heh, I got talked to by the elders when I was about 12 for calling up those dirty 1-900 numbers while having a sleep-over at a friends house. We didn't get caught until the phone bill came.. whoops. lol
Posts by 1914!
how many times were you disciplined???
by mentalclearness inwell i grew up in the organization..and i had several committee meetings..i was privately reproved at 17 (for pot) at 22 i was publicly reproved (for sex) and privately reproved again at 31 for sex again.... .
so who holds the record for the most discipline while still in the organization????
i know many cases (mostly friends) who were df'ed came back and then df'ed again...i even know someone who was df'ed three times......
Jehovah's Witnesses and Showing Off
by Good Girl or Bad Girl? inso i guess it's convention time again back in wisconsin or illinois or wherever the hell they drive nowadays.
someone made me unfortunately have to remember this.
so i got to thinking about the conventions and the showing off that took place there:.
I thought it was the stupidest thing in the world to get dressed up in a suit and tie only to sit in the sweltering heat at the outdoor stadium district convention. If the 90 yr old geezer giving the talk didn't bore you to death, the afternoon sun threatening your then-morning shade would probably melt you before the day was up.
Beth Sarim Revisited 4 Newbies
by Farkel inat 4440 braeburn road, san diego, ca., in the rich and prestigious neighborhood of the kensington heights neighborhood sits one of the biggest embarrassments in the long and continuing list of embarrassments the watchtower society has created for itself.. most dubs know nothing about it, and if it wasnt for a few brief comments about it in the proclaimers book in 1993, even fewer dubs would know anything at all about it.. it is the home once known as beth-sarim (pronounced beth-sareeeem), the house of the princes.. it is a house with a history the society has shown by its historical lack of candor, hopes everyone would forget.
in fact, the society has done just about everything it could do to ensure that its history will be forgotten.
in the first book devoted to discussing the history of jehovahs witnesses, this house and its history is not even mentioned.
interesting read. Does anyone know if the bomb shelter is still intact to this day and/or what parcel it would be on?
Service is so easy now
by coaster ini just knew the gb would find a way to keep on going when the end never seems to come.
well, new light shining brightly we all recently learned that the 144k are still being selected.
no more need to "graft" new ones onto the broken branch.
oh, and how do they explain their teachings of 1914 and that generation if there are still new ones becoming anointed?
Service is so easy now
by coaster ini just knew the gb would find a way to keep on going when the end never seems to come.
well, new light shining brightly we all recently learned that the 144k are still being selected.
no more need to "graft" new ones onto the broken branch.
When was this change in doctrine announced?? This is very new to me!
Conversation with street witnessor (?) becomes elder infused
by AuldSoul inyesterday, thursday, july 26, 2007, a conversation with a street witnessor (isn't that what you would call someone involved in street witnessing?
) got joined by a walk-up elder turned into a great opportunity to witness to several bystanders (who even joined in the conversation).. i began by declining to accept the offer from the elderly woman who held up a "what does god require of us?
i said, "but, verne, you aren't going to the bible.
Bravo! What a great story!
doing "bad" things while inactive...results?
by DeusMauzzim inok here's the scenario:.
i'm baptised, not da'd or df'd but 1yr inactive because i'm pretty 200% sure dubdom isn't the truth(tm) - i basicly just left silently.
naturally i do not feel myself bound by their rules of living anymore.
thanks gopher for digging that up.
any idea why they wanted Franz out in the first place? Was he not enough of a tyrant?
How to Waste the Opportunity to Praise Jehovah
by WTWizard inmeetings, service, and a$$emblies are all too common, and once you have seen one, you seen 'em all.
there is nothing worth listening to the second time.
but, here are some suggestions of ways to pass the time.
hehe, thanks for taking the time to write this out. I enjoyed reading it.
What sends you over the edge?
by restrangled inthere was a recent thread on spelling, sentence structure, etc., that was legitimate, but probably made other's feel stupid.. my question is, what is your personal pet peeve?.
i've got a problem with poor construction inside my home...i hate the trim work, some cut too short so it looks like mouse holes over the floor.
i had my kitchen redone and the layout was so unusual that i can't open a fridge door unless i pull it forward or push it back to open a drawer.
people who, whereupon exiting thier automobile in a parking lot, feel the need to frantically kick their cars doors open right into yours, leaving nice little dents for you to fix. Drives me NUTS!!!
Redefinition of "Spiritual"
by proplog2 init's ok for modern thinkers to use archaic terms if we can show the term has use in our contemporary scientific world.. science tries to explain the behavior of "things" (including animals).
the latin word "anima" means spirit or breath.
ancient man was also scientific in orientation.
Doesn't the WTS provide "spiritual information" already? Or do they only ever call that "spiritual food"?