That's so awesome!! Congrats to the whole family!
her name is jada marie.
she was born on 1/23/08.
she weighed 8lbs.
That's so awesome!! Congrats to the whole family!
i was eating lunch with 3/4 of my active jw family earlier today and they were bemoaning the idea that they were going to have to leave the central oklahoma area very early tomorrow morning to find a room so they could attend an assembly on the otherside of the state.
they had tried calling the 'approved' hotels and motels in the town where the assembly is being held and they were all booked.
so that left them looking at the rest of the approved list and having to travel as much as 50 miles away to get a room.
were is the Assembly anyway? I want to make sure I avoid it.
Hillbilly, fill in the blanks from the old song and you have the location:
"We don't smoke marijuana in _____________" and "I'm just an Okie from ____________"
i was eating lunch with 3/4 of my active jw family earlier today and they were bemoaning the idea that they were going to have to leave the central oklahoma area very early tomorrow morning to find a room so they could attend an assembly on the otherside of the state.
they had tried calling the 'approved' hotels and motels in the town where the assembly is being held and they were all booked.
so that left them looking at the rest of the approved list and having to travel as much as 50 miles away to get a room.
I was eating lunch with 3/4 of my active JW family earlier today and they were bemoaning the idea that they were going to have to leave the central Oklahoma area very early tomorrow morning to find a room so they could attend an assembly on the otherside of the state. They had tried calling the 'approved' hotels and motels in the town where the assembly is being held and they were all booked. So that left them looking at the rest of the approved list and having to travel as much as 50 miles away to get a room.
I whipped out my new cell phone, put the town where the assembly is being held into the map function and punched the button for 'hotels and motels'. Within 45 seconds I had two different motels on the towns main strip very near the assembly hall with rooms available. When I asked the relatives if they wanted me to book them the rooms, they got into a heated debate over if it was right and proper to bypass the 'socities direction' to book rooms off the approved list or drive as much as 50 miles back and forth to keep the book publishing company happy.
The hardcore jw matriarch of the family told me to book the rooms, but as we were walking out of the restaurant suddenly started feeling very guilty for her 'sin'. Her excuse for declining the reservation?
"The society sends out people to check over the rooms before they put them on the list. The motels you found are probably fleabag rooms that were not approved because they weren't up to the standards and I don't mind driving that far to stay in a clean room."
Yeah. BTW, the rooms I found were part of two nationwide chains and have listings on and Frommer's guide, so they must be real sh**holes.
ever want to speak to them , i was only a study but i thought it very odd and judgemental to not even look at them and i used to think what are they so scared of if they have the truth , i did not buy the satan stuff about them at all , cult , was what sprung to mind and started my doubts
When I was active we had a guy that used to dress up as Jesus with a full crown of thorns (I think the thorns were broken off the part that touched his head) and drag around a full-sized wooden cross. The one assembly they used me as an attendant I took a good look at the guy - the heavy wooden cross had wheels on the bottom. "Hey! That's cheating!"
we just found one of these.
it had a wooden bunny, a notebook, a rubber pigs nose, a toy car and a bobblehead.
along with a little note explaining to go to the site.
I really enjoyed Geocaching back when we lived in Colorado. We saw some pretty awesome sights and got a little bit of exercise at the same time. We didn't always find the cache, but it was never about the prize for us, although I did get a pretty cool golf divot tool one time.
i thought it would be interesting to see just how many people have climbed aboard jwd within the last 6 months.
it will give us an indication on how many people are actually coming away from the borg.. i may not be replying all the time but will pop in every day of so.. lets keep this thread going and use it to welcome new ones.
may i be the first to say welcome.
I joined August 4, 2007 which means I just missed the 6 month mark and I don't have to post on this thread.
**Wait, what?**
the wall street journal did an article yesterday about a pastor at a baptist church having a woman arrested for trespassing after she had been 'shunned' for spreading 'poison' within the church.
thanks wsj for giving the gb new ideas:.
Bigmouth and Gopher: You both make excellent points, thanks for pointing those out.
the wall street journal did an article yesterday about a pastor at a baptist church having a woman arrested for trespassing after she had been 'shunned' for spreading 'poison' within the church.
thanks wsj for giving the gb new ideas:.
Great. The Wall Street Journal did an article yesterday about a pastor at a baptist church having a woman arrested for trespassing after she had been 'shunned' for spreading 'poison' within the church. Thanks WSJ for giving the gb new ideas:
so, at the end of a hard work week , i find it nice to have a cocktail, relax, and watch a comedy or tell funny stories !
so i welcome you to share anything funny in your life that has happened !
or someone else's life too !
If you don't have sound, don't click, as it won't make any sense.
so, at the end of a hard work week , i find it nice to have a cocktail, relax, and watch a comedy or tell funny stories !
so i welcome you to share anything funny in your life that has happened !
or someone else's life too !
And you thought you had a bad week?
There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. He stays like that for the better part of an hour.
Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down. The poor man starts crying. The truck driver says, "Come on man, I was just joking. Here, I'll buy you another drink. I just can't stand to see a man cry."
"No, it's not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, I overslept, and I go late to my office. My boss, outraged, fires me. When I leave the building, to go to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police said that they can do nothing. I grab a cab to return home, and when I leave it, I remember I left my wallet and credit cards there. The cab driver just drives away."
"I go home, and when I get there, I find my wife in bed with the gardener. I leave home, and come to this bar. And just when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison."