Thanks Still in
JoinedPosts by ex-icoc
time=360 days 7-times=2520 days 2520 days=2520(365 day per year)years?
by still_in74 ini have to give credit to sleepy for alerting me to this little discrepancy.
i cant believe i have never clued into the duality of freddies logic.
nevermind the jumping all over the bible between ot & nt to get his math together..... *** pe chap.
Jesus Is Jehovah/Jehovah Is Jesus
by snowbird in
i fought against this with all my wts-trained power, but truth prevailed.. any way you cut it, it comes out the same.. peace and strength in your search.. sylvia.
Thanks for all the good research that is put into your posts.
Ok, lets set the record straight was it a CROSS or a STAKE
by Witchs Son inand what would you say about the book often referenced by the society as a backing for the stake theory, the non-christian cross by j. d. parsons ?.
you can also download it here if you prefer.
i know that book was written in 19th century so i hope that won't be used as an argument against it after all sir isaac newton's principia was written in 1687 and we aren't holding that against it either.
The book of Matthew, what is the importnce of it?
by bite me inhi, just lil ole me with one question.
what is the importance of the book of matthew?
if this has already been discussed, please lead me to the thread so i can locate it.
thanks for the great discussion.
Dead Sea Scrolls, Apocrypha, Nag Hammadi, Deciding on the Bible Canon
by OnTheWayOut ini am learning so much about this great collection of ancient "literature.".
the book of job was a poem.
i already knew from jw's that it's authorship and.
by Vinny instill not sure the jw's are wrong on blood?.
still not sure the jw's are wrong on blood?
still not sure the jw's are wrong on blood?
I wanted to bookmark your research
Romans 8
by confused and lost ini have just finished reading the book of romans and i have a question ?
a person cannot please god unless he is controlled by the spirit.
(rom 8:8,9) nor can he put to death the misdeeds of the body except by the spirit (rom 8:13) the next verse (v14) then tells us that all who are led by gods spirit are gods fact they are adopted as his children.however,according to the wts , these verses only apply to the,my question is this.if only the annointed are led by gods spirit,whose spirit leads the "other sheep" ?
Joseph wrote : All we have to do is to carefully follow the story.
Wow that does make sence. I do however have a few other questions. You said that the book of James (or as I am understanding you) is a reversal by James. Where do you get that impression from James? I could most definatly see the book of Hebrews, but James?
I thought that James was said died to have died faithfull to the law. Do you know that reference? I am talking about early Christian works. All I could find was Josephus which would help prove your line of thinking:
so he assembled the Sanhedrin of judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some others, [or, some of his companions]; and when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned
Romans 8
by confused and lost ini have just finished reading the book of romans and i have a question ?
a person cannot please god unless he is controlled by the spirit.
(rom 8:8,9) nor can he put to death the misdeeds of the body except by the spirit (rom 8:13) the next verse (v14) then tells us that all who are led by gods spirit are gods fact they are adopted as his children.however,according to the wts , these verses only apply to the,my question is this.if only the annointed are led by gods spirit,whose spirit leads the "other sheep" ?
Doug Mason wrote:
This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all … are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. … A man is justified by faith apart from observing the law. (Romans 3:22-25, 28)
If I may suggest to read Romans 3:28 in the NASB. To me it makes a clearer distinction between the law and works being talked about.
The NIV translates it "observing the law" instead of "works of the Law". Its the same greek work in Rom 3:28 and Rom 4:2. Stongs G2040.
Rom 3:28 - "For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law." NASB In context the Mosiac Law. So as one proceeds into Romans 4:2, "For if Abraham was justified by works" I would say that he is not talking about works of Obedience as in following Jesus John 15:10 (where we are clearly supposed to obey or we will be cut off from the vine) but works of the Law as in Rom 3:28 ie.. circumcision or the Mosaic Law in general.
This way we can hold Law (Mosaic) and works (Works of the law) consistent throughtout Romans and that way we can take James 2 "works" literally and without contradiction as meaning works of obedience to Jesus commands as in John 14 and 15.
Hopefully I have not misread your statements.
Romans 8
by confused and lost ini have just finished reading the book of romans and i have a question ?
a person cannot please god unless he is controlled by the spirit.
(rom 8:8,9) nor can he put to death the misdeeds of the body except by the spirit (rom 8:13) the next verse (v14) then tells us that all who are led by gods spirit are gods fact they are adopted as his children.however,according to the wts , these verses only apply to the,my question is this.if only the annointed are led by gods spirit,whose spirit leads the "other sheep" ?
Joseph wrote,
Like the trip to Jerusalem which failed to correct this and many other attempts like this in other letters, it would finally take something as powerful as Hebrews and the conversion of James to finally settle the matter as he steadfastly kept this law in force not only for such Jews but for some of the apostles like Peter and John as well.
I am more and more agreeing with your perspective but at times its hard to see since I have been so indoctrinated by Martin Luther and his theology. But I like what you said and I will try to read Romans again by keeping the perspective that he is dealing with a major issue in the church, not some general teaching on salvation. I do however have some questions on your above statements.
The trip you mentioned to "Jerusalem that failed" is that refering to the Acts 15? What do you mean w/ the conversion of James? Is that not Acts 15 as well, so as I read it you are contradicting yourself, since you say that "it finally settled the matter" or do you mean Acts 21?.
And I really dont quite get your point with James Peter and John keeping the law. Does not Gal 2:14 talk about Peter not keeping the Law.
I guess what I am saying is give me some references for the above statements.
Where's the Great Crowd?
by Mrs. Witness insorry if this has been discussed ad nauseum, but i'm at work and don't have time to search...i'm having a discussion (argument) with my jw hubby about the location of the great crowd.
we've looked at rev.
4 through 7 and he agrees with me that everything is in heaven "before the throne" until we get to the great crowd... does anyone have any easy-to-understand comments on this subject?
i am dealilng with a JW in this particular issue. Just wanted to bookmark this thread.