I went through all five stages and have just reached the happy and freedom part of acceptance.
LHG, the most difficult part for me as well was the acceptance of death and no living forever. OMG, that was almost enough to drive me insane.
thanks to this website and jwfacts, i have come to learn the "infamous" ttatt.. i've had soooo many emotions the last couple months.. (fyi: i've been baptized since '95 third gen jw, elder father and every other member of my family is a regular pioneer).
i was wondering, like dealing with greif : are there 5 stages for dealing with ttatt?.
I went through all five stages and have just reached the happy and freedom part of acceptance.
LHG, the most difficult part for me as well was the acceptance of death and no living forever. OMG, that was almost enough to drive me insane.
since joining this site and having my eyes opened,i find i'm now dealing with a lot of emotions that were suppressed.one being the passing of loved ones,in the org we were discouraged from showing proper emotions due to the fact that if you did you were considered weak since they the dearly departed were only sleeping.now im being bombarded with dreams of my loved ones that i,due to my brainwashing never had the emotional release that i should have had.i'm just wondering how others on this site are coping,and dealing with the fact that everything we was taught was false almost as a way to keep up under control,as we lost years and decades of time.i almost wish i keep my head and the sand and had taken the blue pill.what has helped you all deal with this ...new religion......no religion...etc.
I used to wish to unknow what I knew, to unfeel what I felt. Despite how I tried, it was impossible to unopen my eyes and mind.
Glad to know there are others with a similar experience. I cried for about 3 or 4 weeks. I would cry uncontrollably when I thought about the sacrifices that myself and so many made for this religion. To come to the realization that my entire life from early childhood had been based on a lie was almost a little too much for me at times. Cry, scream or shout just let it out.
Dazed, I questioned my sanity and if I was making a mistake as well. Then I went to a CA and questioned why I believed it for so long.
20yearfader, I wish you a successful and more peaceful journey.
sorry if this has already been discussed.. but at the service meeting this week on jw.org it was clearly stated by our cobe that pdf's from jw.org that are emialed to interested persons count as placements!!!.
okay folks, next time you get a circular spam email, copy all the recipients and there is your contact list.
email thousands of people watchtower pdf's and watch the placements soar through the roof!!!.
E-placements The JWs are for sure going to go overboard with this. I'm sure they see it as a blessing and the org staying current. Just a few months before we hear people complain about being spammed by JWs. Watch the meetings for Field Service dwindle to just the one old pioneer that still thinks the Internet is from "the debil".
this might be an unfair question for those who have been out of the organization for decades, but i'm wondering if any of you remember your earliest doubt -- maybe something odd that occurred to you as a kid (if you were a jw then).
please try to limit to two doubts at the most :-).
i think my first "doubt" was simply realizing that at the time of the flood, every animal that wasn't in the ark died (well, besides the fish, supposedly).
When I was about 7. I couldn't understand (and still don't) why we have to suffer for God to prove a point to one of is former angels. I remember thinking it had been proven already by all the old people in my hall and the people in the concentration camps.
I remember thinking how silly it was that we all get sick because one lady took a bite out of some forbidden fruit. In my mind, I thought he should have just killed that lady since she was the only lady at that time and started over.
I used to ask a LOT of questions and when I was 9, I told my mom something was not right and that the elders didn't understand things the right why because they didn't have enough schooling. I was told to never speak ill of the elders and that I would understand more when I got older. To which I replied something about I'm not suppose to get older if the JW stuff is true. I remember that because that remark got me on punishment and I couldn't go the waterpark with the older sisters that were taking all the kids in the hall.
this link contains news of a letter sent to the elders about witnesses setting up stands to peddle literature in public places!
how desperate are they?
it sounds sad honestly... and they are told not to argue with apostates .
Yes, I've seen them too and have former JW acquaintances that have been assigned to work the booths. They've sent out pics saying folks in the world are so depressed and just walking up asking for bible studies...
the wts likes to imply how jws should dress in and outside of the hall.
you always want to set an example.. so i couldn't help but share this beauty in the january 15th, 2013, study edition of the watchtower.
i always go to the beach like this!
Most JWs would take this as direction on how to dress when going to the beach. How many times were we told to review the pictures in the mags to see what's considered appropriate attire?
In my congregation, we could only where swimsuits if it was dark out, otherwise we had to wear a t-shirt and shorts over our swimsuits. And if you had time to go to the beach in the afternoon, then you had time for afternoon witnessing or return visits. It was rare to go as a group before 3pm.
When I was about 13 or 14, I wore a jumper set with spaghetti straps to a park outing with the congregation and the elders complained that the spaghetti straps were too revealing. My mom told them there was nothing wrong with my jumper. My older sister had on a similar jumper but with tank top straps. No one picked me for any of the games but my family would rotate me in anyway!
To me, this picture is about right for JWs.
so we all know the jw vocabulary is a weird one.
what words or phrases bugged you the most?.
a few of mine:.
In harmony with Bro So-and-So's comment
Continuing with Sis So-and-So's thought
Gift of Singleness
Serve your Creator in your youth
Friends with the world
Head(ing) In - when you were done with service or not going out after the meeting on Sunday
The Memorial
Local needs - This should have been called "How long will it take you to figure out who we are talking about"
Needs of the circuit - many JWs looked forward to a good spiritual spanking
recently i told you all that i wanted to e-mail two friends some of the things i was struggling with in an effort to help them wake up or at least for them to understand me...97% of you all told me that it was a bad idea.
i still decided to do it.
so i e-mailed her sincerely asking questions on five points---1) health care flip flops 2) false prophecies 3) mediatorship of jesus 4) un 5)1918.. she replied about 8 hours after.
MsGrowingGirl, they tried to cry me back into their religion. They cried, begged and pleaded. Once you establish a life outside of the religion, it all seems like a bunch of nonsense.
I wish you the best in your journey and the bumps you'll hit along the way. For what its worth, real life is so much better.
last night i watched a show that, i thought, really shows the attitude of jws towards the rest of the world.
it was extremely enlightening and i hope it opened alot of peoples eyes that think jws are just nice christian people, but are not a cult.
it was a show on "e" that is called "opening act".
Turns out that the life coach they had him work with on the show came from a JW family. Don't know if they planned it that way or not but it was cool that it was someone that could actually relate to his inner conflict.
rip van winkle,
I saw that happen a number time during my time in the JW.
Most of them ended up marry a non-JW and pulled it together again (lost weight, new wardrobe, etc) and again became the envy of many JW females. Many were marked and constant local need talks that those women were being blessed by Satan for their disobedience to Jehovah.
BTW, the telling the Elders thing is nonsense and according to their bible Jehovah can read the heart of the crushed one even when you don't have the words to express yourself. They need to get their story straight.