand...that seem like a spirit..and it lifted me up in the air....and i actually felt my body coming back down to the bed..i was not dreaming at all..because i was aware of the things around the room..i wasnt scared but in awe of what happen.
the hand was so real looking and i was staring at it..there was no happen so fast..but i remember everything from the evil laugh afterwards too..that one blew me away.
At coworker of mine said he has been followed by a very small 1 or 2 ft hight shadowy midget type something or other. He said hed go to sleep and after a while with his gf sleeping beside him, hed see it from the other side of the room and it would start running at him and then disappear right before it came to close.....He also told me some members of his family have always been into magic and an uncle is a warlock..Ummm..........All i know is i wouldnt f around with a ouji board or anything like that .. i need as much interupted sleep at night as i can.!!
Any one remember this experience from the magazines?
by fedorE inthere was this exp out in some african country where jws were having a hard time getting to and from the government actually built a bridge to help them out...if it was built for the community at large i dont recall but i definetly remember it said "jeh will not forget this act of kindness done for his ppl by this gov" or some words to that effect.......which probably translates in the avg jws mind as well that just meant jeh will see to it that more ppl are converted from here than other place
anyone remember?
maybe like 15 yrs ago.
There was this exp out in some african country where Jws were having a hard time getting to and from the government actually built a bridge to help them out...if it was built for the community at large i dont recall but i definetly remember it said "Jeh will not forget this act of kindness done for his ppl by this gov" or some words to that effect.......Which probably translates in the avg JWs mind as well that just meant Jeh will see to it that more ppl are converted from here than other place
Anyone remember? Maybe like 15 yrs ago. Anyways i always found it strange the WTS would give praise to a government..i bet they would never do that if THE USA helps them out !
A Few Funny Bible Verses
by JH inok, i found these on the net but i found them funny.... .
daniel opening windows .
I dont where it is but Jesus is supposed to say to his 12 ..."ok lets go have breakfast".........
The conversation went like this...
by startingover ina recent thread got me thinking about authenticity of conversations that are retold via print or forums, etc.
i seem to remember when i read ray franz' book (it's been a while) that there were a lot of conversations he retold in great detail.
they were written as if those were the actual words spoken.
Dont F**** with RayF's brain. His files are extensive and his intelligence in matters of religion,faith, the Bible are HIS LIFE. If a conversation is said to have be spoken with these exact words "........." its more often than not not a very lengthy hard to recall conversation. I remember conversations ive had as an adult with other adults that are not word for word but the gist is there and im just a half wit cpd to RF. LOts of ppl remember war stories and relate them in great detail! Reminds me of AH Macmillans book Faith on the March..where he reminiced on past events........
War Ray Franz
Proof of God's existence
by Blackboo infrom a logical point....i notice that in these threads that there are few here who dont believe in god..but i hate to tell you your dead wrong for having such an ignorant belief like that..instead ya,ll are blaming religion, people, and your personal problems for your lack of faith in god..thats dead wrong.
the non-believers are not looking at the whole picture..just the present..the things that go on in the world happen for a reason and it doesnt mean god doesnt exist.
the bible says "the fool has said in his heart god doesnt exist".
SIN- Self Imposed Nonsense?????????????????
What you are listening to/What you listened to recently?
by KW13 ini am playing mr blue sky - electric light orchestra - love this song and matches the mood i am in right now.. you?.
Rammstein- from Germany-"ich will,"........ they got me shaking my head like im 21 again!