Dear Ella,
Welcome to the Board. I share your feelings about listening to the kids at the hall scream and cry when they were punished. It always brought tears to my eyes and made me shake, too.
this just makes me ill...beating a child becaase he didn't take bible study seriously.... .
district overbeer
Dear Ella,
Welcome to the Board. I share your feelings about listening to the kids at the hall scream and cry when they were punished. It always brought tears to my eyes and made me shake, too.
this just makes me ill...beating a child becaase he didn't take bible study seriously.... .
district overbeer
Absolutely disgusting. Those 2 men deserve the same punishment.
LyinEyes - What a horrible experience. My dad was fond of kicking me in the ass, too. Fortunately, he often wore bedroom slippers!
earlier today, i spoke on the telephone with a jw who will sometimes listen to "anti" info, but typically regurgitates the typical "party-line" responses.__________ .
however, today, the situation was reversed.
it seems that this jw was "slightly stumbled" at the da held in louisville, kentucky back in late june.________.
Don't forget to remind your friend of the witnesses in Malawi who were killed and tortured because their "conscience" wouldn't allow them to buy a lousy 25cent political card.
i've had this cowdog for nearly 11 years now.
today she went out in the sun and got heatstroke and just didn't recover.
i gave her cpr and brought her back twice but she was too far gone.
My sincere condolences on the loss of your friend, Blue. I do know how it feels.
part 2 .
so i was out of work again.
no insurance check this time.
You just gotta do what's right. Regardless of if your family is dubs that wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, they're still family and they're your family. We have the obligation regardless of how they feel. Think of the scriptures such as in the book of James about telling someone in need "go in peace, keep warm and well fed" or the one that says "if a man does not take care of those who are his own...". Jesus said "don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" meaning pretty much to do what you gotta do without anyone knowing or even acknowledging.
And at the end of the day, you're a better person for it.
(long boring story) .
it was 10 years ago in perry, ga that i went to my jc hearing.
the po pretty much had his decision made and pretty much told me so.
Oh, I forgot. Congratulations on your 10yr. anniversary.
(long boring story) .
it was 10 years ago in perry, ga that i went to my jc hearing.
the po pretty much had his decision made and pretty much told me so.
Not at all boring. I'll be looking for part II.
silentlambs: silent no more!!!.
published as a joint venture by houghten mifflin and del rey books, this moving narrative of the multi-national efforts of united group of jehovah's witnesses, non-jehovah's witnesses, and former jehovah's witnesses to change long-standing child abuse policy of the 120 year-old religious corporation, watchtower bible and tract society.
in the late 1800's a man named charles taze russell undertook to establish a printing company with volunteer workers.
For a moment I thought this was real!! Until I saw the list of actors. How about Mel Gibson for Bill's part?
the congregation i belong to is small and most of its territory is in the rurals.
there is one territory in particular that is some distance from the hall and so it does not get worked as often as the closer ones.
then he said: "i cant talk to you people, you dont believe in hell" .
That was a great story. It's all about respect, something most witnesses are in short supply of.
i love this forum.
at the moment, there are lots of people saying bad things about it.
i want to set the record straight.
This forum has been a godsend, (no offence to the nonbelievers.) Finding other people who thought as I did, felt the same guilt at never being good enough. Discovering that I wasn't the only one who dreaded door-to-door work and hated going to assemblies. Realizing that i wasn't the only person who kept asking myself "Why does everyone else in the congregation seem to be so involved, and I am just barely hanging on." Once i came here and learned about the UN issue, how we had been lied to, I was able to put things in perspective and move on.
Simon, thank you for being here.