I love this forum. At the moment, there are lots of people saying bad things about it. I want to set the record straight.
This discussion forum supports the thriving (and rapidly growing) EXJW community like no other forum on the internet.
It is also a place where active Jehovah's Witnesses can come and find out the reality of the religion they are in.
Even if you are not JW, and never have been, you can still find on this board some of the most interesting and thought-provoking threads on the internet. You can meet some of the greatest people on the internet, too. Important issues are directly addressed, and thrashed out until the end. If you look closely, you can really learn a lot here. Threads range from serious issues such as biblical doctrine and cult practices to really funny threads like the never-ending jokes threads or the boobies threads.
Yes, now and then people get upset and they start insulting other people. That happens in any community. I've found that there are cycles - everything is fine and then for a few days or a week, we have a lot of threads with arguments. This isn't a bad thing really. Personally I think that thrashing things out is healthy and productive sometimes. It leads us to a really tranquil time thereafter where we all really gain something from the forum again.
Anyway, try to appreciate this forum. How would it be if it didn't exist?
My favorite moments have been:
* when I was supported through my recent illness with cancer
* arguing with FunkyDerek about the existence of supernatural beings
* meeting up with exJW pagans like myself and also getting to know other exJWs (it makes you feel less alone)
* reading Farkel's tremendously funny and insightful posts
So what are your favorite moments?