Hi Paul,
I was brought up in a Christian home. I learnt some bible stories and about Jesus. I made a promise to follow Him when I was young. To be honest, it there was no "Damascus road experience" and life continued. Come my teens, I was more into the "sex, drugs and rock and roll" than the church or faith. When I got to 16 my parents said "you are of age, do you want choose to come to church"? I said, "see you later".
I ran my life for 20 years. Did what I though was best and what would please me. Certainly made a lot of bad choices and did some bad things. Life wasn't all bad, there were some good things. However, easily overall my life was like the weather here in the UK, many grey days and gloomy weather. I felt much emptiness and a lack of purpose in life. The average person would say I was "depressed" but to me there was a spiritual pain and a deep emptiness.
God would call me. It is hard to describe the "pull" of the Holy Spirit. I remember actually telling God to leave me alone one day in my bathroom here!
Anyhow, that kind of thing happened quite a few times over the years. However, I would drown Him out and "get on with life".
September 11th 2001 was a big one. A friend told me to turn the TV on. I sat and watched all day. Come the evening I called my Dad and was crying. I thought it was judgement day! He told me to come and see him the next day. So I did. That was a huge step of faith for me.
We spoke about what was going on in the world and faith. I never entertained spiritual talk for 20 years but now the time had come. Deep down, I knew it always would. They asked me what I believed. I told them that was why I was there, I obviously had some faith. We talked some more, I remember we prayed and I went home.
Back at home I had an amazing experience. The best I can describe was it was like I was high on drugs. I felt like I was on cloud nine, like all the heavy things that were weighing me down had been lifted from me. I literally could not stop smiling all day long. That was not me! I had a few laughs in the 20 years but I was not a happy person, not all day long. Anyhow, it went on for days. My wife knew something was up. See could feel it and see it! The thing is, after that initial step of faith, I drifted back to "normal" and the awesome feeling I had ebbed away. Certainly after a couple of weeks, I was back to my sad life of sex, drug and rock and roll. It is no party at all.
About four years ago a long time friend said he had cancer. It looked bad and I didn't know if he would make it. However, he was a born again Christian. I have never told him about my upbringing but I did then. That was another step of faith for me. He was more at peace with his future than I was! From there on, I started to seek God. My friend gave me a copy of The Message bible. I found myself devouring it, reading loads. I started to pray.
It has been an awesome journey :) I still have problems but I give them to Jesus. I have no heavy burdens and a positive outlook on life. Many things have changed and for the better. Jesus brings life to the full. Not a life of prohibition but a life of freedom from addictions and sin. There is much more I could say but I hope that give you an idea.
I will leave you with this. It was a prophecy spoken after I left the church. My dad kept it, thinking it was for me and showed to to me that day in 2001, 14 years later. When I read it I said, "yes that is me". I wondered whether to post it here but have decided to go for it because it says so much about my journey and the God I now love with all my heart, soul and strength.
I tell you, says the Lord, that I will not depart from you; I will never forsake you. I will always walk with you and I will never turn my back on you; no matter what you do with me; no matter how you treat me. I will not change my mind about you, for I have chosen you. I have selected you to be mine and as a result of this, says the Lord, I will follow you wherever you go. I don’t care what you do; I have put my hand upon you and will never take it off you.
I am a God of an Everlasting Covenant. I do not break my Covenant, no matter what my people do, says God. Nor where my people go; no matter what my church may do, I will not forsake it. I will not turn back; I will not change my mind, for I have sworn, says the Lord, that I will save my people. I have pledged my word and I will say it to you, says God, I will pursue you. I will pursue you no matter what you do and I will plague you with My Spirit, not in order to discomfort but to bring you back to myself.
For I have a heart for you, says God, an immense heart of love beyond your understanding, but it is not without the bounds of appreciation and understanding on your part that I will work out a work in your life that will amaze you. I will make your ears tingle, says God, for I will do things in your life that you never thought I would do. I will change you as you never thought you would be changed, for I have intended it says God, that you should have a good inheritance; that you should rejoice before Me; that you should enjoy me for ever, not in discomfort; not in amazement and distress but that you should enjoy Me with an understanding heart; an understanding mind and a welcoming spirit. For I desire you, says God, to enjoy me; to rejoice in Me; to be mine, just as I am yours.
Dr Maurice Robinson, Elder
Bracknell Baptist Church
All the best,