JoinedTopics Started by freeme
The WTS was right!
by freeme inremember the publications we've seen or seen scans of it, where the wts argues against organ transplants, because when you receive a organ from a sinner you receive also parts of his personality?.
check this out:.
Pounding through my head
by freeme inhi friends!.
mentally im out of the org, but stay in it because of family, friends and wife.
most of the time im pretty happy, until i remember that this wont last forever.
Firefox and Full Featured JWD
by freeme inhi folks!.
when you're using firefox you probably know the problem that posting here with firefox is very featureless.
but switching to ie for jwd?
Is it possible to have an unbiased opinion on this Question:
by freeme inthe immorailty.... what is more likely:.
a) the immorality of the world is the result of evolution, since individuals with an high sex drive will have more offspring.... or.
b) the immorality of the world was introduced because adam&eve ate a forbidden fruit and obeyed an evil angel?.
Im down again
by freeme inhello people!
i just have to share this to relax myself a little bit.
it was very hard yesterday... like not having the strength to go any further.
Oscar Wilde Quote
by freeme inmost people are other people.
their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.. oscar wilde.
as i read this i felt like this is a perfect description not only of "most people" but jw's in special:.
"Reform Movement" Disproves Core Doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses
by freeme injust found it in the news and wanna know watcha think about it.
its about the 1914 doctrine and why it is false using the bible alone.. 607 bce vs. jeremiah the prophet .
according to jeremiah 52:12-13, the babylonian king nebuchadnezzar destroyed jerusalem and the first temple in the nineteenth year of his reign.
Finding a Therapist
by freeme inim thinking often about finding a therapist to talk my burden off my shoulders.
since many years i have noone to talk to.
im lonely while having plenty of friends.
God Is Love
by freeme injws are told that jehovah is love and that his love his higher than any other love.
it is actually more intense that the love of parents to their child.. so the question is:.
what type of parents would actually murder their son if he were gay and kill their daughter if she smokes?.