Blinders, what should be submitted? A link to one of the news articles?
JoinedPosts by shopaholic
Everyone who can PLEASE report Sex abuse story to the largest news aggregator in the WORLD
by BlindersOff1 in
at the bottom right side of the first page is a small box to report stories.
he gets 30 million hits a day to the website.
It took me a long time to write this...i'm staying.
by MsGrowingGirl20 init took me a long time to write this....i'm being brutally honest...i am still a reg pioneer...three sundays ago,i was praying and asking god for a sign or something because i was so confused...i told him exactly what i needed to see for me to believe.i was feeling terrible--crying and feeling sick because i was so confused.ten minutes after, i walked into the kingdom hall and to my surprise--my prayer was answered!
i soooo wasn't expecting it, even though i prayed.
so this is where almighty god wants me to be,ii've reasoned.
She's riding high on emotion right now. I know what's it like to want to believe, to so badly want it to be true. Once your eyes are opened...
Some of you aren't going to like this news, but here goes...
by AndersonsInfo inrick simons, candace conti's attorney, will be interviewed on the six screens of the watchtower conference phone line this evening.
there's a good chance that candace will join in, but that's not set in stone.
the host of the program, rick, told me to tell everybody that he is learning how to calm down and to do better on these conference calls.
lola28, I agree with you and would have said the same if I saw the thread earlier.
Anyone use to have horrible nightmares as a child & afriad of the dark due to all the Watchtower Society talk of Demons and Satan??
by mind blown inas a little child i used to have horrible, horrible nightmares do to all the satan/ demon and big a talk.
i was also horrified of the dark for the same reason.
Ann, I also saw patterns in the dark and thought they were demon faces up until very much in my adult years. I used to sense shadows passing me and thought it was demons. As a teen, if I fell asleep with the tv on I used to worry that I let demons into the house.
Whenever there was a bad storm, I always thought it was about to be the end. I would be one praying kid!
This sure is a doozy of a religion.
I have to brag about my kid
by JeffT inalex, our youngest graduated cum laude from the university of washington today with a bachelor's in environmental science and a minor in quantitative analysis.
he has a job in his field.
he and his fiance, who also graduated today (biology) are getting married july 1. she's starting a phd program at berkeley in august, so they're moving.
Nephew Readying for Harvard
by snowbird insince he disregarded the elders' "encouragement" to turn down the fellowship offer from harvard, he's being deleted as a ministerial servant.. he leaves in august.. i'm so happy for and proud of him!.
Snowbird...OMG! That is SWEEEEET! I am so proud of him even though I never met him. Your daughter turned it down? Wow, hope she doesn't have any regrets.
Was Any Part of it Real?
by Big Tex ini'm sort of following a stream of consciousness so bear with me.
i was flipping around on tv and ran across an old movie.
a couple had a one night stand and when she realized he had just used her she was shocked and told him he had said he loved her.
I think some of it was real but unfortunately it was conditional. Like TimeBandit said, their programming kicked in.
Nephew Readying for Harvard
by snowbird insince he disregarded the elders' "encouragement" to turn down the fellowship offer from harvard, he's being deleted as a ministerial servant.. he leaves in august.. i'm so happy for and proud of him!.
Are you serious?! They asked him to turn it down?! This religion is so backwards. I hope a self-guilt-trip does not set in while he his away. Congrats to your nephew!
I am still shaking my head...ridiculous!
What do you think would happen if a SISTER shaved her head?
by keep into donate all her hair to cancer?
But she will really be shunned because most of the JWs will think she's lying and is a closet lesbian.
What do you think would happen if a SISTER shaved her head?
by keep into donate all her hair to cancer?
Is it for a relative or for another JW? If so, it's okay. If not, then she is getting involved in the affairs of the world.
Ha, I was told by elders not to call into radio shows to give opinions on community topics because it's getting involved in the affairs of the world. I was told by them not to volunteer at charitable organization (even I was getting my time as a regular pioneer) because it's getting involved in the things of the world.
Shave your head to help a non-JW, nope, they not having it. You will be marked and shunned until your hair grows back to its original length.