I feel sick after watching just a couple of those videos. If I didn't have to go to work I would probably pour a large glass of wine and cry for a few hours.
i don't seem to be making myself clear these days.
there has been so many "dislikes" on sparlock clips i received a message from youtube.. i asked for people to "like" the videos instead of "dislike" because this will also push the videos to the top of searches and hopefully get more views especially for jws searching from it .. i am now getting abuse.. please can people "like" the clips so the balance between like and dislike gets reversed.. ty x.
I feel sick after watching just a couple of those videos. If I didn't have to go to work I would probably pour a large glass of wine and cry for a few hours.
it is funny how this site works.
people lurk, they join, they post, and then they fade away because they have healed enough to focus on other positive things.
that is pretty much where i am at.
Welcome to the next stage of your life!!! Congrats and HAVE FUN!!!!!
if you were raised in a home with a jw parent and a non-jw parent: a few questions.. i am going to be addressing the international cultic studies association (icsa) in july at the conference in montreal.
my focus is on 3 groups.
the third group consists of people people who grew up in homes where one parent was a jw and the other wasn't.
Growing up in a divided household hold I always felt so isolated. I have been crying my eyes out reading these responses because I can relate so much and now I feel like I wasn't the only one.
A special hug goes out to anyone who survived a divided family.
if you were raised in a home with a jw parent and a non-jw parent: a few questions.. i am going to be addressing the international cultic studies association (icsa) in july at the conference in montreal.
my focus is on 3 groups.
the third group consists of people people who grew up in homes where one parent was a jw and the other wasn't.
my oldest child was barely 4 months old and not an easy baby.
she cried all the time....and getting her to sleep during the day was a pain.....especially in a facility that was 80 degrees with a/c.
on sunday afternoon of the dc....knowing we had a two hour drive home (she also didn't sleep in the car well).....i went to an "off limits" area with her.
Worst experience ever...
2002 Calgary District Convention
My husband didn't want to go and I was going thru a good little jw phase. We had a 1.5 year old and it was very hot. We missed the Friday session because Para had to work and I didn't feel up to going alone. Saturday, there was a bomb threat and the entire convention had to be evacuated. So we spent hours standing in the sun waiting for news. Now I should mention I was 4 months pregnant and we had previously had a miscarriage so we were understandably worried about my health. I kept feeling sicker and sicker but thought it was just the heat. We finally get in, after everyone having to show their blood cards to get back in, and we finish out the day. We made it home just in time for me to get violently ill. I mean sit on the toilet and puke in the tub sick! Needless to say we didn't go for the Sunday session. We joined a group of my friends for dinner that night and Para wore casual clothes which pissed me off cause it would really stand out that we hadn't gone. Now I wish we'd stayed home the whole weekend.
my oldest child was barely 4 months old and not an easy baby.
she cried all the time....and getting her to sleep during the day was a pain.....especially in a facility that was 80 degrees with a/c.
on sunday afternoon of the dc....knowing we had a two hour drive home (she also didn't sleep in the car well).....i went to an "off limits" area with her.
My best convention memory is....
The first year we skipped the convention as a family.
As an added perk, a very faithful young couple walked into the store I was working in about a month after the convention. Of course they brought up the convention and how wonderful it was. I looked them straight in the eyes ,with a smile and said "Oh we didnt' go this year". They couldn't get away from me fast enough. BUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Happines and Glee!!!
so i had a good conversation wth my brother, who i thought was a devout jw.
he eventually asked "are you going to the meetings?
", i said "no" then he said "why not, you know we're near the end".
@truthlover, I sent you a PM.
do any of you use medical marijuana?
i go to aa and there are a few who believe medical marijuana is an "outside issue" and they are ok with it.
i don't know... alcohol doesn't work for me but if it did, i would use it... i wish i could find a "new drug" that works lol.
I waited until I was into my 30's to try MJ. I didn't want to catch one of my three sons with a joint and have them say "you never tried so what do you know" and I was curious. I had called my parents and told them I was no longer one of jw's and the world didn't end so what else could I get into .
I was over at a friends house and to topic of drugs came up. I knew she and her hubby smoked MJ pretty frequently (according to her, lots of people who work shift work, use to help them sleep) and when I admitted I had never tried it before, it became her mission to get me high! I called my husband and told him what I was going to do ( just in case I needed a ride home or he never saw me again) and I think he laughed at me and told me to have fun.
I had never smoked so teaching me was very funny, for them anyway. I loved how relaxed I was and the tension in my back and shoulders released.
I came home and told the hubby all about it and he said he'd like to try it too. So I made my first pot buy EGADS!!! I had to stop at the mall and completely freaked out in the van about what to do with the baggie, I was sure that if I left it in my purse I would find the only drug sniffing dog in miles and get arrested for possession. I left it in my coupon folder under the car seat.
Later I realized, I had no idea how to roll a joint! So the baggie stayed hidden in my dresser for a few months. Then, a friend of the family, gave me a lesson and after watching me fumble, gave me a little pipe. I think he is still laughing about teaching me how to use it. That x mas my very wonderful sis in law sent me a blown glass pipe as a gift.
One night, the kids were away, we decided to give it a try. I got very relaxed and my hubby discovered why ADD/ADHD people self medicate with MJ!. He described it as "normally he had 6-8 channels all going at once, with the MJ he was down to 1-2". Unfortunately his lungs can't take the smoke.
I should mention pot brownies are awesome!!!!
A couple of years later, I hurt my back. I can't take the usual muscle relaxants because they knock me out. Not good when you've got three little kids underfoot. I used a little mj and got thru the day, I think relaxing also helped my back heal faster too, I wasn't holding myself so tense waiting for shooting pain.
I don't think I've used MJ in the last 2-3 years, I tried OXI for my back and it doped me right out, half a pill!
My mother has MS and anything that can relieve her pain can't be bad. She's allergic to most pain meds and reacts as badly to muscle relaxants as I do. She might have been easier to live with if I could have slipped her a joint once in a while. LMAO if she didn't already hate me she does now!!!
Moderation is the key to everything. Alchol, drugs, sex, chocolate Find a happy balance, do unto others as you would have done to you and flip the bird to those who need it.
And now I want a brownie, RAGE!!!!
hi friends,.
we have a drive at our new ajwrb.org site for donating blood for witnesses!
great publicity campaign, as people will finally realize that jehovah's witnesses do take blood transfusions!time to end the word-game charade.
I gave blood for the first time last month! O+, pretty common however it can be used for 85% of the population.
Paralipomenon went the week after me and he is O-, universal donor!
The clinic we went to set up with our next appointments at the same time and when I asked if our kids could come, they were really excited. It will be a good teaching opportunity for the clinic and will hopefully lead our kids to donate when they are old enough.
www.blood.ca for the Canadian Blood Services
my pain has been in remission.
i have a morphine pump.
pain broke through toward the end of the medication.
Thoughts and prayers coming your way :)