I am 28 and from the UK. I was baptised as a JW (big mistake) in 1996. I married a 'sister' in 2004 and had a child with her in May 2006.
youre a clone of me! except for the child. i was smart enough to avoid this. still married of course.
i shall give you a little of information about myself.. i am 28 and from the uk.
i was baptised as a jw (big mistake) in 1996. i married a 'sister' in 2004 and had a child with her in may 2006.. however, things have turned really sour.. last year, my now ex-wife walked out of our home with support from the police, social workers and domestic violence workers.
by chance i returned from work one day to discover her family (her grandmother in particular) perched outside the local police station.
I am 28 and from the UK. I was baptised as a JW (big mistake) in 1996. I married a 'sister' in 2004 and had a child with her in May 2006.
youre a clone of me! except for the child. i was smart enough to avoid this. still married of course.
i had just became a witness and a guy i worked with, who was also a jw, told me a story that actually made me laugh and i think it upset him a bit.
the storys were almost always in the third person.
it went as follows.. this brothers wife and him were sitting at the kingdom hall on the end seats of the row next to the back of the room.
ive heard so many demon stories in my jw life. its enough for two lifes.
im from europe and the smurf stories were not as big as in america here. a lot of jw parents wont allow their kids to watch the smurfs though. i was one of the lucky kids who were allowed to watch the smurfs! i also had some smurftoys :-) since we didnt know that smurfs are demonic possessed entities we never saw anything supernatural, let alone a smurf getting alive.
i remember my mum telling me with big eyes the story of a sister in a neighbour congregation who has some demon possessed stuff which resulted in *all* doors being open (cupboard doors as well as room doors) in her flat whenever everyone left. even when the elders visited her. as soon she trew away the possessed stuff (i dont remember what it was, a book or something) it all ceased to happen.
one sister had serious doubts that satan exists and prayed to god that he may help her to believe. as soon as the prayer ended the door rang, she opened the door and satan himself stood in front of it. the story missed the detail how she knew it was satan and what happened next (whether he talked or just disappeared).
an jw friend of mine knew another jw friend who was working in a madhouse (in exchange for not going to the army). one day a patient walked next to him while he was cleaning the floor and told him: "youre one of gods true servants!"
i feared demons a lot. threw away expensive video games and music. someday i stopped being superstitious and i never had any demon encounter.
i often believed demons wouldnt show to me because it would strengthen my faith.
during my ten year sojourn through the watchtower, i was always amazed at the witnesses fear and fascination with demons.
occasionally at gatherings, they would exchange "demon" stories, which were just a jw way of telling ghost stories, and you would usually hear a few "uhhs" and "oh my's" as the story was told.
although i had heard folks of other denominations mention demons, it was never with the "shock and awe" the witnesses put into it.
Sheesh! Everyone knows you can't just toss demonized stuff out, it will just come back in. You have to burn it.
but it wont burn then! paranoiaaaaa!
i walked away from the jw religion nearly 9 years ago after "waking up" to the lies & mind games.
since then i've learned the full extent of the manipulation (thanks to websites such as this & the coc book)and have successfully overcome the emotional & spiritual crisis that i experienced the first few years after my departure.
i can say that i am at a place in my life now where i am happy, spiritually fulfilled and religion-free!
i say dont do it.
it wont do anything about the lies about you. maybe it would just get worse when you pure more oil into the fire with your letter. any reason why someone left the organisation is automatically categorized by jws in these categories:
a) didnt study enough which made him/her spiritually weak and removed the ability to see the truth with the help of the holy ghost
b) was deluded by satan on the internet (lies and false information)
c) is just stupid
so most jws would just think "oh wow, how weired she got over the last years since she went away from jehovah" and "how desperate is she that she has to write this 'hate letter' after so many years". (yes every letter which is critical to the gb or doctrine is a "hate letter" to many). to most jws such a letter would be useless. they wouldnt get the essence of it.
i think its useless to write such a letter.
i go back and forth everyday.
one day i'm like, "suppress your gay feelings and what you think is wrong about this organization and keep going forward because you want eternal life and all of your friends are here and it's as close to the truth as it can possibly get so just deal with it.
" others i'm like, "live your life.
