You did such a great belongs on the web
PS I sent you a message
first of all, i want to thank everyone for all the words of encouragment and compliments i've received regarding the project i put together.
not only will it (hopefully) help some family members to see that something's not right regarding many of the wt's doctrines, but it was therapeutic for me to do as well.
like many other ex-witnesses, i was emotionally devastated and extremely angry when i discovered that this religion was not "the truth" as was drilled into our brains from day one.
You did such a great belongs on the web
PS I sent you a message
buddy miles, may he rest in peace.
i like the band of gypsys version, but i prefer the later version he did with the buddy miles express.
Welcome to the Jungle Guns and Roses
did a little time travel...i googled 'wt annual meeting' and this popped up from the freeminds site from 2001.... right after the 9/11 attacks the gb was probably salavating at all the scare tactics they could use for the big a!.
in 2001 i was a semi-enthusiastic ms, awaiting my impending eldership (now i am just a 'do as little as possible' ms waiting to step down.).
reading these notes now...i wonder what i would have thought of this back in 01 ??.
11. Apostates are rampant, (Matthew 24:24 )waiting for a time when they can
publicly denounce God's people. That doesn't mean they are not active now.
They are publishing materials and speaking loudly. But it will get worse.
And as Jesus and Paul pointed out, there will be traitors in the
congregation. Probably more than we have thought there would be. Because of
this we need to be cautious as serpents and gentle as doves. There will be
no need for some to know everything, especially the government.
Isn't this the exact same time that their association with the UN was made public.
One of my all time favorite shows--Too bad I'll have to sign up for Showtime again when the new season starts. Other favs are Rescue Me and The Shield
gin is best drunk with
1)ice only
2)tonic and lemon slice
Of course, understand that gin will kill you, especially if you are over 50. After 50, switch to vodka - it just kills you a little slower..........
Why does gin have such a bad reputation ? I've finally found a "grown-up" drug of choice, and it's gin and tonic. Please explain why it's worse than other forms of alcohol.
Waving to Joy and Barb!!!!
it seems like almost every hall i went to had a mold problem.
i couldn't even enter the last hall i attended without getting sick.
i had to listen.
You betcha!! The Brodheadsville hall in Pa. was torn down completely and a new one built in its place just this year. And my poor hubby busted his ass on the first one. But not this time.
i love goodfellas with robert deniro and joe pesci.
in the 80's i faithfully watched taxi with a great ensemble cast featuring marilu henner, judd hirsch and of course, reverend jim.
Free Fallin no more
i miss her.
if anyone is in contact her can you please send my thoughts and love to her
Me too, me too!!!!
religion today
monterey county herald, ca - 2 minutes ago .
new york - jehovah's witnesses are renowned for teaching that jesus is not god and that the world as we know it will soon end.
"Also, they have tails and stings like scorpions; and in their tails is their authority to hurt the men five months." (Rev. 9:10)
The modern day locusts had a job to do.........errors had to be exposed. Lost sheep had to be found." (Revelation book.)
The U.S. has been blanketed with the judgement of Jehovah's Organization. People now know more about Jehovah's witnesses than they did after 50 years of preaching.
how many have recieved calls by the elders that were under the guise of "shepherding", but somehow inappropriate, i.e, you were a woman alone with only one elder showing up, or you felt physically intimidated by both.
or say they show up at like, 10:30 at night for a shepherding call.
and you say "hey, i appreciate the visit but please call first!
So many of you have had such incredible and heartbreaking experiences--and the dubs wonder why we're so bitter!
My last shepherding call was March 2000. My mother and I were called on (I happened to be visiting) and we both had alot of questions about the new "blood cards." The elder said he wasn't really ready for those questions but made a SPECIFIC appointment for a visit the following week to discuss it. We all wrote this time down in our respective appointment books. Little did I know that the next week we had the CO visiting our cong. When the appointed time came, who was at the door but a man with the coldest eyes I've ever seen and a different elder from the one I expected. The CO took control and had brought Watchtowers for us, and we turned to an article about those who have forsaken the truth but that Jehovah wants back. He had me read the paragraphs and i had tears in my eyes by the time I was done. It all sounded so good on paper, but it never seems to play out that way in reality. Aside from feeling the intended quilt, I also felt that i had been ambushed.
Today, with all I know about Watchtowers lies, nothing they do would surprise me.