Has anyone read Mr King's book?
JoinedPosts by fedorE
E-Watchman's Forum....ROFLMAO!!!
by AK - Jeff inhttp://e-jehovahs-witnesses.com/forum/index.php.
not the forum so much - didn't look at the threads much - but at the bottom it lists statistics.
my oh my, looks like robert has a following of nearly 50!!!!
I had a super-natural experience
by Blackboo ini know some might not believe but i had this experience about 5 years ago.
i was laying in the bed..and wide-awake..all of a sudden i literally saw a white-hand...that seem like a spirit..and it lifted me up in the air....and i actually felt my body coming back down to the bed..i was not dreaming at all..because i was aware of the things around the room..i wasnt scared but in awe of what happen.
the hand was so real looking and i was staring at it..there was no face..it happen so fast..but i remember everything from the evil laugh afterwards too..that one blew me away.
There are such storys all the time related by ppl all over the world on radio...(coasttocoast) everything from astral projection, out of body exp,SHADOW ppl in your bedroom wearing diff hats and in different sizes, the old hag that appears over ur face, sleep paralysis,ghosts and appartions,.. ect ect...... told by ppl very convincingly. A lot of the time it makes u wonder how so many ppl can call in to a radio show with the exact same experience that u begin to suspect so many ppl are effected by the same mental thought processes...but who knows ...i dont.
Rebekka watered 10 camels???
by White Dove inin the bsb, rebekka watered 10 thirsty camels and also gave water to abraham's servant and whoever else was with him on that long trip to find isaak a wife.
one camel drinks about 30 gallons of water at one time and doesn't drink again for 10 months, according to a nature book about camels.
so, that's 30 gallons x 10 camels + thirsty people= 300+ gallons of water!
Oh yee of little faith
Look man! When it says Rebecca watered 10 camels it means she washed or hosed down or threw water at them to cool em down...not that she procured enough water for their sustenance..anyways Reb was a lazy little bitch, why would anyone think she would kill herself to do all that work which would have killed her for sure...Read the context..LOL
Occult influence in wtwr illustrations
by chuckyy inhi.. do you feel that there are justifiable claims that there are deliberate occult images in watchtower illustrations??.
does anyone have any examples??.
If were being honest if we re really being honest we gotta say some stuff can be the illustrations own anomoly...but a lot of other stuff seems placed deliberately or hidden in the pic..
How many left the organization have become Atheist?
by icyestrm inhow many have become atheist after leaving the organization?
Homer Simpson: I dont believe in JEBUS!
BETHELITES - Whatever Became of?
by Black Man ini often times wonder what happened to certain bethelites that i ran around with during my 1990s tenure there.
while there are still a few left there, the greater majority of them aren't there for various reasons (marriage, disillusionment, left the borg, etc).
a couple of cats i wonder about - there was one brother who i believe was from kansas, who got his fingers cut off in a printing press.
Some i would love to see leave Italian kitchen cook Frank short dark hair recently married...tried to get my parents to disuade me from helping me out- ....forget his last name...
Darryl Christiansen- THE KING PRICK OF ALL PRICKS i ever met- .....other bethelites told me he would come down to the breakfast table put one leg over the other , one arm on the table and bow his head in wait......OMG please!!! He got married moved to California....still with Italians?
Scott Churchill, Warren Pake and his wife, Dennis Steele, NICK Tamburri- the monk
Vito Tuosto, Ray and his wife Eunice -best ppl in theworld even if they are in a cult.
Conversation with a Pioneer and............
by Save My Soul ini had a conversation with a pioneer at yosemite national park recently.
she was aware that i do not attend the meetings anymore.
in the past she did not speak to me, but now she did.
Recently my father screamed that i better not be a false one. He yelled that there must be 500,000 of these kind of witnesses who come to meetings but are actually apostate or just false brothers and sisters. He got mad when i said i hadnt read that in the WT and ill believe it when its in print. .....lol
Proof of God's existence
by Blackboo infrom a logical point....i notice that in these threads that there are few here who dont believe in god..but i hate to tell you your dead wrong for having such an ignorant belief like that..instead ya,ll are blaming religion, people, and your personal problems for your lack of faith in god..thats dead wrong.
the non-believers are not looking at the whole picture..just the present..the things that go on in the world happen for a reason and it doesnt mean god doesnt exist.
the bible says "the fool has said in his heart god doesnt exist".
Jc are there others like urself that have had this experience . Im not going to say you are lying .Im not. No matter at the moment. Listen though ..there is a certain individual named THE PROPHET OF YAHWEH. He claims to be in contact with Yahweh. He also claims to be able to call ufos in the sky at his beckon call....believe it or not its on google video.a news team recorded lights in the sky when he took them for the dare in the local park. Why does God operate like this JC?
Proof of God's existence
by Blackboo infrom a logical point....i notice that in these threads that there are few here who dont believe in god..but i hate to tell you your dead wrong for having such an ignorant belief like that..instead ya,ll are blaming religion, people, and your personal problems for your lack of faith in god..thats dead wrong.
the non-believers are not looking at the whole picture..just the present..the things that go on in the world happen for a reason and it doesnt mean god doesnt exist.
the bible says "the fool has said in his heart god doesnt exist".
here is the truth .....?
WE are an experiment. We were created and put on this earth by a superior Race. Ocassionally we see them flying above us from other dimensions in saucer shaped vehicles. They saw to it that we didnt kill ourselves by giving us "holy books" that would keep us chasing our tails. When we started to get smarter and invent weapons of destruction they came by to check up on us .They have made themselves known scarcely throughout history and although a few compartmentalized gov. ppl know about them in the end theres absolutely nothing we can do but enjoy each day to the full. We may never ever meet this superior race.
Prove that this is bullsh t. Go ahead prove it......U can t prove or disprove a SINGLE DEITY figure nor can u prove or disprove the foregoing.
(did i mention i love Rammstein music..anyone else like Rammstein?)
I would love to know if she authored any biography or books post WT association....but she probably didnt nothing has ever surfaced. Tisapity..