OTWO, You raise many good points and things to ponder. Just to add to the confusion, here are some blaring contradictions to the all tobacco is evil mindset.
Smokers have reduced risks of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
Smoking: Protection Against Neural Tube Defects
Urinary Cotinine Concentration Confirms the Reduced Risk of Preeclampsia with Tobacco Exposure
Severe Gum Recession, Less Of A Risk For Smokers –
Twin Study Supports Protective Effect of Smoking For Parkinson's Disease
And my all-time favorite:
Smoking lessens the likelihood of dying from diseases associated with old-age!
That said I would say to anyone thinking about smoking, don’t ever start. And if you already do smoke, quit. As for me, I was a 3 pack a day guy. I was hooked. Now I only smoke premium cigars because I enjoy them, not because I have to.