Hey, good luck and best wishes on the new endeavor! Try not to use this phrase to often, it makes me leave a car lot immediately:
"What is it going to take to get you to buy this car today?"
Dunno why, it just bugs me.
well, as some of you know, i've hung up my tools and am leaving the mechanic world.
i start my new career tomorrow.
i am going into new car sales.
Hey, good luck and best wishes on the new endeavor! Try not to use this phrase to often, it makes me leave a car lot immediately:
"What is it going to take to get you to buy this car today?"
Dunno why, it just bugs me.
just letting all you fine folks on jwd that i will be going offline for a while.
not for personal reasons, just technical issues.
i will be completely offline and unable to access the net.. so i will not be able to contact anyone via email either.. i dont know when i will be back.
Ya'll hurry back now, ya hear?
reason, regard, reckon
The last one is a stretch. We use it often in Oklahoma. "I reckon I can fix your engine, but its gonna cost ya."
meditate, muse, mull
decrease, detract, divide
I took liberties with my last response.
How about repine, reflect, ruminate instead?
sleep, slumber, snooze
red, roseate, ruddy?
Just thought I'd throw in my zero cents.
Nevermind, I got nothin'.
those born 1930-1979. .
to all the kids who survived the 1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's!!.
first, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and or drank while they were pregnant.
So, you jump into a thread about things people experienced as kids by dredging up history that should have been handled better by adults? Nicely played.
You're a troll. Go hang out on an OBVES thread.