i wasnt able to do it when i was a full dub. but i was when i waked up. before i woke up it was truth. so i didnt need to reexamine it.
but i think there are two parts of explaining 1914:
First: Daniel 4:10-16: seven times / Revelation 12:6, 14: 3 1/2 times = 1260 Days => 7 times equals 2520 Days / Hesekiel 4:6: a day for a year = 2520 years / 607 b.c. Jerusalem destroyed / no zero year / 607 b.c + 2520 years = 1914 BING, BING, BING, BING!
Most ppl would be happy with this explanation. Some are not, because there is no evidence that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 b.c.
This construct to "prove" all other bible scholars and even history wrong is a bit more crazy and i dont know from my head how this works...
Its basically taking a date from worldly historicians, applying an unsharp bible verse (or two) to it and come up with 607 b.c. even though the same historicians say else. of course the first date could be false too. and of course the bible verse could be meant otherwise too.
when reexamined this doctrine the first time without wt blinders (aka "the slave is guided by the holy ghost and cant be wrong on this important topic") the more i read about it the odds that this is correct became like gambling in lottery and win the jackpot on first try... but... with the money cashed out invisibly and unprovable...
every single variable in this doctrine is guessed all around the bible and most of them are very unlikely. and only one guess needs to be false to make everything false - indeed the whole religion, especially jesus approval of the religion and the remnant. everything seems to be build up on this premise.
when i finished examining it it was the first time for me to think loudly in my head "and what if... if... its really wrong and all i thought is truth is... a lie?!!!". it scared me a lot.