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Posts by tula
Is Satan REALLY all that BAD????
by oompa indemons and satan may not really be that bad after all.
the bible does not really say all that much about him, but we do know god does not put up with much $hit.
so lets see,satan calls god a liar, and gets man to sin, and what happens to him?
My unanswered questions as an active jdub
by Serg inhere are a couple of questions i used to ask myself while still active in the borg which never really got answered.. where the angels (demons) that came here to have sex with the beautiful women before the deluge the only ones that rebeled or were there more angels that rebelled there after?.
what purpose would the 144k serve have after the millinial reign?
would they be sold back to earth or just stay up there?
Where the angels (demons) that came here to have sex with the beautiful women before the deluge the only ones that rebeled or were there more angels that rebelled there after?
It is an old Irish legend, that when those angels fell from grace, some fell into the sea and became mermaids, some fell on dry land and became fairies. The really really bad ones became Trolls.
by Serg ini was just going over this one from back in '01.
its a good one, especially for us newbies that haven't been on jwd all that long.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=7414&site=3#87017.
i found this post particularly interesting!
so are elders still considered "untouchables" today?
In Memory of Clarice. Musings from the Hills.
by Open mind inthis weekend i went for a spectacular, solo, saunter in the hills and woods where i live.
if you keep reading, you'll be heading down the rabbit hole of where my mind went.
you've been warned!
beautifully written and touching. Thank you for posting.
by snowbird ini'm off work today with a late summer cold.
i hurt all over in places i never knew existed.
i'm looking across the fields at trees that are just beginning to turn color, but my soul finds no delight in the view.. ah...but tomorrow comes.
I last took Nyquil 30 years ago. I hallucinated like it was no tomorrow; I saw fluorescent butterflies all over my bedroom walls.
How much do you have to take to get that effect?
I said "no" to drugs...because I decided to save it for my old age.
Dad asks me if I have hindered the HS by heavy drinking. I had to.
by oompa inyes he is an elder.
i said "absolutely" and there was silence.
i don't drink anymore (3 months).
since God's name is so important...and his son's name is important....why doesn't the HG have a name, too?
The Power of Fear
by candidlynuts inalthough the watchtower doesn't teach hellfire, the fear tactics are similar to fire and brimstone preachers.. repenting and accepting christ is not enough.
if you do not do the things the watchtower says you must, then god will destroy you eternally.
so, i googled fire and brimstone preachers to see if there were more similarties between the two than just my passing thought.. the fear preachers inspire is very powerful, but to put their fear in perspective, the sermon below was given in the early 1700s, all those people have been dead over 200 years.
Thanks for posting that.
Look up.
by Paralipomenon inyup, that's right, up.
there's no hidden meaning or agenda to this post.
up is a direction that we rarely pay much attention to.
my salvation drawing near?
Those of you who remained religious after leaving JWs:
by Awakened07 ini was just curious how that transition was?
did you simply start attending some other church right away?
if so, how did you choose which church to attend?
If Mystery Babylon IS indeed the empire of false religion....and the scriptures say "get out of her, oh my people, if you do not want to share in her plagues....I would take that to mean GET OUT of ALL those "religions". I guess that means we are just to have our own personal philosophies, our own personal spirituality, our own "communication" with a creator....who knows. But I would heed the warning not to be involved with any of it. Christendom is not much better than WBTS. They are all being told that they will sprout wings and fly outta here when things start getting rough. It is all escapist. It is all centered around arrogance.
Do You Still Want To Know The Truth
by The-Borg insomething is very very wrong with our world.
or am i imagining it and things really aren't that bad?.
personally i think there are issues being played out about which we know nothing, we can only guess at ( i don't think it's the issue of universal sovereignty).
one hand washes the other.
yes, they are intertwined.
religion gives us the rules of morality.
government makes the laws to enforce them.