THANKS! if it was with more bibletexts it would be even more great. nice summary! ill add my bible texts to it and even add the watchtowers excuses whereever possible. the excuses are always very constructed in these cases. and i enjoy using the argument of jws when it comes to the blood issue: "why dont you just believe whats plainly written and dont try to work around it?" ("abstain from blood" new testament). so when you just need to believe whats clearly written, so why do you make a difference when jesus says "no one can see the Kingdom unless he is born again"? why is correct to argue about it here but not in the blood issue, when its so clear that this verse about blood was in a context that gives him another meaning instead of dieing for refuting a blood transfusion?Here are some additional ways a person can know absolutely that the WT Society is not God's organization:
- Did Jesus ever teach that we must belong to an organization or did he say we must walk according to his commandments?
- Did Jesus say the WT Society is the way, the truth and the life, or did he point to himself instead?
- Does the Bible ever say a governing body is the head of Christ's church, or does it identify Christ himself as the Head of the church and of each Christian?
- Where is the hint in the Bible that the "faithful and discreet slave" is a class of Christians instead of each and every Christian who has the responsibility to remain obedient and alert as Christ's follower?
- How could Christ have appointed JWs in 1919 as his slave class when the organization was teaching so many things then that have since been repudiated and abandoned by the Society? Russell and Rutherford would be disfellowshiped today if they were still alive and believed many of the things they taught as leaders of the Society.
- If JWs are teaching the truth about Christ's return, why do they say he returned invisibly whereas the Bible says every eye will see him ?
- Why does the Society teach that "food in due season" is provided by "the anointed remnant" when most of the Society's writers are of "the other sheep class"? Instead of consulting "anointed ones" around the earth, the Society leans heavily upon the views of those men at headquarters in the Writing and Service Departments, both of which are manned mainly by " non-anointed " JWs.
- Why does the Society teach that only certain Christians must be "born again" whereas the Bible says no one can see the Kingdom unless he is born again ?
- How can the Society teach that Jesus is the Mediator only for the 144,000 "anointed ones" when the Bible says he is " the " Mediator between God and all men?
- Why does the Society tell the "other sheep" not to partake of the Memorial emblems when Jesus made no such distinction? Very different from the Society, Jesus said, "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves. He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I shall resurrect him at the last day; for my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and I in union with him." (John 6:53-56)
my husband and i left the org about 6 months ago and in voicing our views we were shunned.
the elders who were 'friends' treated us with cold efficiency to the letter of their law.
one older elder played 'good cop' and invited us over for a heart-to-heart.
strawberry cake, i want you to know how fortune you are that you have your spouse with you. my wife probably will never leave the org and that basically means ill die childless, because i wont leave her but cant have kids with her when this horrible religion is between us. i go crazy imagining elders giving her advice to stay strong even though shes unfortunately with me. or elders who try to lure my kids in this cult.
i have a feeling that the elders in our area are overwhelmed with responsibilities.
my father in law some may recall is quite ill and has an abusive wife who is a regular pioneer.
he has repeatedly asked for visits, shepherding calls and help from the elders to get his wife in line and tell her she needs to help him instead of everyone else.
almost everyone is a victim in the org. its sad. i wish everyone in to have the courage for truth.
i have heard from my father (who is an elder about 50 years old) that there is a great seperating work going on within the org.
he said that almost all of the people my age 25 to 35 have quit going to our hall (about 20 people).
i have not been to a meeting in about 1 year.
yes its getting smaller in europe too.
the only places where it grows are those where its all new.
i guess thats why the jw god waits... more ppl can leave the org and die at armageddon and even more are born.
with every day the bird food pile gets bigger and bigger.
when you were still in the org, did you ever wonder what the apostates were saying?
the society would just say lies and half truths.i always assumed it was about the trinity, and other religious stuff.
i thought they were exjws who had become born agains !.
i thought they are either sad, hopeless and struggling sinners OR hateful, evil, envy and destructive liars. in both cases they were this way, because they know we've the truth and thats why they behave this way. and of course satans influences. i wouldve never imagined that many of them leave the organization not to sin, but to have a good conscience, because of the sins of the organization. others leave the org because they sin, yes, but those are far from apostate. they believe in it and many of them try to come back some time. whats true is that both groups are at least at one time sad, because everyone he/she loved suddenly turn their back on them when they need it at most. it isnt simple to realize the religion you're following was wrong or to think you get killed in armageddon without a single person who is willing to help for real.
remember the publications we've seen or seen scans of it, where the wts argues against organ transplants, because when you receive a organ from a sinner you receive also parts of his personality?.
check this out:.
Remember the publications we've seen or seen scans of it, where the WTS argues against organ transplants, because when you receive a organ from a sinner you receive also parts of his personality?
Check this out:
lol! watcha think?